
2 Reviews
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Russian Beauty
28 October 2015
On the surface, this movie looks like it's possibly just another romantic drama about a girl and her suitors, but take a look again!! There is much more to this precious film than meets the eye. For starters, our lead lady, Larissa, appears to be every guy's dream girl. She is beautiful, graceful, has a soothing voice and has different males vying for her attention. With all these qualities, one would think that she is in control of her life and should get what she wants, but instead she is caught in a world where she is powerless and is pushed and pulled one way and another. As strong as she appears, she seems to have an inescapable fate no matter what she does, and her attempts at removing herself from it just causes further issues. Upon her realization, it is interesting and a bit gloomy what she chooses to do upon realizing her fate(but you'll have to watch to find out).

There are many subtle symbols spread throughout the film and they are enjoyable to spot. I love when movies tell their story not only with the characters, but with the environment and this film definitely adds those eye catching little details. It adds a sense of artistry, to what is an already a visually pleasing film. However you do not need to understand or spot the small inferences to enjoy the film, the film as a whole is enjoyable as is as well. However if you are familiar with a little Russian culture, literature, or the play altogether it will get you thinking.

It is important to note that the film is originally based on the play called "the Dowerless bride." A dowry is the property or money a bride will bring to a man if he gets married to her. Well, the film is centered around wealth, the wealthy, and how to maintain wealth so for our lead to be "without dowry," (and yet still be adored) you can see how it can lead to complications. It brings to light necessary topics of women, objectivity, a patriarch society and the harsh reality of a capitalistic world.

All the surrounding men play their parts great and I love that there is a wide cast of characters. The two main male leads are intriguing in the way they develop. (or not develop in some cases). We don't just have the "charismatic" guy, but also have the shy "little man," the wealthy men, gypsies, and serfs. All part of the Russian culture. It is a great film to get a small taste of the Russian lifestyle, but there are also many aspects and behaviors that are not so different than our own.

The film itself is very pleasing to the eye. The costumes are gorgeous and sometimes looking at the modernity of the film, I forgot these folks were in Russia. The style is similar to that of a Russian Audrey Hepburn film, but definitely has its own dark take on matters inside it. I hope you enjoy it as I did.
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Onegin (1999)
Captivating Story
7 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Onegin is a wonderful character film about a pompous and refined nobleman who in the end falls hard for a woman he rejected. The film draws you into the romance story while also managing to criticize aspects of social norms in society.

The main characters in the story are Onegin and Tatyana, who are so strong that there is no need for over the top battle scenes, or elaborate film devices. They carry themselves and the film along and it is amazing to see them change before your eyes. Both these characters are completely ahead of their time. They exude modern day attitudes with the unfortunate fate of being trapped in a 19th century noble world. For example, Tatyana (the female lead) is the one who takes the initiative in the relationship! I was expecting a typical "man falls for and chases girl" scene, as is common in most period films, but instead I got a completely different and pleasant surprise when she approaches Onegin. Even in today's freer and more women friendly society, you hardly ever see a woman taking the initiative in a romance film. Onegin himself has this cool slightly rebellious attitude that is common to today's strong silent type personality. He seems to want to do things on his terms despite the social norms, but at the same time seems to be unable to escape them. He is the quintessential "superfluous man" who is at odds with his society and so despite his cockiness you find yourself sympathizing with him. Both characters don't completely fit their society, yet they are caught in that universe.

Although this film takes place in Russia, I feel it expresses universal feelings and critiques about lifestyle choices, society, and fitting in. Fans of Russian literature will find this film particularly charming as the story is based on a novel by Alexander Pushkin, the "Shakespeare of Russia." His ideals and story translate well, but for those unfamiliar with his work the film stands strong on its own. It begs questions like: how much can I go against society, without becoming an outcast? Is it better to just go with the flow or be the only one fighting against it? You can see the character's plight in film, and can make the viewer wonder about their own choices too. The second half of the film will you make awe as Onegin returns with a new perspective, yet ends up with consequences that will make your heart sink. You will find yourself asking "what will happen?" throughout the whole second half.

The only thing that sort of lacked in film, was that at times I would forget that it was taking place in Russia. The film has an overall "British drama" feel to it, especially with a cast of mainly British actors. Perhaps more Russian scenery or Russian actors or even Russian accents may have helped this issue. Other than that this the film was splendid.

Overall the film is charming and captivating. Personally, I tend to shy away from slower paced films, and I wasn't sure about it in the beginning, but I ended up completely immersed in the story by the end. The characters and story are so real that one can easily relate to their turmoil. And the story, though simple, brings up great points, questions, and overall critical views of society's ways. Great characters, and story. I'll definitely be watching it again!
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