16 Reviews
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Red Notice (2021)
Super Disappointing- Expected A Star Quality Movie
18 April 2024
There were plenty of great moments here and there but overall the story arch was disappointing. The ending was one of the worst I have ever seen, and I watch hundreds of movies a year.

The double, triple, and quadruple crosses got old after a while. I write thrillers and one of the best pieces of advice I have ever received came from one of my writer mentors.

He said, "you are only ever allowed one coincidence in your first draft, and in the second draft you must remove it. Period!"

I felt disappointed to see that much talent on screen with a script that was a disaster so the stars never really could shine.
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Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character ruins this movie
24 November 2023
I hated her from the first second. This script really sucked. What a sad way to end this. I kept hoping her character would bite it but she just keeps living, even though she is reprehensible. Ugh.

They did a great job with the action scenes and it could have been so much better. But it just wanted it to end. After all she does to Indy, why he still is speaking to her is hard to swallow.

Loved seeing a ton of the old characters, but I just can't give it more than a 4. She is just awful. And why they decided to give Indy's Goddaughter such a lack of character, no ethics and zero morals is beyond me.
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The Killer (2023)
So many misses. So strange for a slick Netflix movie, way too many errors.
14 November 2023
It sounded great, and I was excited to see the movie everyone was talking about. But I quickly learned, just because people are talking about something, it doesn't make it good.

The acting was fantastic. The script was a mess. So many misses and so many out and out mistakes.

The first gigantic error - a really unforgivable error - was when our lead character (narrating over the first half hour and then more thoughout) says he finds music a good distraction. He puts in earbuds and listen to loud blaring music while waiting patiently for the first on screen victim to appear. This happens directly after he hears someone come in and grabs his gun and damn near shoots the mailman. If he is that goose-y, why does he sit down and listen to music so loud he would not hear a bazooka behind him.

That is just the first of many errors that real cops, and assassins don't make. He is rather sloppy and messes up time and again.

All in all, very disappointing.
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Frasier (2023– )
Absolutely BRILLIANT encore
12 October 2023
I was hesitant. I mean, how can you follow the brilliant show FRASIER? Kelsey Grammar has done a brilliant job here. The right actors, the right mood, the perfectly written script, and the stellar acting. I can't recommend this show enough. Fantastic show. They managed to weave in the new characters so easily, and Freddy is brilliant. As is David, as Niles and Daphne's son who has come to Boston to attend Harvard. Freddy and David could not be more different. Freddy is reminiscent of Martin, with his earthy humor and his non-pretentious airs. David is much like Niles, somewhat prissy and naive, but also a bit like Daphne, sweet natured and child-like.

I highly recommend this show!
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Citadel (2023– )
Absolutely brilliantly done
29 June 2023
I am disregarding all the naysayers here, and saying that this is one of the best series I have seen in a LONG time. Every episode is like going to the movies and watching an action-packed, heart thumping thriller. Edge-of-your-seat barely describes the way the cinematography, the acting, and the writing shake you up every single scene.

The cast is brilliant. The writing is bitingly sharp. I absolutely love this show, and as a writer myself I appreciate the twists and turns and red herrings. The only thing I might say detracts from the smooth flow of the show is the jumping the time line. I understand it is to jar the watcher, and I get it, but the technique (because it is used so often) would never fly with my literary agent or publisher. You can get by with a little of that, but it can be overdone quickly. I hope in Season Teo There is less of that, but as in most thrillers, we are required at some Level To suspend reality. It is escapism and entertainment. And this show gets a 10 for all of that. Bravo to Amazon for backing this very high concept project. How I would love to be a writer for this show, but the writers they have are STELLAR. They don't need me. It is superior television.
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Hawkeye (2021)
Wow only last three episodes
11 December 2022
I only lasted two episodes and a bit of the third. The character of Kate Bishop is such an annoying, unlikeable, stupid character. I can't believe Hawkeye would help her, after some of the stupid - reckless - stunts she pulls. Very disappointing since I love Marvel and Jeremy Renner.

No spoilers here, suffice to say the character is young, inexperienced, and doesn't listen to anyone and certainly doesn't learn as she goes. I wanted to Slap her several times during every episode. Her stupidity and arrogance nearly gets them killed every 5 minutes. It doesn't help her acting is marginal at best.

I hate to miss a show with Hawkeye, but I can't take even one more scene with her character in it.
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High Seas (2019–2020)
An old-school mystery, a la Agatha Christie without Poirot
19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the first two seasons, giving them a pass on the idiocy of their main characters who constantly manage to place themselves or others in peril.

Then, Season 3. What a huge disappointment. Huge.

Most of the characters began behaving totally out of character, the story line was bizarre to say the least, and finally: the hero emerged. Nicolas was the hero, showing his brilliance...and then? Chasing a lunatic woman made no sense. And where was his gun? The one he pulled at the beginning of the last episode? That seems to be missing, and he - a tall, strong man - fights with a small, crazy woman. Idiotic script. It ruined the entire series when they did this was Nicolas. It was so disappointing. And so unnecessary.

We could have done without the Greek Tragedy ending. It wiped clean all the good things about the episodes before. We were sorry we bothered.
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Eternals (2021)
Ugh not even a decent airplane film.
17 August 2022
Dear Heavens this was atrocious. The script was all over the place. No continuity. The storyline was ridiculous. I expected more from Marvel. The cast is wonderful but their material was awful. I didn't care about one character in the film.
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Missing The Mark In Every Single Way
16 June 2022
The trailer alone was obnoxious. The show is even worse. This is supposed to be a light-hearted comedy, yet MM says she did "cocaine twice last week and" mentions also giving herself a roofie the night before. Seriously? With drug cartels murdering people every single day, and the drug dealers cutting cocaine with fentanyl and killing people with accidental overdoses, how can a line about doing cocaine twice in one week (like it is NORMAL behavior for the average person) EVER be considered funny??

I found the entire show to be distasteful and tone-deaf. They are making fun of and making light of very real issues in our society and it comes across as obtuse and unenlightened.

Ugh. I've got better things to do with my time.
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Marry Me (2022)
Fantastic from Start to Finish
19 February 2022
This was such a brilliant film. Not too sugary, not too predictable, and not too sappy. I think my favorite thing was they spent time in his world, and didn't spend all the movie in her world. We loved it from start to finish.
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Reminiscence (2021)
Love the actors, extremely disappointed in the script
28 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As a writer myself, I tend to pull punches when discussing the script, especially if i find fault, but this time I have to take exception. In general, those of us who love great movies, especially thrillers, are pretty bright. The biggest fault I have here is the way the script spoon fed lines and telegraphed SIGNIFICANT clues as well as red herrings. In the film, it is all about the details.

The scenes of the memories are always significant are supposed to be giving all of us clues, and we - the audience - are watching along with Jackman and the others to try and figure out pertinent facts. So we are all on the edge of our seats, soaking in the details, and we don't need the actors to speak the obvious. The scene has WAY more impact if you just let it happen without showing it to us and then TELLING us what happened, after we have watched the scene and made our own conclusions.

I don't want to be specific as I don't like to add spoilers but in this case, I will mention one specific scene (there are dozens of lines like this throughout the film which is why I am giving this such a low rating. I can overlook one or two boo-boos but it happens so much throughout I believe it had to almost be intentional by the writer.)

In this scene, as it is playing out, a character drops her earring, looking back at the bldg, and when Hugh Jackman picks it up (as he is watching the memory play out) he actually audibly says "The earring. She wanted me to find it." Like it is some huge revelation. We just saw the scene and we KNOW she dropped it on purpose for him to find it. We don't need him to now say it as if we, are too stupid to grasp that. It is annoying and condescending. And the script is FULL of lines like that.

So, as an escape, as a fun 2-hr diversion, it was ok, but it is definitely not a movie I would ever watch a second time, or many times, something I love to do when the script is brilliant.

One reviewer said to stream it or wait for cable. I agree. It was definitely not worth blowing one of my AMC movie credits on. It was not worth even the price of my concessions.
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Cruise Ship Killers (2020– )
Impossible to research
14 February 2021
So far, every episode I have watched has been intriguing and I wanted to research all the cases but so far no matter what search phrases I use, absolutely no information can be found. I get that they want to protect names but it should not be on TRUE CRIME NETWORK if they are going to obfuscate every last detail to the case. It might as well be a movie of the week. It feels very contrived since no information can be found.
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The Case of Sally Challen (2019 TV Movie)
Excellent Documentary - Some hits & misses
9 February 2021
The background music is so loud it is difficult to hear the speakers, narrators, and news clip. The pounding music increasing is distracting and annoying. Other than that it is very well done. But the loud music takes away from the show.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Brave, outstanding performance by Adam Sandler.
14 January 2020
I loved this film, with one notable exception. I think they could have cut the scene where he hides in the closet in his Manhattan apartment to surprise his mistress. The entire scene was gross and unnecessary, and I wish it had been cut out. Her character had firmly been established and his as well. This was just vulgar and had zero bearing on the actual plot. Other than that gratuitous scene, I thought the movie was spectacular. I am a writer, so the ending was not. Surprise because the characters had been created so well, but my husband as well as much of the audience gasped because they were not expecting the twist at the end. Well done, Mr Sandler. You reminded me of Al Pacino in this film.
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The Goldfinch (2019)
Phenomenal seems an inadequate word
26 September 2019
This is absolutely flawless from start to finish. If it doesn't win every Oscar available there is no justice. Go see it.
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Incredibly disappointing
28 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The screenplay (dialogue) is simplistic, and the technical errors are vast. Just one example: the scar across Hester's face is such an obvious mistake. If someone is cut across the face when they are a child, that scar will shrink when their body is full grown. That was such an obvious boo-boo it was hard to overlook.

The acting is probably some of the worst I have seen, but the dialogue was so bad I guess it was hard to make much of the scenes.

The worst was Hester, especially in the beginning of the movie. Her over acting and angry desperation It was so bad I now want to avoid any movie in the future with this actress in it.

It only got interesting when Hester was saved at the auction. That actress that saved her is fantastic.

Overall, it was a total waste of my AMC stub ticket.
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