
3 Reviews
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An Italian Zombie movie delight... a throwback to the 80s
9 March 2009
Island of the Living Dead is an awesome zombie film that reminds me of those 80s zombies flicks everyone knows and loves.

Plot: A group of scientists end up on an uncharted island but they are out alone. All of the people who once inhabited the island have now be come the living dead and a hungry for flesh. From there its a struggle for survival for the group.

Acting: The film was dubbed so its hard to tell if the acting is good or not but, all in all, the whole cast was pretty convincing. The two standouts are Yvette Yzonne and Ydalia Suaraz. They are true beauties.

Directing: Bruno Mattei does a wonderful job here. This was shot on high end digital video and looks very professional.

Overall: An awesome zombie flick. Feels like the 1980s again.
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Ghosthouse (1988)
doesn't live up to the hype
13 February 2008
i went into this movie with high hopes. i had heard a lot about it and most of it was good. what i ended up with was a so-so Italian horror film.

the plot is simple. i didn't like the whole ham radio aspect, thought it was slightly cheesy. the acting was OK for the most part. i love Mary sellers and she does a great job. Lara Wendel got on my nerves with her accent. they should have gotten a better actress for the lead.

the pacing was off and the cast was hit or miss. Lenzi's direction was much better in black demons in my opinion.

too much going on in one film.

not what i expected but pretty OK film.
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Wolfika (2006 Video)
saw this from a friend and thought it was pretty decent
3 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film was shown to me through me friend Jade LaFont. He played a cop who ends up having a pretty painful death scene.

All in all, the beginning of the movie was the strongest part with a great performance from Lucien Eisenach who portrays the half human half werewolf. The other actors were on par for the genre with only Jaims Weinbrandt turning in a poor performance.

I was told it was a troubled production but it turned out decent. One scene with Laura Giglio was obviously shot with a lower grade camera then the rest of the film so it felt out of place.

The special effects were so-so. The camera work was good. The direction was creative.

I'd recommend it if it is ever released in the States.
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