
12 Reviews
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There is a lying film, a very lying film, after 10 km, John Wick 4.
27 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There is a lying film, a very lying film, after 10 km, John Wick 4.

The only thing that saves the movie is the adrenaline that the movie causes. The rest is just a lie that if I were to describe everything here, it would take hours.

The action scenes are reminiscent of old Steven Seagal movies, the enemy who has the gun, instead of shooting from afar, prefers to arrive and aim closely, giving John Wick time to intercede with his arm and remove the gun, every fight has that . No one takes advantage of a moment when he's struggling to shoot him in the head from medium range. Like, overly lying.

The most lying part is that John Wick used a sniper-like weapon in the first film, and none of the super assassins used it against him. Knowing he was going to the final fight and all the way he was going to go. NOBODY used a sniper to shoot him, absurd. The only one who in theory thought a little about it, it wasn't even a sniper but a shotgun, he spared his life because John Wick had spared his dog.

I know that action movies have lies, lots of lies, that's what makes the movie cool. But everything has a limit, John Wick crosses the limit by 10 km.

Finally, no police intervene in Paris or anywhere else, despite a terrorist-level shooting or worse.
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Good film, but forgettable characters
1 November 2022
I liked the movie, but I couldn't care less about the characters. There was no reasonable development of any character in the story. In the end, I didn't even care about the girl or the villain, or how they ended up. The high note goes to the story of the film. There was a need to better portray the negligence of hospitals. To have a more complete story and maybe better develop the character, they could tell two parts of his story in two different hospitals to show how they hide these things. Maybe that was a way to create some depth in the character's characteristics. One last thing, why such a dark movie?
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Unsolved Mysteries: Something in the Sky (2022)
Season 3, Episode 2
No video or picture?
24 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story is interesting. But I am forced to reflect. I live in Brazil and in 1994 I knew some people who owned camcorders. I imagine that in the United States a lot more people own camcorders. Is it serious that absolutely none of the hundreds of witnesses recorded a video? Nobody even took a picture? It makes no sense. Cameras were very common in Brazil at that time. If they were common here, in the United States I imagine that even children had cameras. It's really very strange to think that you don't have a photo of this event. Even more likely that people who even use cameras to work have witnessed UFOs, for example, photographers.

EDIT 1: Answering the alleged photographer who commented here. If you're an ordinary person and you see an event like that at that time, you certainly won't think "wow, I'm not going to take pictures because they sure won't look good". This makes no sense, at least ONE photo, even if it's horrible, should exist in this case. I'm not even going to talk about videos again.
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Speak No Evil (2022)
The first 1 star I give in 10 years of imdb. 6.7? Are you kidding me?
18 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No way in hell any normal couple will just let happens the things that happend in the end. I think it's the most unbeliveble thing that I watched in movies in my entire life, if it is not the most, the top 5 for sure. I just can't belive that the european can be this dumb and effortless to save a daughter. This does not make any sense. The rate of this film is the most false I saw any time in the imdb. I have no words to describe my sadness to waste one hour and a half of my life watching this, especially if you have a son or daughter, the last half hour is pure nonsense garbage, if you are here after watch the movie, i feel for you. Not mentioning the HUGE plot hole that the murder couple killed several couples and kidnapped a lot of children leaving a lot of witness and evidences to find them (photos etc), it's just impossible they never got caught.
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Watcher (I) (2022)
5 but could be 6
30 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is pretensious and slow. Nothing happens almost all the movie. In the final scene, if the husband said to the wife "I'm sorry" and she responded "fu** you", I would give one more star, but it isn't the case.
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Sputnik (2020)
Why the low rate?
24 August 2021
I guess there's americans giving low rate to this movie. There's no other explanation. I bet if this was an american movie the rate would be at least 7.5.
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If you ignore...
28 March 2021
Like the other purge movies, If you ignore the many huge plot holes and illogical attitudes, you can enjoy this film.
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Unsolved Mysteries: A Death in Oslo (2020)
Season 2, Episode 2
I don't understand
20 October 2020
Its a nice episode, but the question in my head is, why didn't they look for the camera's hotel footage back then? This make no sense.
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Unsane (2018)
Tryed to look like David Lynch camera work but...
19 July 2020
Failed, that's it. The story is good. But the camera work not fits to the movie. That's my humble opinion.
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Big plot hole!
28 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If he didn't want any trouble. Why the hell he didn't just send the employee away with the drug once he discovered it?
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Coherence (2013)
I like it. But there's some plot holes in my opinion
13 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Some of plot holes were mentioned in others rewiew. Here are the ones I have no answer: 1- If they do go alleatory when they pass the dark place. How the first two guys came back to the same house. Very lucky? 2- When the girl at the end pass house by house looking for a reality that shw wants to enter. Why she always ser her in the other houses? This don't seem to be easy to happen, once they enter several times in other houses and they "twin" aren't in the houses...
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Sintonia (2019– )
Yes... It's a good series
13 August 2019
Don't bother with the negative comments. Of course this series is far from great, but is entertaining. You would have some idea of how the things work in favela. In brazil most of people have the "mutt syndrome". It means that these people always find better the things in another country than brazil. For example. Change this actors for some teenage american actors, then change the city from São Paulo to New York, finally change the funk for hip hop and I bet this series will have at least 7,5 on imdb.

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