
5 Reviews
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Treasure hunting of a porn star
27 September 2021
The film shows two friends who live like parasites and decide to search for their favourite porn star who vanished suddenly. They use this excuse as the last barrier between their way of life and the daily life and obligations they ignore.

Very pleasant road-movie with two of the best contemporary greek actors who have great chemistry in the movie. The idea of treasure hunting as a method to look for Lora is very clever. The genre of the film change during the movie and having as main genre comedy it changes into drama, mystery, thriller. The direction is very good and has incredible music throughout the film.
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Amercement (2020)
Greek social reintegration in action
25 June 2021
Fokion Bogris manages to deliver, in a realistic way, a brutal world that you can hardly escape if you enter. It shows how the state and the society lead a man with criminal record to follow the same and worst direction and hinder any attempt at social reintegration.

I really enjoyed the depiction of the greek underworld without exaggeration. The characters were very realistic and the dialogues were not repetitive and wooden. The movie was funny mostly to highlight the situation but didn't get ridiculous.

The plot and the direction was very good. Stamoulakatos was exceptional in a role which was fitting for him.
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Fences (2016)
Your daddy wanted you to be everything he wasn't, and at the same time, he wanted you to be everything he was.
16 April 2021
The movie version of August Wilson's play, is shot almost entirely in the backyard of a house in the 1950s.

The male lead role was played by Denzel Washington who plays a selfish man who cannot follow the changing world and consequently underestimates and oppresses others around him. Considering that he is wronged and that life owes him, he demonstrates power at the first opportunity, unable to express himself in a different way.

Excellent Viola Davis who fully justifies the winning oscar for best performance by an actress in a supporting role and sums up an entire school of fathers with the phrase : "Your father wanted you to become everything he was not and at the same time he wanted you to become everything he was".
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Right man in wrong place
5 April 2021
The film bombards you with stereotypes and racism, exposing him and deconstructing him as the film goes on at a time when "affirmative action" was in its infancy. In addition, the film plays a lot with the dilemmas of right-wrong, must-want in established perceptions and prejudices of the time. The dialogues seemed quite natural to me, the characters of the film are cleverly structured and the performances of the actors are excellent with a special reference to Sidney Poitier.
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The Net (2016)
The brighter the light, the darker the shadow
5 April 2021
Very nice movie, which manages to refer to a very special and controversial issue without taking a clear position. The similarities between the two, completely different countries and how they try to prove their superiority by using the protagonist in their interest are terrible. Also terrible is the despair of the protagonist in his attempt to prove that he is not an elephant and to find his right constantly in the film.
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