
9 Reviews
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Wilde (1997)
Oscar Wilde Was No Hero
10 September 2020
I was a fan until further research showed that certain other details from Wilde's trial that were kept from the public included predatory behavior towards younger boys, including threatening a 16 yr old to silence and bribing kisses from telegraph boys. Plus his relations with boys in his oriental travels should be enough but for many people it doesn't seem to click that his behavior was grossly inappropriate. The Greek Life is not what people think it was and certainly not a lifestyle to emulate if you want your children to be safe.
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Corporate Responsibility
8 August 2020
Interesting views this host seems to spout, almost none based on concrete research and oddly, no accountability laid on corporations, especially in the episode of clouds on their usage of energy. Always blame is put on the individual consumer. Scientists begged for years, saying they had solutions to help the planet but energy companies blocked progress. Who backs this clown?
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Casanova (2005)
What is wrong with Britain?
1 August 2020
In doing research on Casanova I find out that he had over 20 sexual relations with girls, ages 11-15. Why is he an icon? Wilde was also a predator, facts kept out of the public for many years. Now his work is pushed. I don't care what kind of 'feel good' romp Casanova the series is supposed to be. He and others like him are not heroes. And I am deeply disappointed that 2 of my favorite actors, Tennant and O'Toole, would involve themselves with such a project.
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Prodigal Son (2019–2021)
Done With Occultism
30 July 2020
I loved the show and watched it over & over. But since having my eyes open to just how much of our entertainment is filled with Occult symbolism I can't stomach one episode. It's obvious also how much the show is borrowing from the stories of Sherlock Holmes. Even WORSE. No longer a fan.
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The Old Guard (2020)
So Tiring
22 July 2020
Every other series/movie/adaptation is centered around supernatural aspects these days. You can't get away from them. This is yet another one, even more obvious with plots and motifs I have seen over and over, complete with the usual dose of Sadism. Makes one real people, their thoughts, struggles and joys just not matter anymore? I for one am sick of all the death tales and refuse to watch another. Life matters. Joy matters.
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The New Pope (2020)
Abusive Usage of a Public Figure
28 June 2020
I am deeply disappointed in this show in the 2nd season. I was actually very excited having enjoyed the first season with Law. And for the record I am a fan of Malkovich. Given all that, I really was uncomfortable with the constant negative remarks made about Megan Markle. I realize that public figures are sometimes there to cut your teeth on, but given the fact this young woman, who is very much alive & well, was forced to leave a country because of her color and who she married to be used just to highlight Brannox's racism was tasteless to me. Almost as though Italy's bigoted reputation were not enough, they had to make sure you don't forget. As a poc, I immediately felt unwelcome to even be allowed to enjoy the series. I stopped at episode 4 and will not continue.
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The Tearing Asunder of Shakespeare
15 September 2019
This has been going on for a few years now and it's become quite disturbing how a certain sect seems determined to disprove Shakespeare wrote his own plays. I have now had the Earl of Southampton, Christopher Marlowe and now Ed Devere. But in The King's Man, the scholar goes step-by-step in how Shakespeare wrote his plays, some of which were based quite obviously on his impressions of King James. Since he was one of the King's actual men, he would have been in direct access to him, and also access to stories about abroad and personal tales of nobles. In addition, he had ample access to books, thanks to the many book traders who were set around several London churches, the most country-wide famous being the Book Traders of St. Paul's Churchyard. For the elite to keep attempting to explain away how a seemingly ignorant country youth could possibly dare to write anything as great as what Shakespeare did as impossible just smacks of so much snobbery, I can barely stand it.
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Sharp Objects (2018)
Horrific Shocks For No Reason
10 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I admit, I haven't read the book, as I am sure most have not. Only watched until the dollhouse episode, and appreciated the story being left there, because I hated the thought of the new friend being hurt. Recommended to a friend and watched it again, only to realize I had missed the 'final scene'. Was beyond disgusted. It felt unnecessary and thrown in just for shock value and almost felt glamorized/sexualized. Will never recommend or watch, ever again. Not into snuff films. Too bad, because I like Amy Adams.
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Outlander: The Deep Heart's Core (2019)
Season 4, Episode 10
Will Not rewatch This Episode
8 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I truly disliked it that much. I have been a faithful watcher this whole time, and have not read the books but have heard this was not faithful. Jamie is a beloved character. Seeing his own daughter...and I don't care if she does not see him that way yet. It was her decision to go....mistreat Jamie and Ian horrible. Jamie was left mute, humiliated in front of his godfather, deeply hurt and rejected, all because of lies told, and not just his. It made me instantly dislike the Bree character. I don't know where Claire's head was. I can usually watch older episodes over again. I won't be re-watching this one. And for the record, I have never felt any chemistry between her and Roger.
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