
13 Reviews
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liked it but...
25 November 2020
I liked it but the original was the best. People say oh it was too far from the original that's why I dont like it... But I didn't see that they played it too safe it should have been more different ... more of a modern twist. More modern sure biracial family was great but it was still set in an older time where that would have been an issue to people but it seemed like nothing... couldn't they have very easily made it in a time like now..and not been a conflict. I get this movie us forkids but it was really tame and taught no lesson.
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Hannah Gadsby: Nanette (2018 TV Special)
I loved this show
23 February 2019
I'm a straight white woman and have been raped twice maybe it's dumb to say that I'm straight but sexist and racist people need to know. many of my best friends have been sexually assaulted gay and straight.... I heard 1 in four women are raped in their life but I think it may be more...this show you have to watch till the end. It is the most amazing show I have seen in this year. This happens to a lot of wonen.. I have many lgbq friends. And this show is amazing im crying how much it brings up. But it is good. I love this show. Don't give up comedy just show more of this.
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Trevor Noah: Son of Patricia (2018 TV Special)
I loved finding out about Trevor Noah negative reviews are fake news :)
15 December 2018
I loved finding out about Trevor Noah watch it to the end he is so honest about the world
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very good show but witches arent like that
31 October 2018
Its a very good show and i look forward to the next season, but real witches do not worship satan they worship the cycle of life. in Wicca there are multiple gods and goddesses who help with different situations in life... herbolagy is important and being light not dark, and if a witch does bad to others it comes back to them. witches worship the seasons and use those seasons for replenishment and rebirth. there is a whole other side to witches that should be shown in the next season. as they show them here as something to be feared here. but that is hollywood.
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The Client List (2011–2013)
I love this show as its real for people who have to do this
29 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show as its real for people who have to do this. The women who do this arent bad people at all... and its legal in many countries and they are protected. other countries they are in danger. one thing that horse they say was worth 30 grand would be worth max 10 grand as that is not a racehorse breed. but I loved seeing the hard girl really loving horses.
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Tallulah (2016)
wonderful movie
26 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved this movie it showed real time things but at the end I really wish they said what happened specifically to Tallulah.
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very well done
21 August 2018
It is a bit distracting having John Travolta as the 'baddie' playing someone who isnt American but he really did a good job at one point I thought maybe he was just a lookalike for Travolta ....and De Niro as always was amazing. I wonder how this movie would be if the antagonist guy was really Serbian? I have a female friend who has been beaten with a bat for looking Serbian (she is Serbian but never hurt anyone). this is a story that needs to be told. because she has the square jaw features way she has experienced a lot of pain and most people in the world dont know about this conflict I dont fully understand it myself, but it seems like one group are suffering for the actions of the few. As with most conflicts. People could take a bat to a girl walking home from visiting her mom because she had a look...imagine what people do to a man?
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Lie to Me (2009–2011)
Great Show but...
20 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great show but the lead actor was getting more and more out of control. as a deception expert he needed one for himself. I do like the show but im glad it didnt continue beyond 3 seasons. either he was drunk or on something on especially the last two seasons. I still think he is an amazing actor and I never would hold that against anyone for that as it would be because of extenuating circumstances....actors trying to be someone to an extreme... unless they were told to make him look out of control to hide his addictions. Im no deception expert but the show hid things. I do like the show but its painful to watch the second time around
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Heathers (2018)
Really making liberals look bad
2 June 2018
So from the start it made out that gay or people who weigh more are assholes .. I get its a dig at the people who are assholes to everyone but conservatives will just take it as a win.. then things changed. It really did show the other side of the way people are fat shamed. Unfortunately the assholes who fat shame will probably not watch this. or get the irony because they cant see nuance (subtlety) oops they would even get that. I love how the tables are turned but really hate how the bullies in real life get influenced. show more of this series! I hated it at first but loved it in the end.. dont dangle the carrot till the end!
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much more real than most tv movies
11 February 2018
Its refreshing to see a normal weight woman in a lead role. I am very mad at people saying she is not a good actress in this movie. She is completely genuine and her acting is impeccable in every part of the movie. People who say this are the ones who think she isn't a star because she isn't 'thin enough for holywood' sure she could play a best friend of a star in a movie but people are disturbed about her in a lead role . I really loved this movie and the lead actress stole the show. This was actually a movie i wished had been on the big screen for the world to see.
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Sweet/Vicious (2016–2017)
Great show
4 August 2017
I think its unfortunate if the rumors that this show is discontinued is true. I love this show. Sexual assault is serious and in real life a lot of the stuff on this show really happens, meaning many people don't report rape because they are afraid that they won't be heard and instead of getting justice they will be the ones whose name is thrown under the bus. A lot of high profile cases have been overturned in favour of the guy.... just because of who they are. The majority of sexual assault charges are true. But in the courts it doesn't hold up in courts because of who they are and it may ruin the guys life... and girls see that they wont get justice but they are affected for the rest of their lives but cant get justice...
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Doubt (2017)
I loved this show
15 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I recently watched some of the canceled episodes and realize the reason it was canceled was because it touched on touchy subjects in the US. A strong female lawyer, another lawyer who is a trans woman and they show her struggles being accepted and opening up herself to a new relationship, corruption in the justice system that this firm exposes, the fact women get the raw end of the deal in rape cases even if they are telling the truth, and then get accused of smearing the man's name... I think that all the stuff touched in this series are great and they should really reconsider restarting this series again.
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Body of Proof (2011–2013)
I feel the summary and synopsis didn't describe the main character correctly
12 July 2016
I have only watched the first few episodes but have seen other reviews. She may be prickly and sometimes say things to suspects that are harsh but if she were a man she would not be seen as being obstinate and full of herself like she is described.

She is looking to find the truth of deaths. she cares for all her patients who died... she wants to know their story. I've seen her evolve even from the first few episodes. Its no quick transformation but she cares about the people she works with and the people who were murdered and with her family, sometimes she needs the advice of others but then she thinks about it and adjusts what she does. She doesn't go around hugging the person who gave her the advice but in real life... what doctor does that. A man would never do that they find a way to quietly thank them without saying it outright. And she isn't disrespectful to her superiors all the time its her act of rebellion doing what she feels is right to get answers. She doesn't do it all the time and her bosses respect her. I think people would have wanted to see the show more if she was described correctly.
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