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Chopped: Stacking Up (2012)
Season 13, Episode 1
Lack Luster
7 September 2014
I really love chopped. I watch in on TV, I watch in online at Food Network's website. However, I must say that this episode was very hard to watch.

Right from the start the baskets where great and interesting, but the contestants were not. Each contestant did nothing but make huge mistakes, and not re-purpose items. Their mistakes and lack of energy or creativity made me feel no one should have won 10,000 dollars.

I don't think I would watch this episode again, I'd flip the channel. I usually pay full attention to chopped when it is on, but I had to put all my energy into seeing who got chopped each round. I spent more time talking to my boyfriend about unique facts on the foods in the basket than watching it. They were just that lack luster. This was such an off episode.
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Chopped: Sweet Surprises (2013)
Season 16, Episode 8
Could Have Been Better
28 August 2014
Normally, I love it when Chopped does a special thing in the baskets. I really enjoy it when all the baskets have a theme or reoccurring type of item (like fish, chocolate, or candy.) However, I didn't feel this way during this episode.

Hiding under tall silver pillar lids where desserts to use. You would think they would have great choices of gourmet items, or unique items. They didn't.

This episode was a bad choice of items for such a great idea. I felt like the person doing the shopping for the baskets wasn't even trying. The items where lack luster and the other items in the basket where mundane as well. All together I felt like the episode was a wash and it is just a white noise episode. The only good thing was who won, which I wont share.
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Gossip Girl (2007–2012)
Only One Reprise That Keeps Me Coming Back
25 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When I first started watching Gossip Girl it was because there was nothing else on to watch on CW and that was all I had online to watch. It was kind of stupid at first and very over done teen drama - and I was half interested until Chuck opened a night club.

Suddenly, Chuck and Blair became a couple and I wanted to see it. As Blair and Chuck coupled and Blair become a solid character I found I was addicted to her. She isn't much of a role model, but yet I found her as one. She was fashionable and always got what she wanted because she was smart enough to plot for everything.

It isn't a show that I would really want to have a teenager watch, I feel it is more for 17+ age range. The books were even worse, but I was 18 when the show took off.

This isn't a show to watch because you want a plot line or serious thought, it just isn't that kind of show. This is like a late night soap opera for teens and college age students. If you love cliché drama (like I do) to relax at the end of the day, you'll love gossip girl.
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24 August 2014
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The first half of this episode and the first half of this second part where just find. It was just like a suspense mystery for teens. The tension was great, the segments with fear were great.

I found the ending to be the part that bothered me. I'm use to Goosebumps having cruddy endings because they try to end it on a good note for the sake of a young audience, but this was insanely bad.

The ending just ruined the whole two-part episode and was actually kind of dump as hell. I'll give it this, I didn't see it coming, but I'm never going to watch this episode again.

I mean it was like they tried to just shove a scooby doo spin in on the last 3 min.
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Bewitched: Disappearing Samantha (1966)
Season 2, Episode 29
Very Funny Episode!
30 July 2014
This is one of those episodes of Bewitched that is funny. The sad part, or maybe great depending on how you look at it, is that it is so funny because of Bernard Fox the actor.

It is filled with tons of funny scenes, and lines. Fox's reactions to things really makes me want to laugh so hard I'll fall over.

It is an episode that has many special effect mistakes, which the DVD comments on in the special features, but the story itself makes up for those noticeable mistakes.

I love any episode that features Fox, he is just an amazing actor and he really steals the screen when he is on it.
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Bewitched: Double Split (1966)
Season 2, Episode 28
An Okay Episode, but not bad either.
30 July 2014
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There are some episodes of Bewitched that are a little over the top, and kind of seem dumb or annoying. This one isn't annoying, but it isn't a very funny episodes either.

The whole idea behind the episode, and how Samantha gets the friends to make up is uncomfortable. I fully understand that in that era women were to look pretty and get along with everyone when they were a stay at home wife at a husband's work party. Still, the way Darrin reacted to the situation was up setting.

I don't mind watching the episode, but I tune out for most of it. It does have one really funny scene, but only because of how it was filled and acted out.
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Fantasy Fun!
9 July 2014
I really love this series, the episodes are full of fantasy fun, the classic jokes and spoof of Scooby-Doo, and haunting bad guys. As an 80's Scooby Series, following the tail of the New Scooby Doo Movies - the monsters are real.

This episode is like a cartoon version of a classic fantasy movie. Enchanted forest, wands, wizards, and evil trees. The comedy is pretty good in this one, the ending jokes are funny no matter how old you are.

This episode really reminds me of the sequel to Snow White that came out when I was a child (about the same time, oddly) "Happy Ever After", and awkwardly enough the princess is put into a deep and eternal sleep that requires a kiss to awaken from.
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I Loved This As a Kid
9 July 2014
As a child this was one of my favorite Scooby-Doo shows. Normally, I prefer to watch Daphne and Fred - but I feel the fantasy element of this series was what drew me in.

I'll be it, as an adult it isn't as much fun because some of what goes on in it is just too stupidly childlike, but as a kid that was just fine with me.

This episode wasn't the best of the series, but the series overall was. I like that it isn't a typical Scooby-Doo mystery with fake ghosts, all the monsters are real - after all, that was the Scooby-Doo of the 80's.

If you're kids really like funny fantasy stories or paranormal, they'd really love this show.
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Hello Sister, Goodbye Life (2006 TV Movie)
Heartwarming, But Not a Repeat
7 July 2014
I watched this movie on Netflix, as many made for TV movies are featured in their watch online section. I like Lacey Chabert and the plot sounded interesting.

I felt the pace of the movie was very uneven. It seemed far to slow in places and far to fast in others. The relationships built between the characters that should have blossomed over 6 weeks (the time-line of the story) happened too swift. It was like blocks of weeks were just missing and no background information of those days was given.

At times I couldn't tell when something was taking place. However, the story itself was charming. The idea behind the story, some of the lines, and the actors were nice. I kept striving for more emotional connection from the adults, but I didn't really get it.

It was a great story, and I felt it could have been told better, but it as show that did make me cry at the end, pushing the rating up from below average, and it is interesting enough to pass the time.
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Funny Moments, But Not the Best Episode for Kids
15 May 2014
This episode of Sailor Moon establishing for all the viewers that this series (in Japanese) was intended for an audience over the age of 10. After all it does in some ways promote bad behavior, discuss dating, and involve showing a girl's panties in a detrimental way.

That aside - I am not under 10 - so those things do not bother men. What made this episode not the best was that the story wasn't riveting. Some Sailor Moon episodes are not super interesting. This was one of them.

The Dark Kingdom premise was vague at times and it took some stretching of common sense to understand how energy was gained by them instead of just wasted on misbehaving boy's actions.

The comedy of the episode, especially between Usagi and Mamoru was super entertaining. I remember the scene between them so very well, and often times find myself seeking it in English only to recall it was this episode which was never dubbed.
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Colossal Squid: Squid Invasion (2008)
Season 1, Episode 2
Better Than Episode 1
15 May 2014
Of the two episodes I felt that this one was much better. The only thing linking the two episodes is that they are on the topic of Squid. They are not even on the topic of the same types of squid. Episode one being on Colossal, and episode two on Giant Squid. Both fond in very different parts of the world as they do not have much in common on a detailed level.

This episode wasn't filled with what appeared to be cheap C G I like the first episode was. It was instead filled with more action, real footage, and web-cam footage.

The topics addressed in this episode were far more interesting. The knowledge to glean about Giant Squid was fascinating, especially that on a possible communication of the squid featured in the episode.
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Colossal Squid (2008– )
Slow Start - Okay Finish
15 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The start of this show wasn't even up to discovery channel standards. The reenactments were all CG I and passive to say the least for episode 1 of 2.

The first episode moved slowly, it wasn't about much, and there was very little information to glean from the experience. I began tuning out the show after a while.

The second episode was much more gripping, and eventful. There were mainly live footage clips instead of enactments, and the information gleaned was must more satisfying.

All and all, I feel that the first episode needed more to it than it had and the second should have been the start / pilot of the series.

The subject matter is elusive to say the least. I was hoping for some mythology and description of colossal squid in episode one - like learning about how it would have really happened if 20,000 Leagues were real. I was disappointed.

The second episode was alright, and there was nothing to mislead me in the title.
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Gossip Girl: Dare Devil (2007)
Season 1, Episode 5
Little J Makes This Episode
8 March 2014
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I love Blair, despite her evil ways - in fact usually because of them. Still, Little J really took the cake on this episode. Her escalation really rivals Blair on this level, and her cunning is amazing.

At this point I could see Erik becoming her best friend or lover (though later I changed my mind on option B :P can't say why, too much of a spoiler).

The content of the side stories in this episode was plain and slow, pretty boring in general on the date front.

I found that this episode humanized Lily a little bit, with her relationship with Rufus, but honestly I still found her to be a bad mother. She knows why Erik tried to kill himself, and she claims she doesn't - as if.
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Gossip Girl: Bad News Blair (2007)
Season 1, Episode 4
A Great Episode For Personality
8 March 2014
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I really loved the scene between Dan and Blair in this episode. Despite the hateful relationship between the two, they really bond over horrid mother's. I felt that after seeing how beyond evil Blair's mother was, even worse that the pilot, I cared even more about her. I wanted to save Blair, cuddle her, and have changed her childhood to one with hugs, inspiration, and a mother who complemented her, not broke her down.

This episode made me a little frustrated at Serena, the way she keeps interacting with Dan and choosing Blair. I thought that he could do better than Serena at this point.
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Gossip Girl: Poison Ivy (2007)
Season 1, Episode 3
First Time I Loved Blair
8 March 2014
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This episode is total wasn't the best episode in the series, nor the worst. This was the first episode that I really stabilized my feelings about the characters.

Nate: I don't like him. He pretends he is not entitled, and tries to run from it, but only because people guilt him. I can't stand him, he is very fake and jumps around on his beliefs and love lives.

Chuck: He is probably the most interesting man I have ever seen. I can tell he isn't evil, just desperate for the love and attention that someone forgot to give him, (later on we find out who). I suddenly forgave him for the issues with Jennie and Serena in the pilot.

Serena: I'm like her, and I like her - but she doesn't drive me to keep watching because it isn't anything new in my life. She is a good person, though, standing up for Erik

Dan: I love him, and I think I'd marry him if he was real. I already liked him though, I did since the pilot. He is one of the two reasons that I keep watching the series.

Blair: I love her. I hated her at first, because of how she treated Serena, but this was when I started to like her. I found her interesting when she started digging into Serena's past, but at the end that scene with the letter in the rain, I couldn't help but love her. She turned from villain to goddess in my eyes, because I saw a sweet naive girl who was hurt and pushed around by her mother that cracked out of her bondage of family rules to become a queen of her peers. She is the other of the two reasons I keep watching the show now.

Little J: I found her interesting, but not driving.
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The Secret Circle: Pilot (2011)
Season 1, Episode 1
I Sensed A Great Start When I Began this Show
22 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I promise not to ruin the show for you new viewers as far as the show as a whole, so I am reviewing the episodes one at a time as I re-watch them so that you can get a feel of the reviews as the season progresses.

This episode was actually a really great pilot, and not many pilots can always say that. Sometimes they are missing vital information, start at a horrid time mark, or move to slow with endless back-story. This episode, thankfully, did not.

The rhythm of this episode was wonderful, it wasn't too fast or too slow and it held my attention the whole episode, as well as left me wondering what was next.

That being said, there were some things that I didn't like with this episode. I didn't like relationship building between Cassie and Adam, seeing as how he preaches love and then instantly finds that he wants Cassie. I believe in soul-mates too, but I don't believe in faking love.

I also wasn't a fan that Cassie doesn't like or want magic, that was a downer.
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The Carrie Diaries: Lie with Me (2013)
Season 1, Episode 2
Good Episode
20 January 2014
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This episode was much better than the pilot episode. The ideals of the episode and how lying is important, I'm not a fan of that for a teen's show it isn't good to teacher, but it is life and as a story it makes for a great one.

I love the fashion in this episode, it is amazing and so is the fashion shoot that Larissa handles.

I'm already not a fan of Sebastian Kid, he seems like a player that is only interested in Carrie for the sake of sexual activity with a virgin, but you never know with a CW show. Honestly, I don't hold him in high regards and I'm with her father on this one.
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The Carrie Diaries: Pilot (2013)
Season 1, Episode 1
It Was Good, but It Wasn't SATC
20 January 2014
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I knew when the CW took on this project that it was never going to be anything like Sex and the City, they are mainly teen and new adult shows, the CW isn't a station about nudity, violence, and it is very much so not HBO.

Still, being a huge SATC fan, I chose to watch it...I mean what harm can that do? I was board during the start of the episode, it took until just after meeting Larissa to pick up.

After the episode picked up the show was pretty good. I wouldn't say I'll be addicted to the Carrie Diaries, it is a little too stream line for me, and it isn't SATC, but I'll watch it again.
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Gossip Girl: The Wild Brunch (2007)
Season 1, Episode 2
18 January 2014
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This show should be labeled as a Soap Opera, not a drama because the drama level is far too high. The scandals are very over the top, even for TV. I wouldn't say that I wouldn't watch the series again, however, I would say that I'm not addicted or concerned what will happen in the next episode.

I am not a fan of Blair, which is odd because as an actress I like her better, nor am I fan of Jenny. The bribed situation I was fine with, that is normal among girls, at least the girls I knew way back in high school. The situation I have a problem with is all of things that Chuck and Blair do to one another to set one another up among the full group, as well as, the situation between Nate's father and Blair's mother and how it effects Nate's life.
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Jem: The Beginning (1985)
Season 1, Episode 1
A Fine Start
18 January 2014
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I felt, that as pilots go, this one was actually pretty good. Often times you'll find pilots that have unknown back-story, as Teen Titans and Gossip Girl do that we discover along the way, however Jem is a very well laid out pilot that fills you in on everything about the series moving forward and about the series in the back-story in one simple package.

I have to say that the lifestyle Jerrica leads is very empowering, she cares more about the children she takes care of, rather than the music business. I find it inspirational to see a series about someone in the media world and limelight that doesn't involve the lead doing drugs, sleeping around, and being an all around bad role model.

I do enjoy the music, it is contagious, often I will find myself humming songs from the series for days on end. It is the peak of 80's, the fashion, the story-lines, it is like an inspirational soap opera for kids (which does sound weird to say those too genres together) I haven't seen anything like it since.
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Doctor Who: The Unquiet Dead (2005)
Season 1, Episode 3
I expected more
18 January 2014
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I felt that this episode didn't live up to the hype the other episodes caused. If this was the first episode of the series I saw, I'd probably only watch it from there on out when nothing better was on to watch.

Although I do love a good time travel episode, I wasn't impressed with this one. The episode started off interesting, and moved quickly enough, however the endings and the "twists" (if one can call them that) were very predictable, the action and special effects were not gripping, and I wasn't impressed at the story line with the special guest star.

I love Dr. Who, but this one just missed the mark, it was a filler episode that I could have done without.
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Gossip Girl: Pilot (2007)
Season 1, Episode 1
It Wasn't The Best, Nor the Worst
18 January 2014
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I came into Gossip Girl after the series ended, hearing the hype I chose to give it a look and see what happened. This pilot took far to long to get into the story-line for me, and that was disappointing. When it did get into the story-line, I found that I liked the characters. It was like watching a pre-teen Days of Our Lives, drama, scandals, rich families, and over the top situations.

To be honest even though it was interest and Soap Opera like, I feel that if I never saw it again I wouldn't be upset, nor do I sit and dwell on what will happen in the next episode as I do with other shows. I feel no hunger to continue, it will be a show that fills my time when there is nothing else to watch, or when I have on NetFlix in the background and want something that I don't have to pay attention to.
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Doctor Who: Rose (2005)
Season 1, Episode 1
Surprised Me
18 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Going into this episode I had never really seen much Doctor Who, other than a few episodes of pieces of episode here and there while my boyfriend was watching them. Reading the breakdown about living Mannequins I was skeptical to say the least. I thought, how could someone make an episode about living figures not be cheesy and like a cheap horror film.

As it turns out the episode actually every good, good enough I wanted to watch more of the series. The actual reasons behind the mannequins, the other living plastic things, and the plastic alien where interesting.

I figured that I wouldn't much care for this Doctor since what little I had seen was Matt and David, and I was overly fond of David in a I'm his fan I'd die to meet him oh my god he is so handsome kind of way. The personality of this Doctor was even more alive and funny than David and I liked his whimsical-ness, seeing as he didn't look like a man who would be whimsical.

I am a huge fan of Rose, from what little I had seen before and all that I have seen now I am a die-hard Rose and the Doctor couple fan, which is why I wasn't a huge fan of Dana (at first, but came to love her), and always hated River.

I think if you like Sci-Fi and you love getting surprise after surprise that you will love Doctor Who. The series isn't just about aliens and outer space (which are my favorite episodes BTW), but it is also about time travel, historical events, paranormal happenings, and so much more.
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Doctor Who: Aliens of London (2005)
Season 1, Episode 4
Too Me By Surprise
18 January 2014
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Watching the previews for this movie, I didn't expect it to be as well thought out as it was. I was seeing aliens invading and making a calculated mistake in landing, I didn't see the wonderful and interesting twists that would follow.

I must say that I am not a fan of Mickey (or Rickey as the Doctor would call him). I understood his plight in Rose's 12month span, but his hate for the Doctor made him someone that I could not side without, that and he was dating Rose and I am a die-hard Rose X Doctor fan.

All in all it left me dying to see the next episode, to chase Mickey away, slap Rose's mum, and cross my fingers that Rose and the Doctor survive.

I think if you like Sci-Fi and you love getting surprise after surprise that you will love Doctor Who. The series isn't just about aliens and outer space (which are my favorite episodes BTW), but it is also about time travel, historical events, paranormal happenings, and so much more.
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Doctor Who: The End of the World (2005)
Season 1, Episode 2
My Kind of Dr. Who Episode
18 January 2014
This was very much so my type of Dr. Who episode. I am a fan of Dr. Who episode that take place in the distant future or on other planets. Classic Sci-Fi with aliens that are new and unique, fun plot twists, and futuristic worlds are my favorite type of Sci-Fi experiences. Dr. Who deliver that in full with a plot twist you will never see coming, amazing aliens (done like Star Wars Original, they are not all CGI and that makes them top line and interesting), and the connections made emotionally push me further into the story. I can't help but feel like I have become addicted.

If you love Sci-Fi, from aliens to alternate worlds you'll love Dr. Who. To be frank this series is not just Sci-Fi, but also Historical, Mystery, Thriller and Adventure, and even Paranormal at times. It encompasses everything you love about watching and reading.
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