
38 Reviews
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The Batman (2022)
Terribly boring.
10 March 2024
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Where to begin? The story is.really not interesting at all and the characters borderline caricatures of themselves. With such goo actors (except Kravitz) I thought it would be a good and interesting movie. But no. It's dark and it rains all the time. This Batman lacks energy and even the cops don't trust him. It feels like a bad Halloween movie. Where someone just pretended to be Batman. And why his car took so long to start?

Dano should have been given more time. They wasted his talent with this limited screen time.

The last fight felt like it was done in a hurry. Like they didn't have enough time to finish the movie, As for chemistry between Batman and Cat woman, well I didn't believe it for one minute.
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Small Axe (2020)
19 February 2024
The character is boring, too perfect and uninteresting. I can't believe someone thought it would make a good movie. It's like we are not supposed to care for him. You wait and wait and wait for something to happen but no, nothing. It's filed with clichés and the subject is overdone. And what's with the food thing? It's not the actors who are the problem but the poor dialogue that they are given to work with. They all look like caricatures of real persons. The real problem is that they are no rhythm to this movie. The cuts are too obvious, The only good thing is that it's short so I didn't lose too much time watching it.
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Dream Horse (2020)
A list actors in a B movie.
30 January 2024
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Another horse movie. Really not imaginative at all. I If thé had cast two less known actors, nobody would talk about this movie.

Why on Earth Toni Collette and Damian Lewis said yes to this. It's so predictable and boring. I know that it's suppose to be a feel good movie but it did nothing for me. It was so obvious that he would win. The characters are so caricatural that it's borderline insulting for the real person involved. Lewis really need to find a better agent, his recent movie roles are really not up to his talent. It feels like he's not even trying anymore, just going thru the motion. He could do so much better than that.
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Zulu (2013)
Terrible movie.
5 September 2023
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I can't believe this thing got made. The scenario is all over the place, the characters really not that interesting and the acting.... Some of the « actors » didn't get the memo and probably thought they were in a comedy. Clean cut Bloom as this Detective/drug addict/alcoholic / womanizing/frustrated ex /bad father is unbelievable. (His character is such a cliché that it was borderline funny) With Forest Whitaker as a lead, I expected a lot more from this movie. It feels like he's just there for the money. (But with this scenario he did what he could) If the violence portrayed in this movie is common in SA, then it's somewhere I really don't want to go.
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Masculinity overload.
22 July 2023
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A cop who's a drunk, kind of a gangster, has anger issue, is terrible to his wife and treats suspects like he's woking in Guantanamo. A FBI agent that's off course the complete opposite. Do you need more cliché? This film is a sausage party made for all those older men who dream of being one of those cops who's laws don't really apply to them. There's no real interest for the viewer to see them catching the "bad" guys. In fact I kind of wanted them to win. I give it a 4 for a couple of good car chases and fights and the ending (who's a little surprising). But honestly I wonder why this movie was made.
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The Colony (I) (2013)
It's obvious that the Director never been in snowfall
19 July 2023
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As a Canadian I almost laugh at all the characters walking in fresh snow like they would on any street. It's obvious to me that the Director never been in a snowfall. Because if he did , he would have known that you sink in it and it's really hard to walk normally. After such a long time living in a world covered in snow the characters would have used snow shoes or even better skis.

The zombies / cannibales just doesn't do anything to me. In fact the script is all over the place and it needed some rewriting.

Bill Paxton is playing his character like a caricature and it's kind of annoying. And the hell did the young able to dye and style her hair?

So a big nope for me.
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Tesla (I) (2020)
Weird biography.
12 May 2023
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After watching this mess, I'm still wondering who Tesla is. That movie is not a biography. It makes absolutely no sense, so don't lose any of your precious time on it. Ethan Hawk seems completely lost. Like he's improvising all the lines. Throw in Sarah Bernhardt??? JP Morgan's daughter narration. Is she supposed to teach us about Tesla? The weird supposed sexual tension that doesn't go anywhere. I think a couple of student and a tiny budget could do a lot better than that. And that stupid song at the end. I still don't understand what it was supposed to be. Another reviewer (drednm) said it was pretentious and I couple agree with him.
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True Lies (2023)
The too perfect wife
3 March 2023
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I thought it would be a fun show but no, it's absolutely terrible. The parts who are supposed to be dramatic are laughable. The acting terrible. Steve Howey is better as a secondary character. He's emotional less and has almost no charm. The couple has zero chemistry, it's almost painful to watch.

What I really hated was the fact that the wife is nothing like in the movie. She's too perfect. Really thin, long legs, great dancer, college professor who's supposed to know multiple langages (her French was atrocious). The whole movie was about an ordinary wife finding out her husband is a spy. Not a model who knows how to boxe. She's not relatable to most women and it kind of kills the fun.
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First Man (2018)
Long and boring.
30 December 2022
I really wanted that movie to be good but nope it was so long. It felt like an eternity. It didn't have any of the energy of Apollo 13. Everything was blend. There was no energy; it felt really flat. The visuals were good and putting the viewer inside the capsule was a good idea. Gosling as an actor always seems to lack energy; like he's there for the pay check only.

Something was missing, like a narrator. It felt like a bunch of movie parts put together without any plan by a really depressed person. Maybe it was rushed ? I don't know but I don't recommend it unless you're looking for a good nap.
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It's not a comedy... well I didn't laugh once.
12 November 2022
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Great actors but a script so terrible that this movie should never have been made. Keep your money and your time. Tommy Lee Jones plays again the same character but this time it feels flat. He's just too old for that kind of role now. (It would have been more logical to put his character in US marshals in it)

Morgan Freeman flirting felt kind of creepy. His character makes stupid decisions that almost killed other people but he acts like nothing is wrong.

The ending is so unfunny and uninteresting. Like they were thinking of a second one? Please don't!!!

Anyway, stay away from this. I gave it a 2 because of the dog. He's the real star of this movie.
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What was that?
28 October 2022
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I was intrigue at first by the talented actors that are in the movie. But after 15 minutes I had no idea of where this movie was going. I kind of forced myself to watch it to the end but now I would love to have that time back. It's not funny, or sad or anything than boring. It's hard to feel anything for the characters. They have almost zero chemistry. She seems like a stalker and him an idiot. (His father is exactly like him.) I gave it a 2 because of the beautiful surroundings and the horse (who's probably the best actor in this mess) but that's it. What a terrible use of good actors... So don't waste your time or money. If you want a really funny Irish comedy watch Leap year instead.
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The Forest (I) (2016)
I want my wasted time back.
7 March 2022
It's was a good idea but sadly it came out as a boring, predictable movie. I wasn't scared at all. I almost didn't finish it. I wanted more history and less scared jump tactics. They didn't work anyway. I didn't feel any tension. The whole thing felt empty.

Too bad.
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A Million Little Things (2018–2023)
Too much drama.
8 February 2022
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It started very well and now it's just some sort of modern soap opera. How can people have this much troubles? It's kind of insane. Also everyone seems to have unlimited money. Regina wanting to buy a Mercedes for Rome,, just a couple of months after opening her restaurant, is insane. The other, almost losing her house, then just leaving to travel in France with no income? Gary never works. And everyone drops everything anytime someone needs a little help.
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Noah (2014)
Too weird for me
8 February 2022
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Two words : Transformers rocks. That's all you need to know about his flop. It's so bad that I couldn't even finish it. I keep wondering if it was some sort of joke. The wardrobe was curiously modern. Crowe and Connelly were too old for the roles. The acting weird, like they were forced to do this movie. All of the this made it a huge mess that's not worth your time.
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Cold Blood (2019)
Why? Jean Reno Why?
7 February 2022
I can't believe someone who would read this disastrous scenario would want to be part of it. (Unless you needed money) The whole plot makes zero sense. It's filed with clichés and it's not entertaining at all. I had to force myself to finish it.
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Good Sam (2022)
Don't waste your time.
3 February 2022
Sophia Bush needs to get her voice checked. It's not sexy, it's terribly annoying. Plus she often speak without it so we know it's fake.

She's not a good enough actress to be starring in a show. Even as a secondary character in Chicago PD I couldn't stand her.

Seriously I watched the first episode and don't want to watch another one.
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Shadow Wolves (2019)
Terrible just terrible, stay away from this mess.
24 January 2022
Graham Greene and Thomas Gibson must be in dire need of money to be part of this.

Terrible actors; Gibson's assistant looks like a porn start. The coloring is weird. The dialogues just empty. The idea could have been good but that's about it.
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The Mummy (2017)
Tom Cruise is not young anymore.
24 December 2021
The Man is his 50's now so please have some dignity and not have another actor (that's younger than you) say that you're young. That felt really weird. Plus he looked really uncomfortable in this character. It's like he's playing the same guy that in Knight and Day. As for entertainment, this movie isn't that bad; it's big problem is the casting. With another cast and some retouching of the scenario it could have been a lot more interesting. Russell Crow is really good in his role and I wish we could see more of his character.
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The Remaining (I) (2014)
If I could give it a zero I would.
8 September 2021
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I can't believe this thing was made. I say thing because this is not a movie. It's some sort of religious delusion wrapped into an horror theme. Don't waste any minute on this. It doesn't make sense and the ending sucks. I don't know where they were going with this but they failed miserably. Watch Constantine instead, it's 1000X better.
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Don't waste your time
30 August 2021
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What the f** is Ben Kingsley doing in this movie? It's a total waste of good actors. The scenario doesn't make sense at all and the ending is weak . As for the "Robots" that child weird thing with human lips is creepy but not enough to be scary. A teenager saving the day is just a huge cliché. Like no adults would have thought of that to stop the implant? Come on!
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Suburbicon (2017)
A terrible movie
23 August 2021
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I love dark comedies but this is just a mess. Using Moore for 2 characters is just weird but not in a good way. It's like watching a party that you having been invited. You have a feeling of "You had to be there". I didn't get it and I don't want to get it. It's just a waste of good actors.
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Strange esthetic
16 August 2021
It feels like someone's idea of what we looked in the late 80's early 90's. But most of the clothing and the smoking makes it more early 80's. The apartments are overly charged with stuff. The lightening is weird and it's way too long.
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Don't waste your time
11 August 2021
Terrible movie. It's such a waste of good actors with those caricatural characters that are almost impossible to like. Plus who ever did the French dubbing needs to be fired, It was terrible, it's like they chose the most annoying voices that they could find. I give a 2 for the nice house.
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Chicago P.D. (2014– )
Ridiculous cops.
6 August 2021
I don't know who are dressing the Cops but the Men look really weird. Especially the hat guy. The old guy with the annoying voice is running his scad like a weird cult or some sort of organized crime association. The casting is strange; two of the actors look too similar and the younger Cops are all about the same age. Nobody is in their 40's.
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A Christmas to Remember (2016 TV Movie)
Mira Sorvino?
10 July 2021
Sweet movie. I just wonder why Mira Sorvino is in this movie. She's so out of place; you can feel it in her acting. And what has she done to her face?
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