
3 Reviews
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Can't be done
7 August 2020
Make a decent drama Sydney? Too busy looking at the harbor. (As can be seen) I watched about half of the first episode and then gave up, not just because of the background but as others have said the stiff acting. It just doesn't sit right.
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Starfish (2018)
Good grief!
15 September 2019
Sooooo bad. 3 of us watched this and got nothing absolutely nothing. I read the reviews to try to figure it out. Still nothing. If you gave this more than 1 star I want what you're on... please, because it must be good stuff. The trouble when the writer is the director, no one to tell him it's all bulls**t Warning. No spoilers as there's nothing to spoil!
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So sorry you wasted your time
8 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you watched this rubbish from beginning to end I'm very sorry for you. You must have a lot of stamina or did you fall asleep? Like others have said. It is not a movie. It is just a collection of scenes put together as if they were picked up at random from the cutting room floor. They should have been left there! How can such well known actors be a part of this tripe? The vote drop down should have a '0' or minus option because, my God, some films deserve less than 1! Surly this is right there with the worst. I need another two lines so all I can say is please please believe me and the others who have given this a '1' it would be better to go and watch some paint drying. I said this contains spoilers because I have told you exactly what the movie is about!
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