
3 Reviews
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A Solid, Well Adapted Parable
27 December 2021
A simple story told well through the medium, visually stunning and true to its roots. Not fantastical for the sake of pandering to the masses, but weighty and engaging if you're willing to give it a chance and very concise in its archaic but timeless message.
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Perfect Harmony (2019–2020)
A Good, Uplifting Comedy Series
26 September 2019
The show is fun, entertaining, and has its heart in the right place. It's a good time, and is downright actually funny.
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Hereditary (2018)
Easily one of the best horror films in recent memory.
21 June 2018
In the age of cheap, surface-level horror, the rare gems that shine through need to be praised. This film absolutely disturbed me, in the best possible way. It felt like a modern version of The Exorcist, but with a far more complex and intriguing plot. It tears your expectations to shreds, and even for a seasoned horror film enthusiast is very hard to predict. First movie in a while that truly stayed in my head after viewing. Definitely among my favorite horror films, and more than certainly worth a watch.
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