
4 Reviews
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Boring, slow goes now where
19 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I had high expectations for this movie I don't mind slow burners like mother! Hereditary etc. However this movie just went no where it was just plodding along with nothing happening. The acting indo think was a plus on the movie especially the younger actors, however the story or lack of makes this movie dull and pointless. Watch a family praying, arguing and just boring pointless conversations, I kept thinking ok this is leading somewhere, it never did.
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Things (1989 Video)
Amazing movie
6 March 2016
This movie could not get any better if it tried. The whole movie has such a bizarre disjointed feel to it from the unusual dreamy/nightmarish soundtrack, to the crazy acting, to the blue and red lighting that is constant through out.

The whole movie feels like someone as opened your skull and dropped LSD into the sense part of your brain making dreamy nightmarish visions and sounds.

I love the songs (still waiting for the soundtrack) The acting is just weird which I love the voices a lot of the time do not match whats going on with the actors mouths.

I have never laughed so hard that I had to stop a movie to go get some air in fact I am quite hard to make laugh but this had me it has some hilarious lines which I quote all the time. As well as been hilarious (unintentionally....I think) the movie is also very sedating as the sounds and colours all mash into the brain.

The camera is perfect yes the picture is awful and shot on super 8 I think, yes the sound is mono but it just works. A masterpiece which needs more recognition.

The movie that beats this as my fave movie needs to be something very special.
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Home Made (2008 Video)
Lame rubbish any other word that can come to the same conclusion
6 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
May Contain slight spoilers***

I enjoy bad movies when done right, when done wrong I hate bad movies. This is one of the latter.

I hate overacting that where the lines are delivered like a child performing for their parents, an great example of this would be about 1 hour 10 Min's into this to about 1 hour 15, go straight to this part for some of the lamest crappy acting to grace video. Seriously this is atrocious the lines are delivered like a child at a school play the actor and director James Impey is one of if not the worst actor I have ever seen and not even in a good bad funny sort of way just in a way that is like an annoying brat who has been given a camera to play with. I am thankful that I have not seen any of the other 87 movies he has directed as this made me feel like I was loosing the will to live, the worst bad guy in a movie ever I would have found Orville the duck more intimidating. As for the story and line I think they must have been written whilst drunk. Avoid this movie go watch so good bad made movies like things 1989, the room etc.
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Sooooo disappointing
23 February 2016
This was the most disappointing I have seen since birdemic 2, In fact it makes birdemic 2 look good so to speak.

I love bad movies and love the greats such as The room, things, birdemic, troll 2, high kicks, double down, road to revenge, hawkeye, double down, Miami connection and many more and also samurai cop part 1. I love the unintentional badness the sincerity of these films that think they are masterpieces (and are in a certain aspect). Then come movies like this! First the good things about this movie is a most of the main cast return which is a great bonus for fans and my main reason for the stars. Now the bad part, most of the main cast return to appear in this mess of a movie instead of a great movie that should have been made. Gone is the cheesy vibe and terrible camera work and lines, now make way for more boring futuristic tripe with decent camera work and something that falls flatter than a hedgehog on the side of a road. The story makes no sense, the music is awful, the lines are awful, the characters even the old characters are awful they are so boring. I hated the new look the whole movie had and the comic book vibe it gave like the movie was made by annoying comic book nerds who make things all about futuristic weapons and over the top nonsense and pointless characters posing as real cool or trendy villains not the cheesy type but the cliché pointless type.

If you are a fan of the original do yourself a favour avoid this I made an account especially to air the disappointment I felt for the film. It was great to bring back the old characters for the fans but it was an insult to make this garbage which tries way too hard to actually be a good film with a stupid complex plot, if I want a complex plot I will watch an actual well made movie I want to turn my brain off with a movie like this not have it shut off by the actual movie into a coma.
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