
7 Reviews
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Rooney (I) (2022)
Wayne's journey to self-actualisation: The ultimate team player
24 February 2022
Came in expecting the usual conceited and exaggerated hubris associated with biopics. Wazza happens to be my childhood hero so I wasn't going to mind at all. Boy was I in for a delightful perturbation. The movie doesn't shy away from Wayne's shortcomings as a teammate, professional, role model and most importantly, family man. Its incredulous the amount of scenes where Colleen and Wayne are both visibly uncomfortable not shying away from invasive probing about the cheating and escort scandals. To give context, on social media there's a running joke about Wayne 's affairs occurring annually. Looking from the outside, it feels as though Wayne is making a last ditch attempt to rectify his somewhat tarnished image. He emphasises his discontent with his actions before candidly expressing the desire to be viewed "as a good person." His transgressions are largely attributed to alcohol abuse and unwholesome peer pressure. Rooney fans will no doubt glee as we peer the lenses on his parenting style. Insightful revelations on the origin of Wayne's bullish and passionate approach to football will put you on the edge of your seat. The admiration from legendary rivals such as Thierry Henry and Jose Mourinho exemplify the immensity of Wazza's legacy. Former England coach, Sven-Goran Eriksson finding out on camera how a 21 year-old Wayne Rooney played through a 6-inch groin tear after recovering from the infamous metatarsal injury at the 2006 world cup epitomises the compulsion to succeed for the Three Lions. Avid fans of English football will find themselves in reverence awe as football royalties David Beckham. Rio Ferdinand and Gary Neville recollect early impressions of young Wazza. Although the production addresses an abundance of relevant career related questions, it does exclude one pivotal question. Is Wayne really satisfied? Does he feel he could've handled himself differently and possibly achieved more? Does the former teenage phenom regret not winning a Ballon d'Or? Does he regret routinely arriving to training camps overweight and out shape? Does he regret not living a healthier lifestyle and reaching the longevity of contemporaries such as Cristiano Ronaldo and Zlatan Ibrahimovic? Despite being Manchester United's greatest goal scorer, is Wayne Rooney at peace with his INDIVIDUAL career? Ultimately the theme of the movie is Wazza's dedication to being the greatest TEAM player ever. Fans can reasonably conclude individual accolades probably have no substance in his path to self-actualisation. Strong recommend for football fans.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–2024)
My All-time Favourite Comedy
1 January 2022
I love this show. It has given me countless laugh out loud moments. Just completed season 11 and I'm reflecting back on so many gold Larry David moments. Creating a trend of spite stores, racist/antisemitic dog episodes, judging a man's integrity based on how unattractive their wife was, losing his wife because of his obsession to prove he respects wood, I could go all day. The genius of Larry David is being unapologetic-ally himself, being comfortable at engaging (somewhat unnecessary) uncomfortable dialogues, PhD level satire on hate crime/speech.

Always enjoyed the show since season one but in my opinion CYE really took off and entered the stratosphere for greatest comedy ever when they integrated Leon Black as a perennial cast member. Only after watching season 11 am I realising how Leon is actually a black version of Larry. The inseparable pair celebrating trivial things like getting a handicapped parking placard, Leon's half-arsed business ventures, their scenes on "tapping ass" make for entertaining and hilarious TV. The urban component made me comfortable recommending this to my black friends without judgement.

Susie and Jeff Greene's marriage represents a rawness of marriages rarely portrayed by Hollywood. Constant bickering and disdain for each other, with the Larry factor there to add more gasoline on an already combustible relationship. Richard Lewis and Larry David have an eccentric and complex friendship dynamic fueled by paltry rivalry. This ranges from competing to pay for lunch to eternal golf and comedy adversaries. Funkhousers (Marty and Vince Vaughn in later seasons) are the normal characters constantly outraged by Larry's wackiness.

One reviewer wrote "Larry David creates a new the good life with a ton of dough out in Malibu. Sounds pretty boring, and even snotty right? Its not at all." I always wondered why Larry's wealth was always a subject the show steered clear off in earlier seasons. This review helped me understand the show's hesitancy to be snotty. Most of the earlier seasons only indication of Larry's wealth is routinely changing homes with Cheryl and fine dining. As the show progressed and built a loyal fan base over the years, we've seen a bit more extravagance from Larry. Ranging from opening a spite store, to buying a BMW i8 just to make a point, even get to see him fly private for once. The splurging adds more authenticity to an already personal show. I strongly recommend, this show easily gets my seal of approval.
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Swan Song (I) (2021)
Just watch
31 December 2021
I'm usually thorough at reading reviews before watching a movie. This is one of the rare times I actually regretted reading so many reviews prior. Not that it ruined the ending or took anything away from Swan Song. Being forewarned about how a film will make you experience goosebumps kind of ruined the pleasant surprise of watching a well-written production. Nonetheless, the goosebump ending is worth your time, I strongly recommend it. Definitely gained a deeper appreciation for time and life. Best part is how Frank Ocean songs are seamlessly blended.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Left satisfied 2 Hours + 18 minutes later
28 December 2021
An accurate satirical depiction of modern times. A presidential administration more concerned about their rich friends than human civilization. Mainstream media which prioritizes entertainment over actual journalism. Political climate so polarized, even the truth and scientific facts ignite further divisiveness. Don't look up is able to address "ordinary Joe" frustrations, just listen to the science man *face palm COVID-19 masks and vaccinations*.

I'm glad I was able to watch this from the comfort of my bed as opposed to a cinema because I gained an appreciation for how well-researched the writing is as I googled astronomy terms like "ephemeris" at every opportunity. The writing is sound, an all-star cast which doesn't disappoint. Timothée Chalamet who plays Yule delivers an all-time great prayer worthy of an end of the world scene, leaving the audience and cast at ease. Even the jokes were well-thought out and not your predictable dry sense of humor. The "why did the general charge them for free snacks" running joke was a personal favorite. I'm honestly finding it difficult to find any flaws with this movie. I could see myself bumping this 9 to a 10 after a re-watch.
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King Richard (2021)
Exceeded expectations!!! Favourite watch of 2021
23 December 2021
After watching the Schumacher documentary recently, some faith in biopics was lost. After watching this masterpiece my faith in biopics was restored. Didn't watch the trailer. So I was pleasantly surprised by Venus and Serena's castings. The resemblances were jarring. Instantly I knew I was in for a treat. I knew this wasn't some half-arsed money grab.

As an avid tennis fan I'm well versed on the story of Richard Williams. That said, anyone even a non-tennis fan will enjoy this production. However, if you are a tennis fan be warned, you shall watch multiple times. So many insightful nuances were captured. My favourite scene being Richard Williams arguing with a world class tennis coach about Venus using a now popular borderline fundamental open stance for forehand returns.

Although the movie rightfully paints Richard Williams as an industrious, dedicated, humble and man of strong convictions. It does not shy away from his faults and weaknesses. In particular his inability to complete long-term projects and vain desire to be acclaimed. The elephant in the room, the one question most tennis fans were probably eager to discover is answered in a sincere manner. Why did Venus and Serena stop playing juniors for all those years? What I mean by sincere answer, the movie does not give a clear reasoning for the decision. And that's cause Richard often gave the media scripted vague answers, "I don't want them to burn out, I want them to be kids a little while longer." Which is disingenuous, because they are dozens of junior tournaments in a calendar, if those are your true intentions, allow them to play limited circuits, compromise and play three tournaments a year, right? The audience gets to understand, despite having a 79 page "plan" for his daughters, the final step, the final page, when to go pro was just something Mr. Williams was uncertain about. It may have been trepidation, it may have been ego, it may well have been a combination of all the above factors , but one thing for sure. Richard and the Williams inner circle clearly do not have a definitive answer to this day.

In the end it all works out perfectly. Venus and Serena reach the pinnacle of tennis immortality. Was the timing of them going pro all part of the plan for them to achieve ridiculous longevity? Did luck play a part and somehow everything fell in place? Maybe? One thing for sure, if anything the Williams circle dedicated enough to their craft TO MAKE THEIR OWN LUCK!!! For me to gain so much insight from a movie speaks to the immaculate and flawless production. This review would be incomplete without giving a special mention to Will Smith. The superstar this movie deserved.
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Boxing Day (2021)
It's exactly what you expect
23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Writing is sloppy and story-lines feel forced. Georgia and Melvin actually display some sprinkle of chemistry only in the final 10 minutes. Awkward, almost like the editors realised post-production "oh wait, we need to actually give these supposed soul mates a real moment." Jamaican accents got really cringe. I'll give them a pass though because Melvin in one scene acknowledges the inauthentic exaggerations (great self-awareness from the crew). And they were somewhat necessary given the history of black-British culture.

Ultimately this movie has an elite cast who shine at every limited chance. Personally I enjoyed all of Aretha/Boopsy's scenes. I haven't looked into it yet, but I would not be surprised if all her lines were impromptu. Each of her interactions felt so genuine, especially the one making fun of Georgia with "buff" jokes after her break-up. Most of the lighthearted scenes in Boxing Day are well executed. You get to experience a few real laugh out loud moments. If they could re-do this movie, they should've just leaned all in on the rom-COMEDY aspect. Especially with the love triangle. Despite the repeated rhetoric from supporting cast on how Georgia/Melvin were perfect together, the movie vibe/ambience never resonated her threat (resulting in a forced kissing scene). Music was phenomenal, though admittedly Georgia probably got one too many solo concerts in there. One of the more wholesome scenes is Lisa getting a package to her room with snacks and an iPod playing Party Hard by Donae'o. A really wholesome "welcome to my city" moment.

Is this a 10/10 movie? Probably not. However, it still is a really fun movie. When I chose to watch it I was looking for something not too serious (the antithesis of Spiderman No Way Home and the Matrix Resurrections) but fun. And boy this movie delivered quality relatable people of colour banter we hardly see onscreen. Movie's best moments lied in the black family dynamic and nuances you never see on TV. Such as how the families will go from an utter jovial mood to intense bickering over the most trivial issues (and vice-versa). As a black man I can vouch this sums up most of my festive season experiences growing up. Struggling to give a rating, as I'm typing I keep flipping between a 6 and an 8 (might as well give a 7 right?).
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I'm a diehard Jordan fanatic but this movie won me over!
18 July 2021
Screenplay is phenomenal and the plot has an appropriate depth for a kid's movie. Only negatives I can think of; LeBron isn't lead actor material (maybe just yet). Director seemed to overlook this while shooting the family-centered scenes. Where LeBron really excelled was bouncing his dialogues off seasoned veterans like Don Cheadle and Bugs. We've seen from the film "Trainwreck" LeBron is already a much better actor than Michael Jordan. Editing team could've done a better job on that small matter. If I'm being super picky maybe we deserved a game winning block since that's LeBron's signature play. Outside that I had a really pleasant time watching this movie. The CGI and music combination can only be described as euphoric. Movie embraced its corniness and dry humor. Even got a chuckle out of me with the expected Michael B. Jordan cameo. Eernie Johnson and Lil Rel "basketball commentary" was undoubtedly the movie's unsung hero. Daffy Duck referring to Al G Rhythm (Don Cheadle) as a "son of a glitch" is probably my favorite line. Innuendo jokes about LeBron's super team building skills are more endearing than you would expect. Goon squad characters even brought their own fun and uniqueness for each member (in particular Chronos/Dame was an epic character) unlike the original Space Jam Monster squad. The film's digital conscious theme is so appropriate for a 2021 release. You've got Porky Pig rapping, Tweety Bird dunking, Granny out-dueling father time and LeBron James being trolled by Bugs Bunny, what more could you ask for? Ending is logical and leaves you feeling warm, what more can you ask for? In conclusion, "Space Jam: A New Legacy" is a vibe.
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