
40 Reviews
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20 Minutes (2023)
Well, not in my neighborhood..
27 March 2023
I actually lived through this event in real time. My experience was this..for 20 minutes or so, I stepped out of my house and found most of my neighbors were outside, not panicking at all. We talked amongst each other and inquire whether this was really happening (while the siren are blaring on the background), no one was rushing to leave (where would we go?), some are on their cellphone talking with friends and relatives inquiring about how it is in their part of town; everyone was calm, no one panicking; gotta admit though, I did look up in the sky a few times looking for anything bright and moving fast toward us, didn't see any..and it went on this way for about half an hour until it was announced on radio broadcast that it was all false alarm. And just like that, everyone outside simply went back in their homes and went on with their lives like nothing happened. Then again, it's a gotta butter it up I guess.
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Doesn't quite hit it for me..
6 December 2022
A little mellow all around, and to have performed as such in Vegas, didn't quite hit it for me. Not on par with his previous venues..not as animated..not as loud..and, frankly, not as funny. Need to come up with new materials not involving family members..sometimes, it can br a bit tiring hearing about stories involving his wife and Father. I thought for a minute old Vegas would be the subject of the show since it started out to be leaning that way but, it turned out, not to be..I was going to pay the price for this show since I was in town during the segment, I'm glad decided not to at last minute. A few laughs, but nothing spectacular//
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9 Bullets (2022)
Another copycat of Gena Rowlands' "Gloria" of 1980 (no, not the Sharon Stone's remake)..a gem of a film//
24 April 2022
Want to see a similar movie, with a much believable lead female (played with grit and conviction by Rowlands) and supported by a very likeable young boy (played by John Adames)..look for "Gloria of 1980." No nonsense acting delivered by both. This one, however..well, a one time watch just to kill time//
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Coyote Lake (2019)
So, after leaving Rambo this is the best she could do?
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So mother and daughter likes taking in travelers (mostly drug people) in their B&B business, poisoning them then dumping their bodies at a nearby lake. The first one shown seems like a good take, lots of money recovered..yet, they're still not able to leave because they still need "more" money. After 53 kills and boxes full of money..not sure why the mother would still like to stick around, maybe the sex? Please..good for one time watch, first ten minutes then jump to last ten//
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So, you got abused as a child..kill the guilty party and move on//
27 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Dead here would be just the same as dead there..WTF! Why kill innocent people along the way and leave the target alive - the end. The only one who acted normal was the mother, yet, none was shown if she survived or not, and she's the only likeable character here//
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Exactly what I would do..
24 December 2021
Although a lot of reaction by prominent characters in this film is quite redundantly unbelievable, there are a handful of them that are..and I would do exactly as they did - have a last dinner and talk about other things. I really enjoyed this film//
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Love Sandra, so it's forgiveable..
10 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Always wondered why they keep going back to flashback in clips, then viola!!Don't buy it though, I was four when my Father died, and I still remember many details of that day, I'm 67 now. Anyhoo, lots of WTF scenes without explanation that followed, but I can live with's Sandra, after all. A one time watch for me, enjoyed it for what it was..only wish Sandra's character died at the end protecting the wrong girl, then cops killing the shooter..then Sandra's last words to Davis' character would be "I would do it again in a heartbeat" with Davis replying with "I know." Now, that's an ending//
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Worth your time..
17 November 2021
Not so fond of reading subtitles, but this one earned my time to do just that. Fun flick with a bit of romance, comedy, and some killing here and there..and best of all, our hero doesn't even look the part. Really enjoyed it//
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Even Idris Elba couldn't save this flick..
4 November 2021
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When Idris' character shot and killed both of the boys' parents he was accompanied by another villain who is white. When the movie got going, there was no other white villain in his chosen gang..what happened? Anyway, I knew already it was going to be an all-black film, with some white people thrown in as props..I finished it, however, because I really like Elba..but even him couldn't save this, though he tried..a lot of scenes where you know it wouldn't have gone that way in real life//
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Old Henry (2021)
The Kid raising a millennial kid? Only negative thing about this flick//
10 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Perfectly developed and engaged to the end; just wished they had the kid rushing toward the last adversary instead of away, he would've acted that way in real life. Someone wrote here that it's the best western in last 10 years..well, D'jango Unchained, Hostiles, Hateful Eight aside..yes//
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Catching the Black Widow (2017 TV Movie)
Well, okay..whateva!
7 October 2021
For a black widow she sure ain't that smart. Months after doing away with her latest victim, and his family all good and acceptable of how it was portrayed happened, why would she then supply his sister with all kinds of documented information concerning his death? It's done, all quiet on the western front, go work on your next victim..geez. Anyhoo, this is a made for TV movie, might as well finish the damn thing and move one//
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I was waiting for some exciting black jack moment..nada!
3 October 2021
For someone who's meticulous with everything he does, quiet and to himself, pinpoint with his routine, to suddenly let a young stranger into his life because he handed him a note with his name and phone number? Lost me there right off. Similar movie I've watched recently called "Hard Eight" was a lot better than this one, and it won't leave you hanging at the end.
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Army of One (2020)
Vacation somewhere else..
17 September 2021
So you wanna take your cop husband for some rest and recreation after getting injured on the job, and thought camping in the woods is the way to go? They have no children and have good jobs, Miami would've been a better choice..then, while strolling through the woods they run into the first house to get out of the rain (if there's a house nearby, it wasn't much of a wilderness to begin with), walk in like it's their own, and have sex on the couch without first checking the entire house for occupants? But, you know, I watched it till the end anyway..sometimes, one has to sit through a bad movie every once in awhile//
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Kate (I) (2021)
It's story line is in Japan, where's the sun?
10 September 2021
Well, we finally found out where Lucy McClane ended up. Seems like everything were filmed during the night from start to finish, would've been nice to see some daylight sequences here and there..could've done without the early car chase just to showcase what kids drive around with in the land of rising sun (again, the sun). Winstead did fine, a lot better than some of the female assassin flicks that came out recently (Ava, Anna, Milkshake)..and fighting scenes remind one of John Wick. Would be nice if Harrelson was given more screen time and more to do, but I guess he just agreed to be in it for the money. Not a waste of time; in fact, I'll give it another twirl in a day or two..she should've been casted as Captain Marvel//
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I'm ashame to admit it but, yeah, I enjoyed it//
8 September 2021
I'm not much into this type of movies, but I've seen just about everything on Netflix so far, and this one just came Don't know who Victoria Justice was before this, glad to finally see her in one..and the character played by Robyn Scott was likeable enough. Yeah, sure, it's not blood, guts, and flying limbs - but I enjoyed it//
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The Protégé (2021)
Don't talk, just shoot..
5 September 2021
It started off with a good ten or so minutes with quick intro and a nice gimmick to a kill, then the Jackson character dumped his sniper rifle away on the lake and I thought "now, why would a assassin do that?" Hell, even Columbiana did everything she could to secure her was all downhill after that. There's a reason John Wick is a likeable character..he doesn't talk and quick to kill those he intends to, didn't even let Losef and Santino finish their last words before blasting them away. Then, before you know it, a pathetic ending//
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Did she have to cook?
11 August 2021
The first episode started off with her grocery shopping; I thought that was funny, and they should've gone with that..Paris Hilton planning on preparing so and so dish then do a show with her buying all she needed for that dish at a supermarket while engaging with other shoppers and workers//
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Go nuts and watch this, you'll have fun//
25 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Saoirse Ronan was okay in "Hanna." Hailee Steinfeld was cute in "Barely Lethal." Sasha Luss was lovely in "Anna." Jennifer Lawrence was watchable in "Red Sparrow." Finally, someone finally casted to play a "young" hitwoman who looks, talk, shoots, fight, even walks and run like a freaking killer in Karen Gillan..and a great supporting cast to boot. Last time I had fun watching blood, guts, gore, and flying limbs with a slight touch of humor was the flick "Shoot 'em up." And Paul Giamatti was also a villain on that one, and also played his role like only Paul could..and Emily, man, she played being a sweet eight and three fourth young girl to perfection, you can't help but fall in love with everyone. Do yourself a favor, GO NUTS and watch it, you won't regret a thing//
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Settlers (2021)
What in the heck did I just watch?
10 July 2021
I could go to Safeway now and would never find a healthier batch of celery that they have where they're at, Mars I suppose; and where the heck is the water coming from and how is it pumped into the tank thirty feet high? There are so many question, hundreds in fact..but ain't going to ask. I guess she'll bump into the blind man Eli on her way to, well, somewhere//
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Godless (2017)
Western as it should be..
13 June 2021
Didn't have much interest in chess, then I watched Queen's Gambit, and all that changed for me. Not about the game of chess, but for what wonderful story could be written from it. Didn't have much interest in western films anymore..then I freaking watched Godless, and all is restored. Magnificent seven episodes (pun intended) ending with a shootout with a first death that'll make you go "noooo!" - but you go on. Numbers of very likeable characters will keep you watching at the edge of your seats..and a perfect villain to keep you interested till the end. By the way, my home town is I could be bias, lol. Recommended very highly//
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
S2..what the hell am I watching here?
10 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 was okay, watchable..although a bit disappointing on the ending. I was hoping Soleiman would finally have a signal on his phone, then before he could press "send" Jack shoots his hand off, and before he could pick it up with his other hand Jack steps on it and point his gun to his head. Soleiman would then say "I thought you're an analyst"..which Jack would reply with "I am, but not today"..then blows his head off. The End. Now, I'm on episode 1 of season 2..and right off I go "WTF!" First, the Jack Ryan I know would never be unfaithful to Cathy; second, Jack would never leave anything of importance just lying around while having an affair with someone he hardly know; third, what the hell was that I watching a remake of Clear and Present Danger?
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Arthur Kirkland as defense attorney, er, Al Pacino I mean..gotta watch//
3 June 2021
I'm a sucker for courtroom drama; never heard of Axis Sally before, thought it was fiction until I researched it and found it's not fiction at all. Pacino carried the movie from beginning to end, no longer have the energy of Arthur but still capable of deliberation (no pun intended). Sally's character was okay, but I keep thinking how it would've played out if she was acted by Jessica Chastain, for example, instead of Meadow Williams. Overall, not a bad watch..then again, I'm a sucker for courtroom drama//
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Um, it's a'ight//
27 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Statham's in it so gotta see it. Enough action to keep you entertain, though can't compare the planning of heist to any of the Ocean's flick. Don't understand why Statham's character needed to work at this "Loomis" place when he's got solid connection and could get the info he needed for his revenge from Andy Garcia character, instead of having his own crew kill off a bunch of potentials that got him nothing. Then again, it's The ending's a bit of a letdown since I wanted him to really work on Eastwood's character before killing him, rather than doing it quickly without so much as a groan and moan from his son's killer. Overall, ain't too bad..just happy to see an above average film that I haven't had the satisfaction of for the last year and months//
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For only $200M, and $50M as their cut?
21 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I know that any higher and it would be hard to believe that they'll be able to carry it outta there; then again, Ocean and his crew carried out $150M, and none of them had a very good chance of dying from it. Best bet would've been diamonds instead of cash, then they could've upped the ante at $800M - more than enough to risk your life for. Best scene was when they met with the Japanese dude who offered them the job, it took less than two minutes for the whole scene to develop from start to finish, and off they is best because it's short, precise, no mumbo-jumbo, done. All other "dramatic" sequences" were, well, kinda boring and not really that interesting; but it's a fun movie in most cases. Best fight scene was with Chambers//
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A lot of unanswered question..good for one time watch.
16 May 2021
Enough with all these wilderness fire flicks, Only the Brave is one too many. And enough with miscasting people in character jobs you wouldn't believe occupied in real life - Angelina Jolie as a forest firefighter? Jodie Turner-Smith as a SEAL in Without Remorse? Ah, well, good thing I'm a fan of I sat through it; had no idea forest fire could travel that fast (probably not) on a non-windy situation, and could cease without a drop of water dumped into it. I think she's thinking of adopting the kid at the end..
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