
11 Reviews
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Grace (2021– )
Must be me.
1 May 2022
Clearly some people enjoyed and had a good regard for Grace and if they are genuine reviews then I am out of kilter. But I thought it was total rubbish with the plot that was both unlikely and at the same time predictable. I found myself predicting the next ridiculous turn and the only selfish enjoyment I got was predicting the ridiculous. All the usual the tropes of murder/detective drama were in there. ITV and BBC are now racing to the bottom in cheap and poor quality drama.
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Lacking in many respects
27 March 2022
Other reviews have pointed to the many flaws in this series. To me the production lacks any tension and completely fails to reflect the dramatic context of the time both politically and culturally. The writers have failed to capture any of the essence of the book or original film. It got worse and worse from a barely promising start.
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Our House (2022)
Worse than a soap
9 March 2022
At least the writers of EastEnders, Emmerdale etc are aware that their particular form does not expect its viewers to do more than wallow in their awful simplicity. But Our House with its ridiculous pretext, hammy dialogue and daft music has less merit. It is not possible to put a gloss on inferior writing.
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Chloe (2022)
Not that good
21 February 2022
The problem is that the direction and quality of UK TV drama with some rare exceptions has gone so far downhill that mediocre fare like this gets approving reviews. There was an absence of plausibility from the beginning which eventually led to its oh so weak ending.
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Fails to impress
19 October 2019
I know that crime series have to have a level of contrivance to be interesting, In reality of course most crime and murders are simple and brutal affairs. However this programme assembles together so many ingredients that it merely confuses. Even individual ingredients are over-egged. The unnecessarily long vistas of the Dublin coast line and car trips through rainy streets, the moody, mumbling acting, too many plot lines, exaggerated characters ( the police chief !) The main problem is the hardly credible coincidence that forms the main plot line. The jigsaw will come together eventually but not without stretching credibility to the point where most of us will be annoyed. Maybe ok if you like jig saws
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27 March 2019
It is a mystery that some have reported that this is good, others that it is woeful. the difference is so great that one suspects that there is commercial bias on one side or the other. I have no doubt where it lies I would imagine that as soon as these very good actors started reading the script and recording they must have realised that this was hackneyed, cliche rich, box ticking unadorned garbage of the first order. They must be appalled at the finished article
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Bodyguard (2018)
No way
27 August 2018
I simply cannot believe that anyone would after the ludicrous episode 2 think this was anything but another example of how badly BBC does drama these days. A real dogs breakfast with the main flaws being in the plot - or doesn't that matter any more. I'm afraid that 's it for me. I cannot stand David saying "yes Ma'am " any more
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Keeping Faith (2017–2021)
Promised much
2 August 2018
This started well but has rapidly fallen apart. Acting is over the top and the script is tiresome. There are long unnecessary scenes which are supposed to add dramatic effect but merely annoy. This is a failed attempt at serious drama
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The Split (2018–2022)
1 May 2018
This is another disappointing BBC drama. It would have been possible to produce a decent drama series about divorce lawyers and their family issues by dealing with two or three story strands. But the attempt to weave together so many divergent plot lines produces a rats nest of confusion and conflict. The cast is very good but they must surely have realised that they were working on a turkey.

The script could have been produced by a computer random cliche generator. Experience suggests that as the series continues it will deteriorate.

I think I was right about the deterioration. Series 3 was truly awful. For me Nicola Walker acting delivery is always the same and the role itself lacks empathy. It went from being a mildly I ntersting drama to a mushy soap opera. These UK series do not hold a candle to USA drama. Are good writers all over there where the money is ?
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McMafia (2018)
Started slowly and crawled to its end
13 February 2018
I am sadly coming to the realisation that my perceptions of what is good drama is coloured by what I have seen on TV, especially the BBC years ago. " Our Friends in the North ", " Boys from the Blackstuff " State of Play" It would appear now that producers are cowed into dramatic impotence by trying to be all things to all men but more generally moving down the scale to meet the lowest common denominator of the popular entertainment. A preference for style over substance, an uncanny ability to make plots both over-intricate and simple minded. An impoverished script made even more so by a failed attempt to introduce silent pauses for dramatic effect. That I didn't enjoy what I saw of this series is the least problem.More worrying is that so many people seem to think that it was good. I'm afraid we've reached the point with UK TV drama where the continuing poor quality is affecting the normal baseline by which good drama is measured.
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Rellik (2017)
Is it just me ?
2 October 2017
I thought that it couldn't get worse. I'm watching it because my partner is able to watch this sort of stuff. it is the worst drama series that the BBC have ever produced. At one point a hospital bed revelation was made and the unsuspecting victim overheard it (accidentally) as the woman lay her head on his chest and told him something he wasn't supposed to hear. Surely writers know when they're writing rubbish. The whole pretext is nonsense, the plot's ridiculous, the script is woeful.
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