
3 Reviews
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A delicate comedy
1 September 2005
Like Chaplin at Mutual, this is a Linder's film of his maturity. The story is about Max who in holiday in Switzerland meets two young American girls. They're friends, the first one is blond, the other one is brunette. He falls in love with the two of them and decide to declare his flame first to the brunette then to the blond. When they realize the game Max is playing, they decide to play also. It is a delicate comedy between the three characters realized all in outsides (certainly around the Leman's lake)with a very good direction and very pretty images. The two unknown actress are also very charming. One of the best of Max Linder.
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Documentary poetic realism cinema
29 August 2005
It's a Switzerland film realized in the tradition of Jean Epstein and his film "la belle Nivernaise" realized in 1923 ; a film in the tradition of the french documentary poetic realism cinema filmed in outsides with a tinted photography of very high quality. The story is held in Haute-Savoie in Evian, Montreux and Meillerie around the Leman's lake. André Carel son of a famous french writer stay in Savoie accompanied by his tutor (Michel Simon) and fall in love with the daughter of a owner boatman (Blanche Montel)who make the transport of stones across the lake. Beginning slowly, the film become so interesting in the second part with a very pleasant realization and so pretty images of the lake's shipping tradition and of the little town of Meillerie. Very good copy very well restored by the "cinémathèque of Lausanne".
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a marvelous travel in the past
24 August 2005
It's a wonderful film in the spirit of Tintin from Hergé realised at the beginning of the aviation. It's a serial in six parts (corresponding to the film in two parts identified on IMDb) traveling by plane from Paris to Paris with stages in Genoa, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Canton, Yokohama, Honolulu, San Francisco, New-York and Brest in France with each time a very attractive filming in outsides ; it's a very pleasant travel in a forgotten past. Characters are also very good with very pleasant performances from Ellen Richter and especially from Hans Brausewetter. The copy i saw was very well restored by the French/German TV Arte.
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