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Superstore: All Sales Final (2021)
Season 6, Episode 15
Great finale that has some issues
29 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this finale, it was funny, emotional and full of very fun callbacks and it really paid tribute to the show and its spirit.

I liked the character's send off, As a huge fan of Dina, I really liked her growth this season and I thought the finale really gave her a nice ending all around!

Oh and of course, I am so glad we got the reveal of the foot murderer! That's all I ever wanted!

However, a big issue with it and the later part of the season and the finale is you really need to ship Amy and Jonah to put up with all the drama they packed into the last couple episodes, and since I don't, I just felt it was a waste of time...why did the writers even introduce Hannah? Did we really need a new obstacle this late in the game?!

I don't really care or mind that Jonah and Amy end up together, in fact it's a large part of the show and I can see how it felt necessary, I do however feel it took too much time of the finale, time that could have been better spent giving Jonah and Garret or Cheyenne and Mateo some final goodbye/ emotional scenes since these friendships are just as important as the romances. Or maybe we could have had that deleted scene I read about where robot Glen is set free! Much better use of the time if I do say so myself!

Anyway, it's a great finale, even the few things I didn't like don't detract from how emotional those last few minutes were!
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Roadkill (2020)
Ubiased person here...sort of
21 October 2020
I have watched the 4 episodes of this show and I think it has some ups and downs, but as someone who is not British and mostly centralist in my own political views I felt I needed to give my thoughts in hopes of offering some fair perspective. Now in ep 1 I really felt the show was biased and anti-right wing, so for people who only saw ep 1, I see where you are coming from, but I did feel later episodes sort of shifted that narrative, Peter's personality is layered and his ambition isn't ideological, they do make an effort to show he's coming from a place of conviction not just greed or hate, he sees his actions as for the betterment of his country, the story isn't even about the ideology it's about how politics and scandals go together and I think the way the story concludes is quite effective. Is it amazing or earth shatter, No. Is it leaning a certain way politically, yes. Is it an entertaining 4 hours of content where you find yourself rooting for the "bad guys", absolutely! I wish everyone would give it a fair shake! but also acknowledge that people have different political views and it's ok if they like/dislike a show for the way it handles them, it's fine, but what's not fine is when those views completely cloud your judgment.
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Nothing will be the same..and that's OK
13 August 2020
I don't know if I can be subjective about this show, I've been watching it for 6 years and it is my all time favorite show so I was dreading this finale. Thankfully it did not disappoint, the end was bittersweet, beautiful and satisfying! there were great action scenes, some cool time travel shenanigans and a lot of emotional moments. I will miss this show dearly...thank you for the cast and crew for the amazing journey!
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: The End Is at Hand (2020)
Season 7, Episode 12
Part 1
13 August 2020
This episode sort of suffers from being part one of a 2 parter, it's a little disorienting, but it has really good character moments and sets up part 2 really well!
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Brand New Day (2020)
Season 7, Episode 11
I'm not ready to say goodbye
6 August 2020
So Agents of shield decided to hit us with the feels one more time before they kill us all next week! this episode had so many great callbacks and heartfelt interactions, it ties emotional show long arcs and even introduces new dynamics, like who knew Mack and Sousa interacting would be this much fun?! It's far from being the best episode of the season (though that speaks more to the quality of the season than anything) but as a setup for the finale, it's excellent
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Stolen (2020)
Season 7, Episode 10
AoS greatest hits
30 July 2020
While I didn't love this episode as others this season, it does play a lot on the show's greatest hits, bringing back elements from past seasons and using them effectively, one character in particular that makes a comeback this episode is such a delight to have! And the episode also leaves with a great set up, promising to payoff the season's biggest mystery, but it remains to be seen what that would be. I would say people who love Daisy might enjoy this episode more than I did, because it does give her some time to deal with her Mom issues, but if you are already over it like me, it's not that effective really.
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I am speechless!
23 July 2020
This episode was beyond my highest expectations, like I got excited for a time loop episode because I love those but man did Agents of shield play that trope for all it's worth, with super high stakes, shocking amounts of dark humor and one heartbreaking scene that left me shaking. Amazing writing, great directorial debut for Elizabeth Henstridge and awesome performances across the board!
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: After, Before (2020)
Season 7, Episode 8
16 July 2020
I really enjoyed the May and Yoyo dynamic this episode, and the exploration of yoyo's past, it was all nice, heartfelt and well acted. Not to mention it gave us a chance to revisit older character and sets that I loved. Though my favorite part of the episode is the way they wove the narrative around the time jumps with two timelines interwoven in a seamless way, I just geeked out on all the way the jumps were done to great effect. There is an introduction of a new character that felt somewhat rushed, but hopefully it will payoff later in the season.
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I wanted this episode to be longer!
9 July 2020
This was the most fun and pure joy I had watching Agents of shield with few sad moments of course because it's an AoS episode. Deke and Mack are a surprisingly fun duo, I just loved the way they worked together and how the episode helped progress both characters. Oh and shoutout to the cheesy robot kills, my favorite part!
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Adapt or Die (2020)
Season 7, Episode 6
Stressful and heartbreaking
2 July 2020
I'm just done watching it and I'm still emotional, this episode once again changed gears and left the fun time adventures for some really heartbreaking moments featuring an awesome performance by Henry Simmons. There are quite few emotional revelations and moments in this episode, especially for someone like me who is far too invested in these characters!
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: A Trout in the Milk (2020)
Season 7, Episode 5
So Intense!
25 June 2020
If you thought that the show will be doing adventure of the week decade hoping then this episode is about to flip that idea on its head! the Chronicom left behind last week has been up to no good and we get to see the real danger of the alien robots hell bent of destroying shield. This episode is funny (featuring a hilarious opening credits sequence), intense, and fast paced with a dash of heartbreaking. Sousa adds a new flavour to the adventure and I find him a most welcome addition.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Out of the Past (2020)
Season 7, Episode 4
So good!
18 June 2020
This episode was awesome! the noir theme was handled well and it worked in the context of the show, the episode also has some really unexpected twists that for me contextualized the whole season and made it less than a decade hoping adventure and more of a connected narrative across time, I was so impressed with it! There were also quite a few fun moments, and the episode was visually stunning, all in all, the episode was just so well done!
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Just a blast!
11 June 2020
This episode was a blast! I am loving the tone of the show this season, fun and upbeat while still distinctly AoS and still giving the characters their dues in growth. There were quite few hilarious scenes this episode, particularly the end tag scene, and I loved how seemless the Agent Carter connection felt, I'm so happy to see Daniel back on my screen! I will say I have seen some people split up on the " addressing the racism" issue, AoS has always been a show where characters can be just characters and race doesn't come into it often, so it could be jarring they have to address it now, but can you imagine being back in the past with your modern sensibilities? these things have to come up! and I'm glad the show can have fun with it and be breezy with the whole thing, I feel they found a good balance of addressing it but not making it too central to the story...if that kind of thing bothers you on principle, it will, what can I tell you! but to me it's only annoying if it turns into another show for an episode to preach and it didn't, so it's cool, that white privilege joke was hilarious too!
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Know Your Onions (2020)
Season 7, Episode 2
I just love this show!
4 June 2020
Sorry, feel free to click on the "not helpful" option, because I do not pretend to be objective in how much I love this show! This episode just shows how brilliant the time travel plot is for the final season as it allows the show to indulge in the history of shield asn organization all the while keeping the tone fun and the characters dynamic . And Enoch rules!
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: The New Deal (2020)
Season 7, Episode 1
Back with a bang!
28 May 2020
Agents of shield is a show that redefines itself every year, and I'm always amazed at how effortlessly it works every time! the new tone and feel of the show fits like a period appropriate glove! from the title card, the customs to the music, stylistically this episode was 10/10! I also really loved the themes it is putting on the table, about identity and living with the lesser evil, so this season is off to a good start. I just wish they would have done a double episode premiere because this episode felt more like setup and I would have loved to see more.
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Servant (2019–2023)
Style over substance
9 May 2020
I am rather mixed on this show, it has a good atmosphere and the acting is great, there is a good underlying story about grief and parents dealing with the death of a child . The mystery, however, really didn't do it for me, the characters didn't act as you would expect people to act, the creepy music was over used with almost every scene, and they used cliffhangers for each episode that don't have the fallout you would expect the next one. so in the end it felt like an empty shell with little substance.
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Completely average
16 April 2020
While this show is directed at a young audience and one wouldn't expect anything deep or serious, there is really no excuse for the boring and predictable plot. The villain is a cardboard cutout spouting generic villain lines and has a nonsensical stupid plot. The main character is a boring cliche, some of the side characters are good but not enough to add anything unique. The locations used are great and the show is somewhat visually pretty, but it all feels wasted. Also, I never thought I'd complain about fantastical elements as fantasy is my favorite genre, but the magic felt like a tedious add on to the story which would have worked much better without, as I'm given to understand that was the case in the book so straying from the source material was a mistake here.
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Christmas at the Plaza (2019 TV Movie)
Not my type of movie, but had fun!
29 November 2019
I don't usually watch Hallmark movies, they aren't fro me, but I watched this one because I am a fan of Elizabeth Henstridge, and she is actually good in it, everyone else isn't trying. Overall I had fun laughing at all the corny stuff in it and I recommend it for anyone who wants a fluffy movie with a good lead actress.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: New Life (2019)
Season 6, Episode 13
So much to process
3 August 2019
This show is cruel! the writers leave us on a huge cliffhanger knowing we will have to wait a whole year for it! It's quite the exciting set up for s7, so I'll give them that! Where to begin, I had trouble breathing throughout most of it, the action was great, the twists kept coming and the punches to the gut were most painful. I loved the way the show handled the different storylines leaving a certain group off screen built up great suspense that pays off big time. and even among all the jaw dropping actions, we still get some great quite character moments. I found this hour to be a great balance of big and small moments that never loses a step!
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: The Sign (2019)
Season 6, Episode 12
Great set up for even greater things to come
3 August 2019
It's hard for me to separate this episode from the next one since they aired back to back, but it was intense and it lays out all the necessary pieces for the explosive finale, it contains one of the biggest WTH moments of the season and really reminds you what makes this show great...i.e. its ability to crush our hopes and dreams!
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: From the Ashes (2019)
Season 6, Episode 11
Bring on the waterworks!
27 July 2019
This episode was really a tear jerker, I found myself tearing up or outright crying multiple times, the scene with Tomas and Benson, a new character at that, was absolutely heartbreaking!Everything that had to do with Daisy, May and Sarge this episode was really emotional. There are quite few twists and turns in this episode, Izel proves once again competent in her villainous ways, she is really good at manipulating people. I hope we get more backstory on her and maybe how long she's been searching for her goals. It is somewhat expected at this point, but the special effects in this episode were just excellent!
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Leap (2019)
Season 6, Episode 10
Agents of shield does its thing!
20 July 2019
This episode is peak AoS, very suspenseful, makes you question everything and everyone, and delivers some shocking truths. This episode finally gives us the truth about Sarge, and it's quite depressing to think about all the implications that come with it. Izel proves to be a very resourceful and capable villain, I can't believe we have only had her around for like 4 episodes but she has grown so much on me in that short time, I don't know where I'd rank her in term of the show's villains, because they are all so good, but she is climbing the ranks week by week! Oh and I like her theme music. Quick shout out to all the actors this episode who brought their A game (as usual) to the interesting acting challenges presented in this episode.
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Almost forgot to breathe at one point!
13 July 2019
This episode starts out intense, calms down a bit then BAM! ends on even more intense stuff! made me grateful for the commercial breaks that allowed me to take a breath! I honestly couldn't tell what was going to happen next at any given moment. I loved the way the episode balanced action and character moments, we had some long awaited reunions that warmed my heart as well as jaw dropping action and special effects!
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So intense!
6 July 2019
I don't know what watching a train crash is like but this episodes felt close..the set up is quite interesting, 3 teams all heading on a collision course with each other, you are not sure who is right or wrong, who you should cheer for or root against, there is much to lose if either side is destroyed, and even more to lose if the actual bad guy was to is absolutely the kind of episode that has you glued to your chair watching every word said for clues..even the few moments of levity don't break the tension...the one negative about this episode is it end on a cliffhanger and the prospect of waiting a week for the next one is driving me mad! The effects were even more wonderful than usual shout out to the effects team who have been killing it this season.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Toldja (2019)
Season 6, Episode 7
Sarge may be even cooler than Coulson..don't judge me!
29 June 2019
We finally get a good look at what Sarge's dynamic with the team looks like and it is glorious to watch, he is just so cool and in control of the situation! I can he not be when there may or may not be fire breathing dragons on his team? The special effects on this episode were amazing, there is yet another terrifying sequence with the shrike that was quite well made. I'm finding the shrikes to be an interesting foe, horror like and very ominous! I liked the space adventure, it was a nice reprieve after last week's heavy character study, though I felt the episode suffered a little balancing the space and earth stuff, hopefully this issue will be resolved when the team reunites.
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