7 Reviews
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I wasn´t worth of my time.
3 August 2024
One of the most boring anime films I´ve seen. Repetitive to an extent that makes you wonder why no one told the screenwriters "stop talking about why the main character didn´t shoot the girl". The neverending conservations make it for a pretty slow storytelling that, at the end of the day, never really to "big questions" the film is suppossed to ask.

The art, soundtrack and production design are really good. I sure give them that. The characters are well conceived, but unfortunately they go over and over again to the very same topics, which, by the way, I didn´t find so interesting at all (but that´s me, someone can see like way more than clichés about good and evil).
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Anatema (2006)
Give this movie a chance
10 January 2022
Despite the fact Anatema is obviously a non-professional and mostly amateur production, if you are able to bear the terrible acting of the first 15 minutes, you´ll find out this film tells a painful story that depicts pretty well the horrors of the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and the misguided actions of NATO and the UN. To anyone interested on how mean human beings could be to each other, if we are given the chance, watching this movie would be a must; because this is the kind of cinema that reminds us Walter Benjamin´s quote: "There is no document of culture that is not at the same time a document of barbarism".
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If you wanna have a good time, with worrying of thinking so much, it is a must.
17 April 2021
This movie is not gonna tell you any meaningful story or teach you something the smallest thing about human nature, but it´s pretty entertaining, the special effects are awesome, has good fights and battles and Milla Jovovich still makes angels feel ugly.
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The Bridge (1959)
Watching this movie is a must.
13 April 2021
This could be easily the best war movie I have seen in my entire and sory excuse for a life.
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If you have half a brain, there is no way you don´t like
5 March 2021
This movie is perfect. Stop reading me and just watch the bloody flick. (Just in case you really need to know, it tells a great story about a writer´s struggle against authoritarism and the unexpected allies one can find along the way: beatiful and humane.)
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The Boy (2016)
One of the best horror movies I´ve seen
16 October 2020
This is for sure one of the most intelligent and best written horror movies I have ever seen. Entertaining, smart, with pretty unexpected plot twists and characters created and performed in perfect accordance with the plot. Besides that, Lauren Cohan not only gives a great performance, but also looks prettiest and sexiest as ever. I really don´t understand why the movie got only a 6. Probably people just didn´t like it because they didn´t see it coming; and humans, vain and petty as we are, hold grudges on everything that makes feel stupid. Some reviews mention plot holes... Well, that´s what everybody says when they really don´t have anything to say.
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The Last Hour (2017)
Don´t waste your time
8 October 2020
La hora final is by far the most boring Latin American movie I have ever seen and, believe me, I´m Latin and I have seen hundreds of our movies. I hope you read this so you won´t lose your time on a political thriller that doesn´t say so much about politics and never thrills.
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