
2 Reviews
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Will Trent (2023– )
Fun Fun Fun
17 April 2024
I have never read the books so the show started as a clean slate for me. So far I have to say that I have enjoyed seeing what this show has to offer. Every week the development of Will as a character emerges more and more. I find it to be an interesting funny show that really makes me laugh at one moment and turn serious the next. It's difficult for a crime show to be something more than just cops, judges, criminals, and fear. Will Trent overcomes this with intrigue and humor. The writers clearly have an understanding of who the characters are, where they are going, and where they are from. If you haven't watched yet I recommend that you do! Keep up the good work. Oh and Betty upstages Will in every scene she's in. Hee hee.
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17 April 2024
I have never spent my time more uselessly than watching this show. Poorly written high school girl drama with poor acting and unlikeable characters. Best part of the show is Archie Punjabi. Maybe it would be better if there was an actual investigation going on instead of just tedious underage drinking and partying. If I wanted to see that I could look out my living room window. Just another reminder how producers and writers lack the prose to come up with a new or creative idea. I mean come on I went into this with an open mind, after watching it I walked away with a big question in my mind. What were they thinking? Don't waste your time.
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