2 Reviews
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It's a great movie so GIVE IT A CHANCE!
29 November 2008
Yeah it was a great movie! lol it was like they read some fan fiction that involved this plot and thought that it would be neat to try going in that direction.

An I got to say I didn't expect it to turn out so well from the beginning but now I must say it's because I was being a hard headed Disney purist with the whole thing of No Disney Sequels are Bad! But now I see I was wrong, there's actually some good ones in plot wise and then there's some bad ones you just have to watch them for at least 30 mins to give them a chance but some may require 40 mins the most.

Come on people, remember the old saying YOU CAN'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER! lol that's why we all need to read the title of a book and then flip it over and read the back of it before buying, or sometimes we open the book and read a page or we just decide to give it a shot and give the first chapter a read then when were done we are hooked or not.

So please next time you think NO WAY!, don't be Lazy! and give it a chance and watch the first 30 minutes on Toon Disney or Disney channel like I did and if that's too much at least read a summary for the movie or watch a trailer.

In my defense I must say do Both! Because the trailer's sometimes make the movies appear better than they really are example Bridge to Terabithia!
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DOA movie sucked! end of story
15 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie sucked. It didn't pay tribute to the great Dead or Alive game, No this movie destroyed the great story and characters of that wonderful game.

Not to mention poor choice for the cast. Also what happened to asking for Tecmo's help (I mean they are the company that made the game) At least with their help this movie would have been a Hit!

I mean come on!

1. You had to figure out which actor was which because they didn't look much like their game counterparts well except Tina and Bass you could tell right away who they were.

2. It didn't even have one level from the game.

3. The fighting style was all-wrong.

4. An the shades at the end was stupid!

5. They flew right by with the first rounds of the competition other than that the comedy was good and the music.

Note: All theses are the reasons why the company that made the game (Tecmo) should have been informed to help the US make this movie.
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