
17 Reviews
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Too many questions and barely any answers
10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I will admit, I was hooked and I was invested to see the final outcome as well as getting answers to the many questions I had while watching, however, only a couple questions were ever answered and that ending had me wanting to smash my skull into the concrete outside for wasting 2+ hours of my time on this travesty.

What was with the animal interactions with the humans, specifically the deer? It made zero sense.

What was with the use of the color blue? Blue rooms, blue clothing, blue car, blue hue, extremely blue drinking water. So much blue I though there was something wrong with my TV.

Why did one person get radiation sickness and nobody else did? Was it due to the bug bite? The sound or what?

What was the reasoning of showing the trashed American flag on the moon? It looked like someone stomped on it in mud and then put it back up.

I guess I am expecting too much when it comes to a movie having explanations for most things and leaving ambiguity where it makes sense.

If you have nothing to do on a snowy Sunday afternoon then I would suggest this garbage to kill some time, other than that, give this hot mess a serious pass.
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Barbarian (2022)
Epic Fail
18 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The only saving grace for this movie was Justin Long's dirtbag character, everything else was just plain dumb.

The back story was weak with no real explanation of anything except for the fact that the original home owner was a sadist/psycho/inbreeder. There was a comment by the homeless guy that there were far more dangerous things in that house besides the freaky woman, which tells me they plan to make this garbage into some sort of franchise.

They may have added some more clarity during the ending/credits where Tess was walking away, but I didn't stay long enough to see the rest of the credits nor did I care to.

There was just too many questions in this movie that just were not answered and the movie's lack of intrigue just didn't make me really care for the answers.
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Nope (2022)
Nope is right
25 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am now positive that the crew, family members, relatives and friends skewed the ratings for this garbage and made it abnormally high. I am giving it 3 stars because there was points in the movie were I was vested and interested, however, that ending was just plain st-st-st-st-stuuuupid, what a waste of what could have been an interesting movie.
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Blasted (2022)
30 June 2022
What did I just watch? Huh? C'mon, really? I mean seriously? This is perhaps one of the worst movies I have ever watched. I get it, it's a sci-fi comedy, but seriously, c'mon!
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I almost believed the initial reviews.
5 May 2022
I have to admit, I committed the cardinal sin of a new show review. After the first episode came out, I read the reviews without watching and based on all the low and negative reviews decided to pass. I recently overheard some co-workers talking very highly of the show, so I went back to the review panel and noticed the initial low score of 5.2 I originally saw had jumped up to over 6. I smacked myself and decided to watch, and I am very glad I did. Haters are always going to find some reason to hate. I eagerly look forward to watching the rest of the episodes.
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24 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I get that the old man and kid were supernatural beings who punish the wicked, but what I didn't get was why did they traumatize the daughter and the wife if their main target was the scumbag husband? This was one of those "could have been good " movies if the writing was a little more clearer. If you have a couple hours to kill on a lazy Sunday afternoon then I would say give it a shot.
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X (II) (2022)
Geriatric Nymph
17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't know how to rate this one, I mean I loved the retro 70's style slasher concept, but to have an elderly nympho/rapist/psycho/murdering woman as the antagonist just didn't bode well with me. Not from a theatrical standpoint but from a physical standpoint. Plus, in all honesty, all of the victims would have survived only if her husband would have given her some, she was pretty satisfied after he did. I don't know, I liked the style but the premise just didn't sit well with me.
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Moonfall (2022)
Too bad for words.
3 April 2022
I get it, this is one of those movies where you are required to shut off your brain, sit back and enjoy the movie for what it is. Unfortunately, the bad dialog and the stupid plot just absolutely kills it. Another over budgeted flick that stole ideas from other movies of the same genre, tries to stitch them all together with an incoherent plot and then adds in a bunch of annoying dialog that makes you cringe each time it heard. It then tries to add perfume to this pig with a lot of expensive CGI. If you are looking to kill 2hrs then it would be better spent watching paint dry.
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Windfall (2022)
Gimme a break!
20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Too stupid for words, especially the ending. Nothing new here, the consummate filthy rich self serving husband, the gold digging trophy wife who thinks she is smarter and more important than she actually is in a semi-loveless marriage, and the dumb home invader who is much more interested in tasting the fruits of another man's labor than actually robbing the place. The couple end up the hostage of said dumb burglar and for the next 1 hour and 10 mins there is nothing but back and forth banter between all 3 with all the tropes you would expect between the filthy rich and the filthy poor. Then there was that atrocious ending, did she really think that she was going to get away with it after all the forensic evidence she left behind? The angle of the entry points of the bullets she fired into her husband while he was sitting and tied up will match someone of her height and not the taller home invader, plus she tried to wipe off her fingerprints on the gun, but ended touching the gun once again when she went to put it in his dead hands, plus she has GSR on her hands from firing the gun. Save your time and go watch something else.
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No Lives Matter To A Chainsaw
28 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get the hate for this movie. It was hilarious watching Leatherface brutally take out these cringey and entitled hipsters after they barge into town and cause his mother to die with their entitled and demanding nature. Highly recommended family entertainment!
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Good Stuff!
25 December 2021
The only thing exploding faster than the earth getting hit by a 10km wide comet are the snowflakes who saw glimpses of themselves parodied in this movie. I thought the movie was well done and mixed in the comedy and drama on equitable levels. After being disappointed with many of the other new NF movies and shows, this was a refreshing change of pace to be captivated by a movie and be motivated to watch the whole thing in its entirety without having to stop it and watch in fragments or never completing at all.
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Bruised (2020)
Disappointing mama drama
28 November 2021
When you go into a movie expecting the trials and tribulations of being a female fighter, but instead, what you get is baby mama drama. Disappointing to say the least.
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Old (2021)
Needs to be retitled to Trash
3 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
More dumb parts than interesting ones, especially the ending. You would have thought that Big Pharma would have had a 'Plan B' to prevent test escapes.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
This series need to be renamed to Another Joke.
16 October 2021
What else can I say, S2 is just S1 with even more dumb and infuriating decisions. Of course, it has all the ripoffs of other well made series and movies, just slightly altered to be not so obvious. If this joke of a crew is the best and the brightest earth has to offer then we are truly doomed as a species.
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Whoa, wait, what!
20 August 2021
I am giving this movie 10/10 because of the last act and the look on my wife's face. They have got some serious brass to make a movie with those scenes, oh man!
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Too corny for words
18 August 2021
I couldn't get past the first 15 mins. The animation and voice overs were just too bad. I expected more, that is perhaps why I was sorely disappointed.
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Great White (2021)
Pollution for the brain
5 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Shark attacks seaplane with its jaws and causes it to sink in less than 1 minute, however, the rest of the movie is the shark stalking and bumping an inflatable raft full of people but never bites the raft. Yes, it's that type of movie.
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