
18 Reviews
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Criminal Record (2024– )
If you want a race lecture then...
11 March 2024
Honestly this could have been top notch. Instead Apple originals do what Apple originals do and make it all about race. White cops bad. Black female cop good. Black wife and white husband, black daughter with a white mother. White husband and black wife argue about white privilege. I mean it all feels so forced, does anyone really talk like this or even have these types of ridiculous conversations in real life? Instead of writing a good promising story, the writers and producers thought it would be best to lecture us all about how bad white people are and how great black people are. Bit of advice, concentrate on telling a good story instead of making everything about gender and skin colour. It's a massive turn off and just can't take the story seriously as this lot are a bunch of amateurs. This is a tick box exercise with race and gender politics all over it. Enough to make you vomit.
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Absolute trash
1 May 2023
What can I say. The Biggist load of trash ever made. Animation is nice and that is about it but we were sold He-Man and got some female that looks like a man but is worse than any alpha male I have ever met which apparently are all toxic. What a joke. This is toxic femininity if ever I have seen it. Let me get this right, these females have a problem with toxic masculinity yet they want to portray all of those characteristics but in a female body? Ok that really makes sense, not. Hated this with every bone in my body and am sick and tired of HollyWoke taking every single great thing that was made years ago only to bait and switch and portray things no one cares about. End of rant. Kevin Smith can do one. Loser.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Masterpiece first Episode
17 January 2023
As someone who played the game a few times I was skeptical that this game or any for that matter could translate to screen without some producer or Director thinking they can do it better. Ending up with the source material completely butchered. Fear not the game story is faithfully represented by the writing and the actors depicting the characters in the game with absolute class. Cannot praise HBO enough here as lately there has been to many disappointments but HBO most of the time deliver a movie feel to a series format that the rest can't get close too.

Even without having played the game, you will feel instantly drawn into this horrific turn of events where our world is a disaster obliterated by a Fungus which can absolutely decimate the human race. Funny enough this fungus exists in the real world but only in ants so don't cac yourself just yet.

The opening monologue was brilliant, the first 20 mins were epic, then it settles and the name of the game is surviving day to day. This is more about human relationships and not just about scary monsters, this is not just for horror fans although if you are a bit squimish then this may not be for you but otherwise this looks to be a brilliant start. Hopefully each episode continues in the same vain because the world looks and feels right, sound and cinematography is spot on and the acting believable. Bring on EP2!
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What do the Critics' know!
18 December 2022
Forget what some of these Muppets who don the professional critic name. Most of them are well out of touch. This is a proper cinema blockbuster, one worthy of paying money to watch on the big screen. 3 hours and 12 minutes dissapreared in a heartbeat. The absolutely stunning visuals will keep you glued and will leave you with some absolutely WOW! Moments that you won't forget.

The Forrest in Pandora in the first film was stunning, wait until you see the water world of Pandora in this. It blows you away, I had fond memories of the first film having watched that in the cinema and now my young one will have fond memories for many years to come of this brilliant film. James Cameron nails character development, action scenes and making a 3 hour movie dissapear very quickly.

I watched the movie and thought afterwards this can't be anything other than a 9/10 then read some critics' reviews and thought to myself they watched the wrong film. If you ever read a Guardian review then do the opposite as it will stand you in good sted.

Don't think about it, take your kids, take your family and enjoy a proper blockbuster thrill ride that you won't want to end! Cannot wait for the next one!
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The Devil's Hour (2022– )
Absolutely Top Notch
30 October 2022
Some reviewers on here wouldn't know a good series if it slapped them on the face! This is a quality thriller all the way through that keeps you guessing and wraps it up with a decent ending. People say you have to pay close attention, surely if you are putting on a series or a film while doing the hoover or got your head stuck on Social Media on your phone then it's not worth watching, is complete trash and requires the attention span of a 3 year old.

Of course you need to pay attention to the detail and concentrate on it to be able to enjoy it and not get lost in the story this is telling. Pay attention as it actually requires some concentration on your part! As long as you do that, and stop looking at your phone at the same time for 5 seconds you might actually enjoy a good series for a change. Not going to give it away but it draws you in and doesn't let go till the very end. Brilliant!
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Another Superb Korean Movie
27 September 2022
What can I say other than watch it. The more I watch Korean movies the more I think about how different they are to Hollywood and the ridiculous never ending happy endings. In a way you are conditioned to expect that in every movie you watch.

Here we go again with the revenge plot. Young guy wants revenge and will kill all in his path and save the girl. Man o man, I still have so much to learn about Korean cinema. I bloody love it!

The difference in cinematography, the plot and how different a great ending can make you feel and talk about and think about a film long after the credits roll. Great stuff!
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Flawless Victory
25 September 2022
This film is incredible. I have seen nearly every zombie flick going and I have to say the Koreans really do nail their horror movies a lot of the time. This is much more than a zombie movie. This is about the relationship between a father and daughter and what a father would do to protect their child. As a father myself it was a tear jerker and a heart breaker and you certainly don't expect that from a so called zombie movie. Other characters you get invested in too such as the guy protecting his pregnant wife or the older sisters. If you want to see one of the best child actresses then this film is the one!

It's about what people will do to survive and the film explores the depths of human nature and what people can degrade too just to survive. It's dark yet eye opening.

The pace of the film is spot on, the setting and beauty of the film is breath taking and the zombies keep you on edge the whole time. The ending is absolutely incredible in both the depths of acting skill on show and the absolute draining of the viewer emotionally. Afterwards you will think about the movie for a long time and then realise you have just watched a movie that you will think about for a long time afterwards.

A Flawless Victory.
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Day Shift (2022)
Another Netflix Original which is...
13 August 2022
A Big load of horse crap!

I love a good action horror comedy as much as the next person. Good old popcorn flick to sit back and turn your brain off. The problem with this is it's so bad that your brain turns on again to tell you that this is a hot steaming turd.

It's not a good horror, it's not at all funny, the chemistry between Fox and D Franco is just off. I wanted to sit back on a Friday night and watch some mindless fun but for some reason this film just does not hold your attention. Becomes super boring and tedious very quickly. Fight scenes are ok to begin with but become tiresome by the end. Sorry but just being honest! It was another Netflix Original winner! Who knows you may even enjoy it going by some of the reviews on here.
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Predator (1987)
Gets better with Age.
8 August 2022
With all the latest crap coming out of Hollywood like Prey, prequel of sorts to the excellent Predator this just gets better and better the more garbage like Prey is put on screen.

This had a diverse cast even then and showed how with good actors of any race, gendor or background as long as the actors are great and there is a good script and story then a good film can be made. Nowadays we have virtual signalling and rubbish actors put in lead roles to tick the preverbial Hollywood box. In Prey we are supposed to believe that a tiny woman can take out an army of men with guns and Predator when in the 1987 Preditor it made mince meat of a crew of Elite fighters with enough fire power to take down a City. In Prey one woman does it with a axe and a piece of string.

So as I say this gets better with age. An all time classic without the rubbish we all have to put up with in all our films today.
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Pacing ruined it badly
8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Spends 2 hours going on about Savile and the accolades, the programs he made, the people he hung out with and on and on and on. Honestly we all know he was an icon and didn't need to be reminded of it for 2 slow long hours.

The second half is better but rushed and for me it's more where the focus should have been. For me it was an important documentary to see how the British public, Government, Police were fooled for so long and let him get away with his disgusting sexual assaults just because he was famous. He got away with it till he died and never paid for his crimes. Really sad because you can see from some of the victim's accounts that they still live with this monsters crimes to this day.

Unfortunately the documentary for me was just all over the place and the pacing was the worst I have seen from Netflix.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Has no right to be this good!
19 September 2021
Ok I was judgemental before even watching this and is that not what we all do in life everyday to some extent. I thought here we go, an American coaching a football team in the UK. It's going to have ridiculous over the top cringe jokes in it and will turn me off. Nothing against American humour but not when it messes with my football.

How wrong I was, this is not just about a football team and the wins and losses or the journey from making a rubbish team good again. It is about so much more, characters have depth, different motivations. It's funny because in the UK we are mad about our football and I can just imagine a similar reaction to what this program portrays. At first I thought in the first few episodes that this was going to be a little silly but then bam! You let your guard down and this grabs you and never lets go. Each character as each episode goes by, you care about and understand their difficulties. Imagine your own personal lives and then trying to make other humans better versions of themselves while coaching a Premier League football team. As fans we see only the outside, the team, the wins, the losses and draws. We see the press conferences but we don't see the peoples lives behind the Vail. The pressure, the stress, the personal lives when they turn to crap.

We tend to forget the people behind all that and this gives, although fictional and although a comedy of sorts, it makes you think a lot more about the stresses of a coach in a sport.

This is more than a comedy, it's a drama and at times you might even shed a few tears. I had no expectations but this is one of the best series I have seen in years. Absolutely fantastic.
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Just absolutely brilliant! Pure gold!
3 August 2021
What can I say, I never expected to like a farming program but Jeremy and the cast are just fabulous. In 5 minutes I was hooked and glad I watched every episode. It was entertaining, educational and gave me a new found perspective on just how difficult farming is. Clarkson at his absolute best and I cannot wait for season 2!
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Absolutely Outstanding
19 December 2020
This is how you do Star Wars. May aswell delete that Disney Movie trilogy and carry on where season 2 of The Mandalorian ends because it was epic. How the films get it so wrong is beyond me but this restores the balance.

Want to know how you treat one of best heroes of all time? Watch the last 10 minutes of the season 2 finale. Everything about this series is spot on and I can only hope Jon Favreau gets to take the reigns for all future Star Wars productions. The man is obviously a fan that treats Star Wars with the respect it and its fans deserve.

I have deleted the Disney film trilogy from my memory. This is the way!
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When They See Us (2019– )
Absolutely Incredible
1 July 2019
Just watch, this incredible story portrayed by actors at the peak of their powers. It will make you angry, frustrated and reduce you to tears at the injustice these boys, now grown men had to suffer. Not just them but their families and their very reputations. No amount of money will ever bring these people the time they lost back or fix the pain these men now have to suffer for the rest of their lives because of this cruel injustice. The worst thing is that there will be more stories like this all over America where young black men will have been wrongly accused and convicted, chucked into prison and forgotten about. If you enjoyed this show, watch the Oprah show where she interviews the cast and then the 5 real men and you will see how damaged some of them are because of this ordeal. This is a show that should be watched by everyone.
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Us (II) (2019)
Complete & Utter Garbage
8 June 2019
Honestly there are a few films that are bad out there but this is a hot steaming pile of turd. I don't know where to start.

People will give all the reasons about it being some smart peice of work and that there are plenty of metaphors here. End of the day as a piece of entertainment it's just plain stupid in every sense. A plot that is as stupid as it gets. It has more holes in it than Swiss Cheese.

Do yourselves a favour and don't waste your time on this nonsense.
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The Predator (2018)
The Predator Parody
12 December 2018
As a Parody its decent but if you are expecting a return to 1987 greatness then sadly those days are gone. You see this is a complete insult to the series. Jokes all the way through which are poor, the story is a confused mess which makes no sense at all. CGI is terrible. What more can you say. For a film where 80 million quid was spent, its a total disaster.
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Frozen (I) (2010)
Complete and utter garbage
4 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I will say that movies are meant to entertain and in this respect we can't always expect the most realistic of situations to play out. However, this film is just plain stupid!.

Let's say for one moment 3 snowboarders/Skiers get stuck on a chair lift and it's really high up. Could the Director have not treated the audience with a semblance of intelligence? I mean one guy decides just to jump down to be the hero without using any tools at his disposal. Doesn't try and tie a jacket or 2 to lower himself down. No of course not just jumps down and breaks both legs lol. If he had done this and then is unlucky and breaks his leg on a rock then it would have added a lot more credibility.

Before we even get to this stage, the movie was made in 2010 yet not one of them had a mobile phone to make a call. That's the most unbelievable part of this whole movie. I mean they could have got round this with the phones not having signal due to the bad weather. Still unreal but at least would have been better.

Big CAT drives below them and they throw down a few bits of clothing and a pole instead of a snowboard to catch the drivers attention. I mean really?

Wolves manage to eat the two male characters. Yet when the female faces the wolves they just walk away because they had just had dinner. LOL Ridiculous. These wolves must only come and eat people when the ski resort closes then. Film could have done without the wolves all together. May aswel had gone for a deadly snowman. Film was so stupid May aswell had gone whole hog, at least then people would have expected stupidity.

The resort closes for 5 days in peak season just when the protagonists get stuck. Suuuuuuuure!

We have no one zipping up their jackets. We have people falling asleep with bare hands touching metal. Why not just go one better and stick your tongue to the metal bar.

I reckon they could have made a really good movie here if they had thought about it a little more. I'm sure the audience would have appreciated it.

Instead we get absolute nonsense which is so stupid it insults everyones intelligence. AVOID
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Don't listen to the critics. Talking absolute rubbish this is brilliant!
18 March 2018
So if you read the critics reviews they almost put you off this wonderful movie. I watched this not expecting much and it blew me away and I'm not even the biggest fan of musicals. Everything about it is fantastic. If you want to escape the realities of life for 2 hours then let this whisk you away where you will enjoy amazing music, brilliant sets and costumes and just a pure great time for you and the family. Fantastic stuff and I want to see it again it was so good.
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