
14 Reviews
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Engrossing from beginning to end - wow!
27 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Christopher Nolan has once again revealed why he is The One to handle movies of this nature. I was thoroughly enthralled with Dunkirk (I learnt a few extra things that I did not know about it, despite being from there England!) and when "Oppenheimer" was slated to be made, I was ecstatic. Waiting, and waiting, and then the trailer was released... I was in awe. However, the trailer set the a high bar for the forthcoming movie. Those are things I dread... trailers hype up the movie and it ends up being a bore.

Not "Oppenheimer".

From the very beginning to the very end I was hooked. After the end, I wanted more, more!! I hope there is an extended version released as three hours is a short time to cram a lot of information on. If I had to find a fault, it would be there were a lot of characters thrown at you, and sometimes became overwhelming who was who and what their role was in the Manhattan Project. A second viewing (on DVD) will be made.

I absolutely loved the musical score. Ludwig Goransson was a big question mark in my mind as I was vying for Hans Zimmer to be on board (he got stuck with Dune Pt.2) but Ludwig made a wonderful score, very Zimmer-esque.

As others have noted, the ending is a truly cinematic masterpiece. The concluding scene with Oppenheimer talking with Einstein about potentially ending the world coupled with Ludwig's rousing piece (Destroyer of Worlds) brings out such emotion and the fear of what has been created, that a tear or two rolled down my cheek.

Funniest scene: Oppenheimer and Groves near-zero chance of destroying the Earth exchange, prior to first detonation.

By the way, if you have not watched it already, I highly recommend 1989's "Fat Man and Little Boy" (also called "The Shadowmakers" in some countries). That movie with Paul Newman as Groves focuses more on the Project than this one, and is a great companion to "Oppenheimer".

All in all, I loved it. My friend and I each purchased the 600 page book that we shall get through in time... but I truly hope Mr. Nolan released an uncut or extended edition of this movie!
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A Small Light (2023)
Not what I expected and boy, was I in for a lesson!
9 July 2023
We all know what happened to Anne Frank... but what of the folks behind her hiding, including her family and a few others for two years? Nada. I certainly never gave it any thought... and this series came along which opened my eyes.

Yes, many have slated that there are issues with the series, but each begins with the based-on-real-events disclaimer. Ignore the low score reviews. Give this a go.

The scenes that got me were how joyful and full of hope Anne was - always thinking of the future. That was well done by the makers. Jan surprised me... did not think he would turn out to be heroic!

Liev Schreiber plays Otto Frank... yes, Liev! He plays the part to perfection to the point you are there with him sharing his anguish.

Dress wardrobe appeared faultless and the supporting cast were remarkable portraying the Dutch very well. The Dutch were certainly oppressed and maltreated by the Germans and collaborators.

I am not sure whether there was a bent bar which also doubled for the Resistance HQ for this particular sector of Amsterdam... I suppose certain ticking of inclusion boxes is inevitable nowadays... (eye roll).

Closing thoughts: This IS a well made series with a couple of questions left at the end about some characters and what became of them.

Final question: Would I watch this again?

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Breach (IV) (2020)
I want a refund on my electricity bill!
13 June 2021
First the good... it was finally over.

The bad... everything!

I thought I had seen it all, but this film really takes the biscuit. The special effects were disastrous. The sets were flimsy - you could see "solid" items flex.

I laughed a lot. You have to.

In fact, I wish there was the option to rate this as a negative ten stars.

Finally... Mr. Willis, please, please, I beg of you, do not make a film like this again - ever!
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"What A Girl Wants" verbatim
14 March 2021
I gave this a one star as I could not give it a negative-star rating. Why? Has more product placements than a James Bond movie. McDonalds (in multiple scenes), Crown Royal, Bulgari, Pepsi, Spotify, Friskies, Puma, Nautica, Coors Light, Chevrolet (Malibu), Lyft, Bose, Apple, and Tesla to name a few of the blaring obvious. Then there was the multi-punch cameos of En Vogue, Salt 'n' Pepa, Lil Kim, and Gladys Knight. I think John Legend whined a song during the credits. The jokes fall flat. As one reviewer wrote, the film gives viewers the impression that black culture is about weird phrases and hip-hop music. Frustrating and vastly self-depreciating. Every major black actor had a role, and yes, even Morgan Freeman. I was half expecting to see Denzel Washington or Jamie Foxx pop up. The only two white characters in a speaking role were a dithering tit for the 'McDonalds" corporation and an accused business owner who was being accused of being handed everything. Very cringe-worthy. And by far the worst part, is that this is almost a carbon-copy of 2003's "What A Girl Wants". Not seen it? Amanda Bynes and Colin Firth. Much better story line, warm-hearted, far funnier and charming all the way. Eddie, I am stunned by this movie. You were epic in "Beverly Hills Cop" trilogy and many other after... but this is a super-low point. I wish I could unsee this.
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Why, oh why, does this keep happening?!?
22 February 2021
Another good show getting hung, drawn and quartered by the current fad relating to BLM. I like the way how the show focused (yes, I used the past tense!) on the autistic doctor and some of the emotional aspects of being a doctor. But now... I am flabbergasted as to which direction this show has taken. When the black doctor shows evidence to her superiors that black and other minorities are denied meds at a higher rate than others, I just about lost my mind and wanted to turn the telly off. So instead of doctoring (the profession not altering statistics) she is finding the time to compile all this "evidence". A sorry episode in a rubbish attempt to fall into the BLM-BS line. Take a hint ABC execs - do not go down this rabbit hole!
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Last Man Standing: Lost and Found (2021)
Season 9, Episode 8
What on earth did I just watch?
22 February 2021
The world is going down the khazi faster than flushing it. I liked the way the conservative characters made fun of the democratic ways. It's a comedy! No worse than topical stand up comedians (Lewis Black leaps to mind). Listen up, Fox Network execs. We watch these shows in order to escape the bs of reality (especially in the recent twelve months), so do not go down this road. You will be doomed and we do not need all this BLM-BS to infiltrate our homes in this manner. A crying shame.
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Cocomelon (2018–2022)
Brain rot
12 February 2021
First of all, I gave this two stars. One for the fact this is dedicated to the Watts kids, and the second star for the average animation. Now the bad. Yes, it is brain rot. Stars lost for...
  • The same recycled tunes.
  • The surgically sterile environment.
  • The perfect kids. Never make a mess. Perfectly clean clothes.
  • The parents that never have to work and are perfect at everything.
  • The parents that have everything for each song/scenario.
  • The family lives in a big detached house.
  • How everyone knows the words to each song.
  • The weird and creepy animals that interact with the kids.
  • The irritating way how everyone taps their cheek a couple of times to think and come up with the brilliant idea to solve a problem.
  • The perfect world this reflects which belongs along with unicorns, leprechauns and fairies.
This will make impressionable children think us parents can give them everything, and will demand none other. How about if this was made more relatable where they live in the Section 8/projects or a trailer/mobile home and teach the kiddos it is okay to fail - that is how you learn.
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Joyeux Noel (2005)
I knew what to expect but not how I expected!
21 December 2020
Confusing? Sort of. But let me squish something first. Ignore the pro-war reviews saying this is boring. It. Is. Not. Alright, it is a little slow at first, but it sets the tone up for what follows (at more than one place along the lines)!. The first Christmas Eve song that played and sung made my eyes water. The initial suspicion that led to friendship. These fellows on this section of the line had more in common with their enemy than the chap next to them. The Jerry senior officer on the line who we think is a prat, turns out to be the most sensible and understanding. Then there's the football match the following day. Epic. Of course, once this happens, you have to question the morality of what you're doing. No longer are they the enemy but a friend. Whether what happened was right or wrong in a time of war can still be argued. At a few days before Christmas 2020, this ought to be watched my any and all, to see that though we may be different from the outside, inside we are the same, irrespective of what upper echelons lead you to believe. That mentality has not differed in 106 years, just the context. As the French CO admits to his son, the trench Lieutenant, "I'm asked to fight a war where the shovel outweighs the rifle" - the acknowledgment at the high rate of loss of lives. Final note: the choral version of "I'm Dreaming Of Home" is just beautiful over the illustrations and end credits. Gorgeous.
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Fearless (2020)
Another diversity twaddle animated movie
5 December 2020
I started watching this, then just got bored. I am getting to the point that I will stop watching television altogether... why? Because apparently all white males are dim-witted and need an ethnic 'friend' to keep them in check. Don't believe me? Just watch that other Netflix animated drivel of Jurassic Park: Invincible Kids (not quite the title, but if you've seen it, you will know what I mean). Do not get me wrong, I am all for diversity, but when white people are made to be the dumber part of a duo, what message does that send? Oh no, we cannot do that the other way around, as that is unacceptable. So it is acceptable the other way around? The world has gone down the bog... I think I will turn back to keeping myself entertained playing video games...
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Churchill (2017)
Jaw-dropping film in all the negative ways possible and then some!
27 November 2020
Now and then a WW2 film is released and I like to give it a chance. I have sat through drivel because there was something that kept my interest, or I could not wait to see how much worse it could get. After watching "Darkest Hour" (a good accompaniment to "Dunkirk") I thought this would make it a trilogy of sorts. I could not have been more wrong. I watched in horror as this movie destroyed the reputation of the Man Who Led Our Country to Victory. I had to stop after twenty-seven minutes as I could not tolerate any more. What is alarming is that modern society will lap this tosh up and believe it. Teachers and students beware! This movie has as much truth in it as polar bears living in the Mongolian desert. How this film even rates at 6.1 beggars belief. For those who are considering watching this... simply do not. I cannot stress enough how putrid this film is. Winston IS turning in his grave and his descendants should sue the makers. 1/10 is generous. If I could, I would rate this as Minus ten out of ten.
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Granddad's speech steals the cake
8 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this almost thirty years after being aired, it still makes me laugh. The premise has been described by others, which involves Del buying a pile of bricks witch happens to have boxes of lead under them. Cut into the episode to find our lovable trio nested in their nuclear fallout shelter and Del going on about how the glory of going to war will be obsolete. Cue Granddad's monologue speech about the truth of the First World War. You have to remember, when this was aired, there were still WW1 survivors alive, which makes this all the more poignant. A slap of harsh reality in a comedic scenario is the genius of John Sullivan. It is speeches like this that ought to be highlighted and pondered on. Well done, Granddad.
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History IS bought alive!
2 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There have been a lot (well, nearly all) negative reviews about this movie, because I get a feeling the reviewers have missed a critical point... charm. And this comes from Amy Adams' portrayal of Amelia Earheart. I could not find a flaw with her performance. Her out-dated language, mannerisms, and yes, charm. Hank Azaria is the evil Egyptian king is just pure humor, if just a little childish, which adds to the humor. I liked the Tuskegee Airmen/Amelia scene when they first meet - a nice nod to both sides struggle in aviation. I just wonder if Amelia really was like this in person, because I would love to meet her! This is a fun movie, though some of the aerial sequences are far fetched (Wright brothers airplane scene did not fly like a fighter plane!), the Einstein bobble heads and Pi discussion are funny (look out for one of the heads bang his head on the table in frustration). All in all, ignore the negative reviews, sit back with the family or friends, and enjoy the cute story.
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I Dream of Jeannie (1965–1970)
Golden show reflecting NASA glamor and great humor
21 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am writing this in 2015 after re-watching the entire collection for the second time. I was first introduced to this show by my mom who watched it in her younger years. When she visited me, we spent about a week watching all the episodes. When I was younger, this was screened during the day on Channel 4 (in England). Then I 'acquired' the collection in 2013 and thoroughly enjoyed the show. But why? Not only was NASA every child's dream, but the comedy is wonderful. This show would have never worked without Larry Hagman in such a perfect role as the excellent comic timed, forever-nervous and jumpy Capt (later Maj) Anthony Nelson. This is attributed to Jeannie the genie who tries to assist Nelson in a a good way, but always ends up being for the worse. Bill Dailey as Maj Healey is a perfect friend who gets looped into everything. All the strange and weird events are witnesses by Col Bellows (the CMO and psychiatrist) whose goal is to 'understand Maj Nelson'. Great show, and very hilarious and above all, timeless. Thanks to mom for introducing me to this.
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Over Here (1996 TV Movie)
Perfect RAF/USAAF collision with hilarious results and one-liners
29 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, bloody finally, I was able to 'get' this awesome comic wartime two-parter from the talented John Sullivan ('Only Fools And Horses' fame) about the Yanks being over here (in England) and the interactions between the RAF & USAAF crews. I remember seeing in the Radio Times in England in 1996 about this upcoming series, and was excited to see something about the RAF & USAAF. Somewhere back home I have the cut-outs from this article. As a kid, I didn't appreciate the humor (I was only 15 at the time). Who can forget Group Captain Barker's (Martin Clunes) exaggerated twitch at the mention of Luftwaffe or the closing scene when you see which of the cast dies in the course of the War - I've paused the moment Old Archie pauses at the Lytchmere Memeorial to look at the names, and you can see some of the characters on there - which makes it all the more hard-hitting - a very beautiful scene. When Archie tells Lenko outside the hospital about watching his friends blown up really hits the right spot, a big punch amongst the comical situations. Our grandparents served in this time, and from what I have read about the 'loose' antics of the RAF pilots, they get it spot on here. The words and phrases are perfect, really making you feel you are there with the characters. I love Archie's impeccable accent and fantastic English-ness. There's a young cast of 'unknowns' including Sam West (Archie), Corey Johnson (B-17 Commander), and a young Tony Curran (Dougie). Every character and supporting cast are spot-on perfect. In the US I believe it was released as 'Over There'. I could go on and on about this, but there's not enough space on here... all I can say is... True classic that has been aired a few times with limited DVD release. If you get a chance to watch it or find the torrent, DO so!! You WILL not disappointed.
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