
56 Reviews
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Early American motorcycle subculture
9 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Bikeriders is a plausible look into the nascent beginnings of motorcycle culture in the US. .Presented in a quasi-documentary style it is neither overly dramatic or overly sentimental. IMO, it feels just about right for events that may happened during the 60's in America.

Based on a book of the same title, the story takes place in Chicago and covers the Vandals MC. The Vandals were basically a bunch of guys who rode bikes and wanted to be part of a club that shared their passion about motorcycle riding. After a while, the club morphed into something that more closely resembled clubs such as the Hell's Angels. After this turn of events, the lives of the originals took a direction that they may not have been prepared for.

The cast of the movie is excellent especially Jodie Comer as Kathy, through whose recollections, the story unfolds. I really can't say enough about her interpretation of the character. The remainder of the cast strikes the perfect note of men trying to find their way in a new uncharted lifestyle.

The director takes a measured approach to the story. There is a requisite amount of drinking, drug use and violence, but, those never become the centerpiece of the movie. Rather, the movie revolves around the lives of those involved with 'outlaw' motorcycling.

A number of reviewers, voiced their displeasure over the lack of a straight forward narrative presentation of the story. I feel they are missing the point of the movie. This is not a boy meets girl, troubles ensue and all ends well type of movie. Instead it is a seemingly realistic look at one aspect of a subculture that rode the waves of the turbulence 60's in the US. If you are expecting a 2023 version of Easy Rider, you will be disappointed. Otherwise, take this movie for what it is and enjoy a ride on the 'wild' side.
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The Street (2006–2009)
Nailed it
2 September 2024
There isn't a single episode of the Street that doesn't ring true. From brutal to heart rendering, we are treated to a feast of raw, completely believable emotions. The actors (who are a who's who of British theatrical royalty) step up to the plate and knock each role (no matter how large or small) out of the park.

Oftentimes, the episodes are rough and filled with violence but they never fell like they are pandering or gratuitous. Kudos for the directors who perfectly walked this fine line.

While I have no idea of the lives of the British middle class, I feel like a have been given a front seat to the daily lives of folks just trying to get by from day to day.

If your sensibilities tend toward the Hallmark Channel, this show may be unsettling to you, but, I guarantee that no matter what the ending (happy, sad or in-between) you will never walk away dis-appointed.
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Sadly not very funny
17 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of roasts, but TB12 roast was, to put it mildly, the worst roast I have ever seen. I'm totally OK w/ crude, even vulgar humor, but, this roast lacked originality; unless you find a constant stream of 'jokes' about Brady and his 'interactions' with his team mates funny. On top of that Kevin Hart is a terrible comedian. His 'shtick' was to periodically look at Brady and say 'Scr36w u Tom'. Wow, how clever is that?

In addition, Hart cannot be involved with anything without making it about race. His black people/white people comments were utterly lame and ,frankly, insulting.

A few highlights were provided by Nikki Glazer who delivered a knock-out joke about Gronk and crypto-currency; absolute killer. Jeff Ross was OK, but, he seemed to be off his usual game. Gronk was a total embarrassment. His act seemed to be how loud can he yell about Brady and the Patriot's locker room 'antics'. Not funny, at all.

Belichick and Kraft should, as the saying goes, not quit their day jobs although we were constantly reminded that Belichick doesn't have a job at this point.

Drew Bledsoe was probably the best of the non-professional roasters. Randy Moss looked like a guy who wandered in and since no one knew he was let him get in a few tepid digs at Brady.

I don't get Peyton Manning. He's a guy with limited talent who has parlayed this into (I'm guessing) a very lucrative career as an huckster and a quasi-football commentator.

Ben Affleck seemed utterly lost without a script and a director telling him what to do.

Will Farrell did his usual indignant, put-upon act. It is as tiring as it is not funny. He came on as Ron Burgandy. I would bet that Farrell came up with that name. That seems to be the kind of humor is is capable of. If his character in Anchorman had a normal name like, say, Stan Schlitz, it would have been, IMHO, way funnier, but, hey, Farrell is the one with all the accolades and the money and the fame.

The rest of the dais consisted of basically the comedians you might see on any night at your local Yuk-Yuks. Hopefully, we will never see them again at a televised roast.

Brady's rebuttal was 'I'm great, you're not. Scr#w U'; over and over again. Tiring and humiliating at the same time. He should sue who ever wrote this piece of crap for him.

So there it is. If you like un-purposeful, vulgarity for its own sake then you may find this humorous. If this isn't your cup of tea, then I suggest looking up some of the past roasts where crudeness comes with a healthy dose of humor and originality.
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Damsel (2024)
What's the point
4 April 2024
I was at a quasi-family thing where a group of folks watches a movie after dinner. This was the choice so I, dutifully, sat through it. What a mistake. The plot is paper thin and so predictable that I imagine a three year old could figure it out 15 minutes in. I admit I am not a fantasy guy, jeesh, c'mom, have a little ingenuity.

I guess the CGI for the dragon was okay, but, at times it was hard to understand what it was saying. Outside of some pretty good cinematography, there is little to recommend for this. Do yourself a favor and find a better rated fantasy flick if you're in the mood for that sort of thing.
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A real message of hope
1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Miracle Club is a superbly written and acted movie about life and how you manage it. With a stellar cast including Laura Linney, Kathy Bates, Steven Rae, Maggie Smith and others, the story revolves around ordinary people who have carried around the baggage in their lives for way too long.

Set in Dublin in the 60's, three of the women are trying to secure a trip to Lourdes each hoping for their own miracle. As each of the woman focuses on their current situation. The Laura Linney character comes back to her home town and dredges up the long lost hurts that has been put aside for decades.

Once in Lourdes, they are confronted with the reality that miracles are a rarity and no amount of holy water and prayers will give them what they want.

What they do come to realize is that the real miracle is to be able to confront the past and move on with their lives. As they are leaving Lourdes, the priest who arranged the trip, tells them that the reason for coming to Lourdes was not for a miracle, but for the strength to continue their fight.

All in all, this movie brought home a powerful and poignant message without being over preachy or melodramatic. If you like heartfelt stories about real life issues, I think you will thoroughly enjoy this movie.
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The Good Wife (2009–2016)
Disappointing ending
10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to give this show a higher rating, but, the show lasted two years too long. Once one of the main characters dies, it went completely off the rails. There could have easily been two titles: The Good Wife (seasons 1-5) and The I'm No Better Than the Rest of the Back-stabbing. Egomaniacal Lawyers Wife (final 2 seasons). Too bad. The main character (Alicia Florek - played to perfection by Julianne Margulies) seemed to be above the fray early on, but, then she succumbed to the same afflictions that the remainder of the lawyers had, i.e., win above all else, crush anyone who gets in your way and never, ever let ethics be your North Star. I get that the acting was great and the story telling (at least when it didn't go too far over the top) was top-notch and the show built an incredible amount of tension and drama into each episode, but, at some point it crossed over into nothing more than a cliche-ridden court room piece.

What started out (at least for me) was an almost must-see program, became, tedious to the point that the only thing I found interesting was wondering what the weekly 'cliff-hanger' would be.
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Love Actually (2003)
Real life, actually
25 December 2023
Love actually is a love story about imperfect people living their imperfect lives. Unlike the average Hallmark movie, LA tells a myriad of interconnected stories of what means to people and how it impacts their lives in both positive and negative ways. The characters display many of the flaws that most humans deal with on a daily basis.

While some of the stories are a bit far-fetched, it really doesn't matter (this is a fictional movie, btw) since the end result is the important message.

While this movie has it's share of pathos, it does, in the end, make one understand the importance of human connection in a way that is (mostly) done in a believable manner.

A lot of people may not even give this movie a fighting chance since they may think it is just another piece of Hallmark/Lifetime hokum. Trust me, LA is a far from a HM/LT movie as one could imagine. So, I say, give it a try, you may be mildly surprised that in the end you quite enjoy this movie.
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Straight Time (1978)
a 70's crime study
29 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
With a superb cast headed by Dustin Hoffman, Straight Time delivers an intimate portrait of a man consumed by his inability to function in normal society. When the movie starts, Hoffman is out on parole and eventually starts dating a clerk (Theresa Russell) from the employment agency. Employment is difficult for an ex-con plus the fact that the character is a loser who feels he is entitled to take what others work hard for. When the chance for a better life is presented to him (one, btw, that would include the gorgeous Russell) he reverts back to the only thing he knows. As can be expected, this movie does not end well which, in some regards, is a tribute to 70's/80's movie-making that refuses to cop out to a feel good ending.

All-in-all, if you like gritty, crime dramas this will do the trick.

As a side note, the cars that appear throughout many of the street scenes are a potpourri of unique colors and styles as opposed to the bland, copycat style that the automobile consumer is stuck with.
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Just didn't get it
5 May 2023
With all the hoopla surrounding TGM, I was expecting the 2nd coming of Jesus. Boy, was I disappointed. Instead of being knocked-off of my feet, I was totally underwhelmed by this movie. This movie was trite, thinly-plotted and completely unbelievable (even for the so-called 'action genre'). In fairness, the cinematography was excellent even though it tended to be quite maudlin (in keeping with the theme of the movie). The action sequences were well done even if somewhat preposterous and the planes were excellent.

As for the movie itself, even if you are brain-dead, I'll bet you can predict the precise ending about 1/3 of the way through the movie. This is not great film-making.

I do admit, that this movie was at times quite entertaining, but, being a bit of a movie snob, I'm sorry, I just couldn't make myself believe that this was a great movie.
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Full Swing (2023– )
Deep dive into a pro golfer's life
24 February 2023
It seems that some of the negative reviewers didn't quite understand what this show is about. That's their loss. As an avid gofer, I was looking forward to this show with great anticipation and, trust me, it did not disappoint. Over the course of the episodes, we are taken into the daily lives of a number of players and are afforded a behind the scene look that is unbelievably illuminating.

I'm sure many folks dream of fame and fortune in the field in which they have a genuine passion. How many little leaguers have dreamt of making it to the majors; gymnasts dreaming of Olympic gold? This series may very well make you rethink your aspirations.

Yes, their definitely is fame and incredible fortune. Mansions and private jets and world travel are a way of life for the most successful, but, their is also a never-ending quest to remain at the top' to be successful or as Brooks Keopka says 'Win or go home'. One can almost palpably feel the pressure these guys are under to perform. There are no participation trophies on the pro tour. You miss the cut, you go home without any money. A missed putt at your local muni may cost you a $2 Nassau bet with your buddies. Now imagine if this missed putt means your entire season is thrown into turmoil.

On any level, golf is a wonderful, exciting and challenging pastime., but, it can also be extremely frustrating and heartbreaking. Now imagine if this is how you make your living. Every good thing and every negative aspect of the game is magnified to an unbelievable level, but, as humans do, we all keep chasing our dreams.

Whether you are a golf fan or not or just a fan of human nature, you will not be disappointed with this series.
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Understated gem
21 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How can you go wrong with a movie in which Scrabble plays such a significant role? My answer is you simply can't.

SAN provides a glimpse into a family that seems unable to develop real relationships. Instead the father (Nighy) and son (Riley) mask their inabilities in a common goal to search for a lost family member.

While SAN is never much of a movie at all, it packs an emotional wallop that builds and builds until the final scene that is both gut-wrenching and somehow satisfying.

The performances are subtle yet spot on.

If you like low-key, non flashy movies, I think you will definitely enjoy this.
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You People (2023)
Trying way too hard
7 February 2023
This movie actually started out OK when some old Jewish actors (Gould, Benjamin, etc) had cameos at the end of a religious ceremony. It was quite funny, but, the movie definitely went downhill from there. There seemed to be little or no real chemistry between the two 'lovebirds' (Hill and London) and the rest of the cast were little more than stereotypes.

In fairness, there were a couple of laugh out-loud moments and Julie Louis-Dreyfus was quite good even if she was handed an almost unwinnable role. I think this movie had good intentions in its heart, but, it just wandered into no man's land with no real way out. It felt like watching someone sink lower and lower into quicksand.

What surprised me and disappointed me the most was that this was penned and directed by Kenya Barris who was the head honcho behind black-ish which IMHO was one of the better sitcoms to come along in a long time. From a tv show that shone a bright light on the black experience in America to this mess was an outright shame.
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Superb insights
7 February 2023
Having read Mr. Cohen's autobiography, I was quite aware of his life's journey, but, this doc was a welcome addition to the image I had of one of this centuries resplendent luminaries. To say Cohen was a genius is almost an understatement and this movie only reinforces my opinion. He was truly a once in a lifetime personality.

As slightly older Jew with a unique, unconventional voice who decides at 30 years old to become a rock singer and proceeds to write and perform some of the great songs of his generation, Cohen broke all of the conventions of the modern rock industry.

One of the things that surprised me was the times Cohen could be outright playful and his wicked sense of humor which stands in stark contrast to his outward appearance.

In the end, it was illuminating to see the evolution of one of the most iconic songs ever written.

On a personal note, as an amateur singer/songwriter, I learned that there is not enough tragedy and in my life for me to ever write music on his level (plus a lack of talent:)).

I watched this with my SO who knew very little about Leonard Cohen, but, she was completely enchanted by the man and his spiritual journey. Whether you are a fan or not, this movie will definitely make you think about your place and time on planet earth and that, in and of itself, is worth the time spent watching this film.
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Blonde (2022)
You will be disappointed if...
11 October 2022
You will be disappointed if you go into this movie thinking it is a biopic about MM's life. It is an adaptation of a piece of fiction by the fabulous Joyce Carol Oates (a fellow WNY native BTW). No more, no less.

Lots of reviewers think it is exploitative. I'm not so sure you can exploit someone if you are presenting them as an allegory. In this case, I'm guessing, JCO may have been actually pointing out the indignities in MM's life and the fact that Hollywood and the men who ran it back in the day and various other men in her life, preyed upon her knowing she had neither the sophistication, the mental acuity or the street smarts to do something about it added to the fact that she was obviously mentally unstable.

MM's life was, by the time she became famous, on open book documented by all to satisfy the prurient cravings of the Hollywood fanzine culture. Her nakedness in this movie represents the never abated exposure of her most private moments to the general public.

As for the movie itself, again, if you like your movies Hollywood cookie-cutter style, please stay away from this. You will definitely be disappointed. The director often pushes the envelope of film making and when you walk the tightrope sometimes you will fall off and other times you will make an exulted landing on the other side. He does both in this movie time and time again.

While I am, by no means. A movie historian, this movie often felt to me like a revival of French new-wave cinema. Of course, no where near the stylized accomplishments of the great French directors.

In the end, this can be a very difficult movie to watch and it is certainly not everyone's cup of tea, but, it does have some parts that, to me, make it worthwhile watching.
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King Richard (2021)
Genius or dumb-luck
2 October 2022
I'm not sure how accurate this movie was, but, the Williams sisters signed off on it so I have to believe their is some veracity to it. Having said that, I couldn't make up my mind whether Richard was a genius, Svengali type or just a guy with a whacked-out idea who just happened to have two incredibly talented daughters who either achieved greatness because of him or in spite of him.

I found this movie incredibly interesting as it delved into the psychology of what drives a man to go to the lengths he did in order to achieve what he believed was his destiny, i.e., raising and training two potential tennis greats. If you are looking for a tennis movie, this is not it. As with many sports related movie, the sauce is in the people not the sport per se.

Will Smith is almost too perfect in his portrayal of Richard Williams. At times it felt like he was following his own plan on how to give a great theatrical performance, but, overall he seemed to capture the spirit of Richard incredibly well.

The rest of the cast was serviceable. The tennis sequences were, in my opinion, mostly filler used to get from point A to B.

If you like a movie that explores human nature, you will enjoy this movie. If you are looking for a dramatic piece built around the tennis exploits of the Williams sister, you will probably be disappointed.

As a side note, I thought the depiction of amateur tennis in the US (and probably the world) was incredibly well-done and accurate. It is a 'blood' sport driven by that one chance in a million to grab the golden ring. Which makes me wonder how many other 'Williamses' are out there who lack the resources to achieve some level of success.
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Celebrity Bowling (1971–1977)
Loads of fun
25 August 2022
I stumbled upon Celebrity Bowling one recent late night of Prime surfing. Now, I can say I am addicted. The show which showcases celebrities of varying degree of fame is a harmless, guilty pleasure that show the famous at their most vulnerable, i.e., doing something that is 100% out of their comfort zone.

Hosted by Ted Allen in the days before 'me too', some of the dialogue is cringe-worthy, but, the show is always fun in the end. The celebrities are good sports and they seem to be having a good time.

Even the commercials and the prizes are a trip back in time. If you are ever looking for some harmless, goofy entertainment, this might be the show for you.
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Bodyguard (2018)
Suspenseful even though a bit too formulaic
23 August 2022
There's quite a bit (especially the last episode) that stops this mini-series from being one of the best I have ever seen.. Having said that, it is one compelling ride loaded with suspense and plot twists.

Sure, you can find a lot of wholes in the plot and trash this movie, but, I really don't see the point in that. Each episode moves along briskly and packs a lot of drama along the way.

The cast us superb. Richard Madden as PPO Budd gives one of the most electrifying performances I have seen in a while. Keely Hawes is her usually brilliant self. The rest of the cast are spot on.

If you are looking for action, political intrigue and drama, you will certainly enjoy Bodyguard. I know I did.
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Don't even ask me about Kuala Lampur
18 August 2022
This line was uttered by film director Jack Hudson (Sean Penn) to aspiring aspiring actress Alana (Alana Haim) in some sleaze-bar habituated by what seems like the near-underbelly of the movie industry. If that sounds absurd and confusing, then you will not be surprised by the entirety of LP.

This movie is a god-awful mess of vignettes that seem to have no real purpose other than to get to the end of the movie. I guess you could call this a romantic movie, but, you might be sadly mistaken. Or you could say this is a movie about young entrepreneurs, but you would also be mistake. Or you could say this movie is about realizing one's dreams. Again, no dice.

I think this movie was what happens when writers and directors decide to make a movie while under the influence of mind-altering drugs, but, then again I could be completely off base. It may have been the result of some idea that sounded good at the 'pitching' table. Who really knows?

Having said all that, I hung in until the end hoping something meaningful would happen. Well something meaningful did happen. The movie ended.

I can't say this is the worst movie I have ever seen, but, it ranks up there with one of the strangest movies I have ever seen. Viewers should proceed with extreme caution.
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Wet and wild ride
8 August 2022
Ron Howard is one of the most under rated directors working today. He is almost workman-like in the way he directs. No frills, no unnecessary story lines and rarely, if ever, any manipulation of the story. In Thirteen Lives, he sticks to what he does best - presents the facts and lets the story build its own suspense. For a movie that, I presume, most folks know the ending, this movie will keep you totally engrossed as you ride the roller coaster of emotions that all involved felt. From the distraught families to the mentally and physically drained rescuers, no one escaped without being overcome by the sheer enormity of an attempt to save the lives of these thirteen individuals.

This movie is taut and well paced with little or no filler. The actors were all extremely believable in their rolls. The sets and the action sequences were beyond reproach.

Having said all that, I would like to give special praise to the sound engineers. The sound when the divers were in the cave attempting to do the impossible was truly worthy of Academy Award consideration

I cannot recommend this movie more highly. It is one wet and wild ride.
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Crash (I) (2004)
25 May 2022
I have recently rewatched this movie after quite a few years. And a lot of what reviewers are complaining about are absolutely true. This movie is heavy-handed and relentless in its portrayal of race relations in the US, but to those who say this is the worse or close to worse movie they have ever seen is completely off base. Yes, you may disagree with the premise and bemoan the 'contrived nature of the plot, but this movie has some terrific aspects. For one, the acting and cast are outstanding. The movie moves along at a compelling pace and never drags for even a single moment. Many of the 'vignettes' taken as single events are quite compelling. The directing is sharp and really cohesive regardless of what one thinks of the plot.

My guess is that many of the negative reviewers probably tend to be more conservative politically and feel like they are being preached to. Fair enough. If you are sensitive about your own personal views on race and racism, this movie would seem to be hard to handle. However, if you take his movie with a grain of salt and view it in a larger context, I feel like you won't be disappointed.

On a side note, I live in Buffalo, NY and am writing this in the wake of a mass shooting at a grocery store in a predominately black neighborhood. Somehow, bludgeoning the audience with this relentless take on race in America seems a bit more relevant than it might have two weeks ago.
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Life gets in the way of death
19 April 2022
This adaptation of the wonderful book of the same name is a pure pleasure to watch. It was great to see the characters in the book brought to life in a very faithful rendition. The acting is brilliant as is the casting and directing.

This movie touches all the good and tragic things about life without compromising the story telling.

It is not necessary to have read the book to enjoy this movie, but it somehow makes the events seem more poignant.

If you are looking for a movie that will stir your emotions and make you feel that life is worth living, then I highly recommend this movie.
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After Life (2019–2022)
24 March 2022
Ricky Gervaise takes us on a journey into the life of a man who has lost the love of his life and has neither the will nor the impetus to 'get on' with his life. With a blend of humor, pathos, sarcasm, anger and self-pity, we are exposed to how one man deals with the unthinkable loss of the most important thing in his life.

As usual, the writing is superlative and the acting by all characters is spot-on. Gervais, in all of his endeavors, populates his shows with a cast of characters who all have their own issues yet somehow plow through the day-to-day tribulations of life in a way that can be both sad and uplifting at the same time.

The pacing and the progression of the story and the lives of the characters is done to perfection. While some may think the ending is a bit cliched it is done with such a feeling of love and gratitude that it would be difficult to find real fault with it.

When watching a series, it is sometimes sad when it is over, and we are left wanting more. After Life ends exactly as one could possibly hope and anything further would add nothing to this excellent series.
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Andy Warhol on a snowmobile
24 March 2022
Unless you are or were a hard-core fan of Andy Warhol, you (like most of us) probably have a preconceived notion of who Warhol was. To most people, he was the weird looking guy with the bad wig who painted a bunch of Campbell soup cans. This documentary blows the lid off of any and most perceptions people had of Warhol.

I think for the most part Warhol was his own creation of who he wanted the world to think he was, i.e., eccentric, reclusive, lonely, fly-on-the-wall persona who created an almost completely new genre of modern art. He would used this self-creation to at once achieve what he most wanted (wealth and fame) while simultaneously retreating from the spotlight when it suited his purpose.

This doc peels all of the layers off of the facade. What we see is a man who was at times a social butterfly, one who craved affection just like any other person, one who fell in love and had his heart broken when the love affairs dissolved and partook in everyday activities just like the common man.

To me, two of the most startling things I found out were that Warhol was on 'The Love Boat' and he fell off of the back of a snowmobile. I was literally gob smacked.

As an added bonus, this movie is a must see for anyone who wants to know what NYC was like before, during and after the Aids epidemic. It's devastation is revisited in gut-wrenching fashion.

I highly recommend this series if you have even a passing interest in art and the life of one of the greatest modern painters of a generation.
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Red Oaks (2014–2017)
Not what you think
6 March 2022
If you watch the first episode, you would be correct in thinking this is nothing more than another raunchy teen coming of age vehicle. However, you would be completely wrong. Red Oaks quickly slides into a slightly above average look into the lives of a number of characters loosely connected to the Red Oaks Country Club in NJ circa 1980.

Each of the story lines is well executed and culminates in a satisfying end to each of their stories. It is a credit to the writers that the characters never lapse into being parodies although it seems that is often the case in this type of presentation.

By the end of the series, all of the main characters have become fully developed and their lives up to that point seem like a reasonable conclusion.

The main cast is outstanding and supporting roles are handled adeptly by many veteran screen/television actors.

This series would never win any awards, but, if you are looking for a well-done dramedy you could do a lot worse. Once you get into the meat and potatoes part of the story, you will be slowly but surely immersed in the various lives of the Red Oaks 'crew' and I feel you will find the end quite satisfying.
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The Alpinist (2021)
Pursuit of nirvana
1 February 2022
The Alpinist is a documentary about the amazing feats of solo climber Marc-Andre LeClerc. With dazzling panoramic scenery of some of the great peaks of the world as a backdrop, this movie transports the viewer into the life and drive of one man who seems to have an unsatiable desire to push himself further and further in his climbing life. While the movie is certainly awe-inspiring, it also makes one wonder why anyone would pursue a lifestyle that, by all accounts, will lead to death 50% of the time. While the movie does provide some insight into what drives LeCLerc, in the end, the only thing we really know is that even the person pursuing their own personal Excalibur may not be fully aware of what drives them.

If you want a movie that is equal parts terrifying and awe inspiring, then this movie will certainly fill the bill.
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