
4 Reviews
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I would rather be eaten by a ghoul then re watch this.
4 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Season 3

This review is only based on the anime of season 3. The plot of this anime is good but the execution of the plot is terrible and very confusing, the characters were very boring and generic and didn't have any character depth, the animation was bad at most it would be considered okay at some points it was very sloppy but it just wasn't appealing to watch. The music was whatever I really enjoyed the opening song but other than that it was very forgettable.

Story - 3/10 When watching the first episodes of season 3 of Tokyo Ghoul I was intrigued and wanted to know how the rest of the show was going to play out, sadly I was very disappointed and was left confused. The season literally has no plot line at all, it's just a lot of the Quinx group fighting ghouls and a lot of meaningless characters. Even after I finished the season I still don't know what I watched. Apparently the story line is supposed to be that Ken Kaneki is now Haise Sasaki who is a quinx (a group of one eyed ghouls fighting ghouls) and can't remember his past life but even when the season ends, he never gets his memories back or does he???? Near the end of the season when fighting his hair turns black and he is supposedly his past self again, meaning he got his memories. I just wished that he got his memories back in a better way instead of just randomly turning into his past self and staying his past self. I have no idea what this season was about and ended up being so confused about everything.

Characters - 2/10

Wayyyyyy too many characters are in this season and most of them just end up getting introduced and then dying without any character depth. The show even tries for some of the villains to have some character depth but it just seems so boring and useless. Most of the characters in the show are very plain and boring, such as anyone from the Quinx. The personalities and objectives of these characters are also so dumb except for the guy who ends up passing away. There's the girl who only plays games, there's the edgy guy who just wants credit, there's that one guy who looks like a girl. But even most of the villains are just so stupid, we have the nutcracker who they try to make her have some character depth, but literally all she wants is to be pretty? No, seriously that's her character depth. Even when it came to characters from the past season they just CHANGED, Touka Kirishima literally has no personality what so ever anymore, her brother just isn't the same at all. For a show that is basically revolved around the characters, you would think that they would have good characters and some depth but nope, you are just left feeling confused, annoyed and bored.

Animation and Fighting - 3/10 Let's start with talking about the animation, so overall the animation was whatever nothing amazing nothing terrible just very bland, basic and sloppy at times. When it comes down to the fighting it's also just bland but its very boring like VERY boring. Not once did I get hyped up for a fight scene I just sat there looking at the screen waiting for something to happen. What I also realized when watching the fighting scenes was that literally every time Haise Sasaki was fighting he would have to change into Kanekae to become stronger, it would have been fine if they did this once or twice but THEY DO THIS EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Music - 4/10 The music was decent, I loved the opening song but other than that most of the other songs in the season are easy to forget.

Overall, watching this season was a waste of time. When I finished watching the season I felt so drained, I literally feel like I lost energy by watching this season. Just don't watch it, just don't.
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Sword Art Online (2012– )
Don't watch it.
28 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This anime was a waste of time, the whole plot is about people being stuck in a game which is such a creative concept. The anime destroys this creative plot with bad fighting scenes, A LOT of romance, terrible characters and not realistic enough.

The romance: The MC falls in love with a girl they later basically adopt a child, the love interest is a strong independent woman but later they ruin her character and make her weak. For some reason, all the girls in this show are into the MC even though he is very selfish and such a boring character to watch. The MC has a girlfriend and a child yet continues to flirt with other girls?

No motive in why the game creator trapped people in the game: This I found so stupid as to why the anime never had real reasoning for the game creator to trap and kill others in a game. Not only that but at the end of season 1, the game creator is now a good guy? He killed about 4k people but whatever cause he game the MC his own game.

The logic: So you're telling me that after 4k people died in a virtual game, after a few months the government thought let's just open more VR games. The MC didn't even seem broken or messed up after he was trapped IN A GAME. This didn't bother me too much since it's an anime and most animes aren't made for them to be realistic.

Season 2 - what a joke: I'm sorry wth even is season 2? The whole concept of the anime is people stuck in a game but then they escape at the end of season 1 so why is there a season 2? When I was watching season 2 I felt like I wasn't even watching the same anime anymore, the concept of season 2 is so dumb and takes away the creative plot of season 1.

This anime is so overrated and I honestly don't understand why people like this anime so much other than the first 3 episodes. Also sorry this review was so vague I was way to bored to write a proper review
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Clannad (2007–2009)
I don't get it
26 July 2020
I honestly don't understand this anime. The anime wasn't bad, there was a lot of great characters and the comedy was great but I just don't get the hype.

The first episodes of this anime were very boring and the whole time all I cared about was the Fuko girl and the robot thingy. I had so many questions unanswered about them and when I finished Clannad I thought I would get an answer but I just didn't. Is Fuko a ghost? Is Fuko Alive? Was Fuko going through the different worlds? Did Fuko get out of her coma? Who is the robot? Who is the girl with the robot? Why are they in the show?

I DONT GET IT!! The whole show is just about romance and comedy so why did the writers try to add this other world when they never explained anything??? Did I miss an episode? Do they explain it in Clannad After story? I'm so confused. I literally only watched the show for the other world plot story and I still don't understand the other world thing.
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Dr. Stone (2019– )
This Show has a lot of Explaining to do.
16 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the show I gave it an eight however after a while of thinking about the display I realized how difficult and how it made no sense what so ever.

My main issues with the anime were how during season 1 they by no means explained or determined out why "all" humanity turned into made into stone or how they even survived inside the stone. If their brains have been functioning for 300,000 years, wouldn't their bodies still function as well and wouldn't they die of starvation or of dehydration? None of this was explained and it genuinely made me so confused. Within the beginning of the series, all they do is the question of how they become into stone, however after watching all of season 1, there are so many questions left unanswered.

Another issue I had was how the audience and viewers barely saw the villain and the side characters from the starting in season 1. We started out with these characters but later on, they are forgotten until they are re-seen at the end of the anime.

I also found the villains motive extremely dumb, the guy wants the old/powerful to die but throughout the show we just see him become powerful and he attempts to make everyone else weak. I failed to apprehend why the show's writers and director choose the villain to be like this.

in the end, one of the biggest issues within the anime was how if the astronauts came to earth and later had children. Wouldn't all of the assets and technology still be there? Couldn't these children use technology and resources to their advantage, so THEY could possibly fix humanity instead of Senkuu? If the children have been there and had given birth to more young generations, then they could have fixed humanity so why AFTER 300,000 years are there ONLY 60 people all living in a village, rather wouldn't there be 100,000 human beings living in hotels and homes, due to the fact that they still had homes in that time period? Imagine if the show was about the astronaut's story and the 4 children remaking earth using all the tech they had while suffering since they were so alone. I mean after 300,000 years you would think that there could be more people on the earth. however nooooo. You would assume that an anime primarily based on the power of science would explain all this however they never do. Once season 2 comes out they have a lot of explaining to do.
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