
16 Reviews
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Oslo (2021 TV Movie)
A revolutionary blow to the world leaders
4 June 2021
Why is it underrated? Because it hurts the government too much to see how they play with human lives by making wars.
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Illuminati is real
17 May 2020
I never believed in some secret society before seeing this
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Serenity (I) (2019)
A mind bending artistic & thought provoking film
30 March 2019
This movie is not for everyone though, got shocked by seeing the ratings. This is above all beyond the genres of a movie, taking you into a surrealistic world of truth, where you can think of this world as your own. Thats the method of art in a film, which was never bent in the story under the shade of a thrilling cinematography.
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Andhadhun (2018)
Good but Not a Top Movie
12 February 2019
This film is selling lies to the viewers at the important turns of incidents, how can it be in 250!!!
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This movie should be in Top 100 in the IMDB list
23 January 2019
One of the best Philosophical movies. It is divided into small metaphorical things of life & this world in the view of human spirit. & these all stories are connected to serve a bigger thing on the whole.
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This movie should in Top 100 in imdb list
23 January 2019
This is one epic high thoughtful philosophical movies, which can create a genre in storytelling visions
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Stalker (1979)
Best philosophical movie of all time
7 January 2019
I have admired about the beauty, poetry, art & philosophy of this film
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True Detective (2014– )
10/10 for season 1 & 5/10 for other included seasons
5 January 2019
Please find way to split up the seasons. Its really lame-o
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A classic psychological thriller
29 December 2018
This represents a talented mind who describes all the mass murders behind money & wars made by the political dominators of the world. & such a passionate killer has to serve the guillotine. To shame for the laws of all history.
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Year One (2009)
A comedian story of true history
29 December 2018
Not everyone has the guts to understand & accept the truth
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Underground (1995)
A war is not a war until a brother kills a brother
27 December 2018
A war grounded film which represented both a comedy & emotional incidents together. This film missed only a few things which can be got from a good story which has a lot of thought provoking matters if you use your consciouness.
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Tangerines (2013)
Best film on war
26 December 2018
This movie shows how a small event can gradually create a vast heart of humanity. People must understand that, they fight nobody's war. Someday they will!
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Swades (2004)
Go light your bulb, reviewers!
26 December 2018
How this movie came into top 250! Its a good film, but not even close to the top list.
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Best family movie ever made
24 December 2018
From the acting and cinematography, the story was stunning and heart touching from the first to last scene. Must watchable movie for everyone
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Anomalisa (2015)
Essential movie to watch
29 October 2018
It was sso real!!! Sometimes.. . More than real. The acting details of those puppets overcome the real acting. Are we humans going to be just some lifeless masked creatures someday? Overall it was amazing!
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Moner Manush (2010)
World class movie about philosophy of life!
24 October 2018
I haven't seen such an amazing interpretation about the falsity of society through the view of Lalon Fakir. Someday he'll be the greatest Bangali of all time. This cult is above all the politics & religion. This war for truth will be on and on... & this quest of freedom should be every man's heartiest desire in life.
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