
15 Reviews
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Not what I expected...
26 August 2020
If you watch the trailers you would be forgiven if you thought this would be set in medieval times, somewhat like a Van Helsing style's not.

It alternates between medieval times and present day, and does those transitions well, mostly as flashbacks so most is set in modern times.

Vin Diesel is serviceable in a role that is not all out action, Michael Cain plays a cameo and Rose Leslie also is really just a support role but plays it well enough.

I found the action scenes from medieval times not very well done, they were fast action and short clips that didn't quite work, I also found the Queen's (Julie Engelbrecht) costume/makeup very unconvincing.

Worth the watch but don't expect too much
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Joker (I) (2019)
Not a Traditional Comic Adaptation
26 August 2020
This was a well presented movie but certainly not a traditional action movie format that most of the comic stories are based on.

This a a fairly dark movie based around the mental health issues of The Joker (Phoenix) and how he really becomes that iconic character, his back-story if you like.

It is worth watching just for Phoenix's performance as he totally nails the struggles this character faces and has to deal with in his very sad life.

Certainly puts a new perspective on an old character!

De Niro is really a cameo but plays it well
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The Answer (III) (2015)
Watchable romantic Sci Fi
21 March 2018
Had no real hope that this low budget, first time directed, movie would be anything good but I was pleasantly surprised - mostly...

The romantic side to this was not just your standard main actor love interest, it was a good blend of action\romance and a little Sci-Fi. No real major special effects here but it didn't need them for the story it was telling and it told it pretty well - flowed well and well acted by the main two actors. Some of the fight scenes were very poor though, I could see what the director wanted to achieve by doing it that way but really didn't work.

Not really recommended if you want either a proper romance or in depth Sci-Fi, no really gripping suspense or riveting action here - but worth a watch if you just want something light where you don't need to concentrate too much!
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Andron (2015)
Andron - The Black Labyrinth
20 March 2018
As others have pointed out this movie has frequent poor acting, poor direction and little originality - in fact it is really just a composite of The Running Man, Hunger Games and Maze Runner, but is unfortunately not a patch on any of them.

I have seen many B grade and Indie movies and this was far from the worst - it did have some cool special effects and some of the fight scenes have reasonable martial art combat, but they are far too frequent and seem to be in there due to a lack of any other action. The music score was also quite well done.

Baldwin and Glover certainly didn't add anything to the movie except their names to the fact I found their acting to be worse than the other less known actors.

This deserves more than 1 star - but not by much - I give it a 3 because I did watch it to the end
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Antidote (2013)
Pointless zombie movie
18 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of post apocalypse, sci-fi and some horror, what I can't stand is zombie movies so when reading the synopsis I was hoping it would not be focused on this part. Unfortunately it was not focused on anything - this was a pointless movies in all aspects.


The story behind the 'virus' and how it killed everyone was never told, neither was how the sister in law ended up being in love with the the brother in law. The kissing scenes were ridiculous - the guy is fully infected with some unknown disease where he is vomiting blood, has scars all over his face etc and they are pashing away...

There are only 3 actors who have lines, and whilst the acting was reasonable the movie wasn't, it's slow, doesn't really make the characters interesting or believable, doesn't even produce any real jump scares - just a fail on all levels.
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VANish (2015)
Not a horror movie - but certainly some violence
17 November 2015
OK so the first half hour of this movie was tough to get through because the acting was very poor - or so I thought...

After watching the whole movie I rate the acting quite good, especially from Maiara Walsh, who was brilliant. Initially the two guys in the van appeared to be complete half wits and I thought it was the acting but thinking about it, some of it was the characters they were playing - who were morons...

Considering the very limited sets and budget, this movie delivers an enjoyable ride. Some of the violence effects are second rate and some acting is below par but generally good - and as I have mentioned - Maiara played a good part - and is drop dead gorgeous to boot :) 6 stars - OK this should really have got a 5 stars but gave it an extra one because of Maiara Walsh :)
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Dark Skies (2009 TV Movie)
Otherwise known as Dark Skies
10 November 2015
Couldn't find this movie in IDMB under the title of Dark Skies but that is what is called on the DVD I have...

I found the characters in this movie interesting and mostly believable - there were some scenes that were very cringe-worthy but I thought that was mostly the directors fault rather than the actors - this occurred on several occasions where say two people were having a conversation and someone else was approaching well within their peripheral vision but neither notices...this was annoying as the acting was pretty good for a low budget movie.

Yes the science is not sound by any means, but if you take the scenario for what it is - a disaster in a localised area with a different plot to most disaster films I've seen, then it's quite an enjoyable film.

I found the movie flowed well and was well shot and as mentioned the acting was better than some a grade movies.
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Pixels (2015)
The low ratings here are a joke - this is a fun movie
31 October 2015
This is a light humor movie that will appeal to young audiences as well as anyone who remembers playing the old arcade games. Big name cast all play their parts well, very good effects and a good script.

Sure there are plot holes all over the place - like cheat codes in games that didn't even have a keyboard and the cheese factor is way up there - but that was deliberate - it is over the top silly on purpose. I mean the whole premise of aliens seeing the games as a threat and sending them back to challenge Earth to a death match - LOL! Even the love interest in the story is a ham-up.

This is a light comedy that gets the laughs and delivers good entertainment value, it does not take itself too seriously and neither should you.

I have given this movie what it deserves - it is not a 10 but it certainly is not a 5 or lower that it's average would tell you
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watchable low budget teen movie
30 October 2015
For some reason this movie reminded me of a Famous Five story - possible because when I started watching it I didn't know it was aimed at a pre-teen to teen audience, however that soon became clear...

Group of kids on an adventure to save humanity from robots that have overrun the Earth and made everyone prisoners in their own homes.

Low budget, but surprisingly good effects and acting, story line that flows well, but not much to it and most of the situations the are not realistic.

I don't really think this one is for the Sci-Fi fans - there's just not enough Sci and too much Fi!

Would appeal to ages 10 to 16 or so, not much of a target audience which is why this film is getting low scores.

I give it 6 because it is good for a low budget movie and deserves more credit than it is getting.
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Cloverfield (2008)
Found footage with a big monster
28 October 2015
I had few expectations watching this movie and was pleasantly surprised with the result. The special effects are all good, the camcorder shot footage is a bit annoying but at least it is good quality and well edited.

Acting was good even though there were no big name actors, they made the characters believable and likable and they were all given a good development throughout the movie. The exception was the camera guy - don't know if it was his acting or just the character but I found him annoying.

As for the monster - I like how it was not seen much at the start - tantalising us as to what it might be, but needed far more work around the background and reason it was there, this lack of necessary detail loses several points for me.

Worth watching but don't expect much around the monster story, this is about the group of peop0le caught up in the action.
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The Apocalypse (2007 Video)
Seen worse - but not many
27 October 2015
This movie is pretty bad but I have definitely seen worse and from more high profile director\actors too. In saying that, there is not much going for this - the acting is average to poor, the effects are at times OK and other times extremely poor, story line has been done before. The only point of difference in this plot is it tries to focus on the religious aspect of the disasters that are befalling the Earth and the faith of some of the characters, but it goes over the top in this area and fails in all other areas.

Don't watch this if you are looking for a traditional disaster movie because this is not one in the sense of following the disaster - rather the disaster is the means it uses to try to deliver it's message about faith.

Overall it gets 2 stars because I managed to watch it to the end and I have seen worse, three would have been too generous.
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Watch the originals - even Thunderdome was better than than this rubbish
12 October 2015
The only reason it gets 2 stars is for the visual effects - and I very nearly deducted another point for the waste of $150m on them...

The whole movie is pointless action - no plot or story line, acting is barely passable although to be fair they weren't given much to work with, ridiculous waste of resources that are supposedly scarce (think Waterworld), pointless violence and continual unrealistic feats make this one of the biggest flops of all time given the budget.

This movies adds nothing to the original trilogy, in fact even the worst of those movies - Thunderdome - had 10 times the charm of this tripe.

Watch if all you like is constant visual effects and car chases, if not steer well clear and watch one of the originals instead
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Meteor Storm (2010 TV Movie)
Not the worst - but not great either..
4 September 2015
I am a fan of disaster movies and sci-fi movies, unfortunately this was not good at either. Whilst the storyline has been seen before I thought the story unfolded reasonably well, however there was not much substance to it - or science for that matter.

The acting was fair, except I found myself never quite believing the actors - their reactions to situations etc did not fit. I don't know if that is the actors fault or the director but something wasn't quite gelling.

Certainly not the worst film I've seen and worth watching if you need to kill a couple of hours.
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Avian Flu
2 September 2015
This TV movie is well worth watching especially if you are a disaster movie fan. The movie shows events from several points of view (a nurse, soldier, politician, a family and a pandemic expert) and builds on most of the characters quite well.

The acting is acceptable as is how the story flows, the ending is clearly left that way to allow for a follow-up TV series which obviously did not go ahead, so does have a feeling of wanting it to continue to conclusion but the movie does progress far enough to make this a stand alone story.

Certainly thought provoking and one of the more believable and credible potential disasters that could occur.
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Dark Storm (2006 TV Movie)
Low Budget, poor acting but watchable
1 September 2015
This movie is not a blockbuster by any stretch, the acting, especially from Balwin was uninspiring and flat, the 'science' was almost non existent and some of the props\outfits looked like they were taken from the local op shop.

On the plus side, it was reasonably fast paced with passable CGI effects for the budget, there was some character development and there was some good support acting.

Overall just below a pass, but certainly watchable as a light thriller, don't expect too much and if you're a sci-fi fan like me, just ignore all the holes in the premise of harnessing Dark Matter...
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