
3 Reviews
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Chappie (2015)
Awesome and compelling Sci Fi Simce Terminator!
20 October 2023
Chappie is an amazing journey about a Robot who becomes conscious and is faced with an environment not yet ready for a self conscious robot. Born in the slums, raised by criminals and nurtured by his Creator creating conglicts at every step of the game. Neil Blomkamp crafts a beautiful story of life and death seen through the eyes of a Robot. If you love Science Fiction def give it a watch. Starring Hugh Jackman, Sigourney Weaver and even the music group Die Antwoord as Chappies parents, think about that lol. All this combines into a wild ride of violence and deep questions concerning the future of humanity.
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Dont hire the White Production Designer why? Because a Black person deserves it more.
18 July 2023
This show litterally shows why Hollywood is failing today. They gave this Woman an amazing opportunity, and yet must force their views and opinions into every move she makes. All while forgetting that making film and tv has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with equality. They litterally had an uproar because she liked the creative input of a White man. So much so that they forced her to have meeting with Black production designers who they approve of under the guise of equality instead of their racism. Disgusting! Litterally pretty much said to the Woman, oh look at you your in your position right now because we put you there because of your Color and not your creativity. This is an extremely bad look for HBO.
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From (2022– )
Really enjoying the show! Truth Tracker
21 June 2023
I never heard of this show and found it just surfing for something to watch. I turned on From and from the 1st episode was locked in! In one shot I watched Season 1 and Season 2 now hungry for more having to stop because I caught up to the present Season 2 finale that comes out soon. I enjoyed every minute of the Sci Fi, apocalyptic element, put every day people into a situation and watch them make decisons of survival. Thia show serves all the goods and the main Sheriff is a great actor kinda reminds of Samuel Jackson. Keep up the great work I think this show will fill the void that the Walking Dead has been leaving.
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