
52 Reviews
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Secret Santa (2003 TV Movie)
fun movie with great characters
15 December 2023
I watch this movie in December every year and is one of my all time favorite christmas movie. My favorite characters besides Jennie Garth are the newspaper editor and the garage mechanic. Barbara billingsley is a blast from the past and this is her last film. This is a great comedy as well as a story with heart. It should get you in a great holiday mood as it always does me. Charlie Robinson plays a wonderful kind character and is easy to love. This is my favorite film by Jennie, she knocks it out of the park with her comedic timing. I have recommended this to friends. The only bad thing is the film quality on YouTube is the only place I found to watch it. I hope you will give it a try.
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No Sleep 'Til Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
just a fun movie
25 October 2023
The movie was about two people that could not sleep finding themselves by accident. She actually runs into him when he runs right in front of her car. The two find out they can actually get some sleep when they are together. She loves her fiance but can't get any sleep while they are together. She does everything to get some sleep so that she can make the marriage successful. Fut in the end in reality although she loves him they are simply incompatible. The only way she can survive is to connect to her sleeping partner. This was certainly better for her fiance, because they were simply not made for each other. This was an enjoyable film for me, but I see some people here thought it was lacking in morals. Not me.
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fun movies to watch
13 October 2023
I enjoyed the story with some reservations. Kirnan drives the movie and makes it better than the script allows. It reminds me a lot of other horror films like scream but with the added feature of time travel. A bit hard to believe in the high school science time travel machine. In my day it was mainly an exploding volcano. The part of the story that i didn't find possible is the height, weight and the age of the killer. It did not seem to match up well with the strength of the attacker. The mother with fighting skills could have easily taken this guy down in my opinion. Anyway the movie was worth the watch and i think you will enjoy.
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Finding Normal (2013 TV Movie)
nice little movie
20 August 2023
Lou. Beatty was terrific in this movie. He plays the doctor the judge and every day good guy in the town of Normal, a small town in Louisiana. Candace was a bit of a pain throughout most of the movie. She slowly gets into the feel of the place. All the characters in town were lovable. This is a bit like doc hollywood, but with more of a christian touch to it. This is about a small town with not a lot to do in it, but with people that join together to help each other in need.

Overall the movie is a very inspiring show that everyone could learn something from. I would recommend those with an open mind and an open heart. Enjoy!
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Asteroid City (2023)
a waste of a bunch of good actors
14 July 2023
The all over the map. This is totally nonsensible garbage and a total waste of the actors in it and the audiences time. The only reason i gave this two stars is because of the special effects of the town. I rarely review a movie that i don't like, but this was so disappointing that it was worth a shot. There should not be this 600 word requirement. I feel like kamala doing her word salad speeches. Blah blah blah.

I don't understand the ratings and the fawning of the professional reviewers over this movie. People were talking about academy award material, really!! As presdent biden would say. C'mon man.
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Becky (II) (2020)
bad a** movie
1 July 2023
I put a high mark on this movie because i really enjoyed the action and the crazy ways these guys get taken out. I've got to say lulu put some major hurts to kevin james. He was a bad dude, but you almost have to feel sorry for him. I didn't even recognize him until i found out he was even in the movie. The show moves along very fast and keeps your attention. Lulu certainly has some issues. Reminds me a little of hit girl from kick-ass movies and the taken series.

I would recommend the movie for guys mainly and also see the sequel, wrath of becky, also worth the watch. Don't mess with her dog!!
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The Wedding in the Hamptons (2023 TV Movie)
not my type of movie but . . .
18 June 2023
I glanced over the title several times with the hamptons and weddings not my cup of tea. But i started this and found maddison bullock in it and i remembered her from love under the lemon tree. Loved her in that and he was endearing in this one. She plays a dress maker who ends up mistaken for an influencer. She starts falling for the owner of the mansion which she mistakes as the gardener.

A series of comedic moments follows with jenna trying to cover up her real identity. Slowly the owner and jenna start to fall for each other until jenna reveals her true identity and everything then falls apart. Maddisson has the eyes that draw you in. I think she will be a much bigger star in the future. Overall acting of the cast is credible. Give the movie a try and i think you will be happy with the results.
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really enjoyed this one
18 February 2023
I guess you could call this a drama comedy romance movie. This is one of my favorite old movies. Jean rogers sparkles in this wild movie and frank morgan performance steals the show. His speech at the end of the movie is inspiring and should be shown to every congressman before they take their pledge to the country. Some really funny comedy scenes in this one as well. The romance between carlson and miss rogers was a bit strained at the beginning, but it all worked out in the end. This occured during the world war two years som this had a strong patriotic feel as well.

Give this one a try i think you will have some fun.
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Lots of reasons to like this film
29 October 2022
I was a little surprised by this film. I got to see it early and fell in love with the characters, the music and the scenery. This is a very low budget movie, but it was done very artistically. The main character. Hal runs into josie a one hit musician looking to find the inspiration for a second hit song. Hal is a poet that wants to find his voice on the page. The two decide to explore the Italian town of. Taormina together and they find a spark that helps their careers. I had never heard of either actors. The one great thing about the movie was introducing me to. Andrea von Kampen. Her music is great so check out her videos. The other thing about this movie is the scenery and if you were an artist you could paint a hundred great paintings from the scenery. The movie felt very honest and moved easily down the Italian streets. Try it I think you will be surprised.
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2:22 (2017)
two of my favorite leads in this movie
8 August 2022
The movie is very different and that is one reason i liked it. The movie is a mystery romance with a touch of sci-fi. Opening scene is exciting with the near miss plane disaster. Well worth the watch. Give it a try.
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The Gray Man (2022)
great action flick
28 July 2022
I'm seemed to enjoy this movie more than many other reviewers. The storyline was different than the usual action movie and i thought the lead did a credible acting job. I'm not into big super hero movies, but this landed near perfectly for me. The young girl added favorably to the dramatic effect.
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i wasn't expecting this
27 June 2022
I was reluctant to watch this but i was happy i did. This was just a lot of fun to follow these two characters as they pulled one off on the lottery guys while helping the town along the way. Cranston, benning and wilson worked well together in this one. Give it a try and you will enjoy the ride.
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weirdest movie of all time
21 June 2022
I like the actors in the movie (especially santa), but it was too hard to follow and just too strange for me. To each his own. Would not recommend to anyone.
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Reacher (2022– )
best of the best
21 June 2022
I watched the whole series four times now. It is my favorite series of the year. Love reacher's interplay with roscoe and finley. It all works well. Hope they come back in the next season. Reacher's stare downs with the bad guys is epic.
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Outer Range (2022– )
something has a "hole" of me
30 April 2022
For some reason this show just keeps getting stranger, but i can't stop watching to find out what weird thing is going to happen next. I enjoy sci-fi and the unexplained so this show is for me.
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Billy the Kid (2022– )
have been enjoying
30 April 2022
This is a bit slow and probably could use some trimming, but i have enjoyed. Does anybody else see the lead as similar to a young bob dylan? Stick with this i think it will start heating up. To make a series like this requires some slowing down of the action to build the character story for billy the kid.
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Boon (2022)
didn't expect to like this
6 April 2022
I wasn't expecting to like this, because the lead actor usually plays a bad guy. I did enjoy the storyline except for the ending. This is a "b" movie but found it a worthwhile watch. I see a lot of disagreement on the film, but decide for yourself.
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Get Smart (2008)
31 March 2022
I enjoyed the original tv series, but this was a mess. For some reason i have always found steve carell more annoying then funny. Anne was fine as his partner but the overall feel of this movie was off. You may see this in a different light but i can't recommend.
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really enjoyed this movie
2 March 2022
I got caught up in the mystery of what the girl was going through. Had to find out if she regained her memory by the end of the movie or not. Liked the characters, they seemed real to what was going on and this is based on a true story.
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Tulsa (2020)
heart breaker
19 February 2022
I had some reservations about this movie at first, but the story started pulling me in. Watch it all the way through and you will be blessed. Love you tulsa.
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A Kindhearted Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
flipped the story
28 November 2021
This movie kind of flipped jennie's earlier movie secret santa (one of my all time favorite christmas movies) where jennie was looking to uncover the secret santa. In this one she was the secret santa. Was great seeing jennie again. The movie overall was an enjoyable treat for me and well worth the watch.
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My Christmas Family Tree (2021 TV Movie)
loved the story
16 November 2021
It was a fun and warming christmas tale. Aimee is a knock-out and the family opened up to her quickly. Who wouldn't. The story took a twist and am not sure i would want to do business with that dna company. You have got to root for the lead actress.
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not expecting to have so much fun
29 September 2021
The lead is a bit of a stalker, but in a strange way i enjoyed watching his disastrous attempts at showing he cared. Just a lot of laughs, some embarrassing moments and some good fun. Discovered this by chance. Give it a try.
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maybe my all time favorite sidney poitier films
8 September 2021
Love this movie and have seen it a number of times. A great story of giving by a solitary man in a small town. Enjoyed mary louise parker as well. Noah just wants to be left alone and the people around him gives him support in his time of need.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
i had a good time for awhile
2 August 2021
I enjoyed the movie for the first 30 minutes or so, but then it started getting too messy with too much going on. I started losing interest but stuck it out to the end. It is not a movie i would want to see again but i might watch the first part a second time. Acting was fine, but the script was too busy.
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