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Heels: Heavy Heads (2023)
Season 2, Episode 4
A truly good episode, one hell on an ending
27 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode introduces well amount of character development, Ace finding something he's good at; being an uncle.

Crystal and her new insecurity, Jack starting to act more like a true leader and...

The secret thing that Willy is doing also adds more curiosity for me as an audience, She's always been the Sage figure and it's interesting to see if that will change.

As we get to the final minutes of the episode, things get more exciting due to the wrestling matches and the unpredicted new promo for Rooster.

And that ending? Man. As an Arrow fan, you can only imagine how much joy did I get from watching that.

As other friend here has said, this is probably the closest Arrow reference you could put in the show, and I'm glad it's there.
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Deserves better rating IMO
28 June 2022
I haven't watched the Spanish show. And you could say I'm a K-drama fan but nevertheless, I'm surprised to see the ratings!

I don't know what people expected. First episode seemed solid enough for me. You could be critical of some minor logical issues during the story but generally it was ok.

I liked the Soundtrack as well. Starting the show with a BTS song? Amazing. Other tracks were good too (don't know if they belong to the original show or not).

The excitement and intensity has not reached a jaw-dropping level yet, but then again, you don't expect that to happen in the first episode.
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Messiah (2020)
- Are you the Messiah? - Who do You think I am?
20 January 2022
Messiah is one of the most engaging tv shows I've ever watched! As it tackles probably the most critical issue of the age; and furthermore, the characters here are all well written. None of the main characters are unnecessary here and they are admittingly believable, if not relatable.

The show does a pretty good job of maintaining the key question: Is he The Messiah (or Mahdi or whoever you believe to be The Savior)? Another thing that this show is good at, is rising the escalation as we proceed through each episode towards the end.

It has a good chunk of memorable quotes as well.

On the negative side, if you believe this guy to be The Messiah and you are a conservative Christian, or a Shia Muslim, then I guess you'll disagree with the portrayal of the savior here; more notably, his emergence and approach towards whatever plans he has.

I have to add that this show does not have the top level production quality of a Netflix hit show; so don't expect too much from the VFX scenes and stuff. Here the concept is of more importance.
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Dance with Me (2019)
Worth of Life
23 November 2021
I recommend watching this movie as it has a great message; and make sure you watch it along with your family members or friends. The story is not fast paced and all, and the movie has a strange atmosphere to it (No wonder though, if you know the director, Mr. Sehhat) but none of these make it a bad movie.
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Batwoman: Initiate Self-Destruct (2021)
Season 2, Episode 12
Ryan Wilder is not even a good person, let alone a (super)hero
14 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So what Ryan did this episode to Alice, was absolutely the IT thing for me to dislike her and consider her a totally unworthy person to take up the mantle of a once paragon.

Her action qualifies her as not just a not-hero, but also a bad person. You didn't have to be a picture of forgiveness to have tried to save Alice, she just saved your ass.

Oh God with this show!

And the writers were too hopeful for Ruby Rose to come back that they didn't even dare to write her off the story and just be done with her. Keeping Kate Kane in the story in this way is just a joke. It's even worse than the joke they did on The Flash with the elongated man. Lol However her twist with Alice is going to be interesting.
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Batwoman: Arrive Alive (2021)
Season 2, Episode 11
Endless Dumbness
8 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just one question When Soph and BW got the blackmask, why didn't they just take off his mask and be done with it?

Oh I forgot. This show doesn't make sense quite often.
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Batwoman: Survived Much Worse (2021)
Season 2, Episode 8
Awesome idea for the story twist - failing hard on delivery
3 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So this episode might be the best in season 2, at least I consider it to be. And the reason is, I think, pretty obvious. This episode could have actually been a season finale if we were to have a shorter season. Because the whole storyline and the questions we've had since the beginning get a decent closure here.

I mean, when I look at the story on paper, it's freaking amazing. Emotions are the one thing we all can relate to, and love, hatred, and jealousy are the main motives here. Jealousy is what, we find out, caused all of this. Tatiana being jealous of Alice, therefore making an elaborate plan to wheel her against Safiyah and create a massive rivalry and dredging up old wounds. Starting by killing Kate Kane and make it look like it was Safiyah.

Regardless of this ingenious story, the delivery fails truly hard; with all the lame things that happen, it's hard to see the great potential here. For instance, The mechanics of the island work however the writers/directors want it to. At one point it's anti-radar, not allowing any e-magnetic waves to pass, and being eco-systematically weird; and then suddenly it's not. Batwoman is able to talk through her comms, even sending live feed back to America, and Bat-team being able to call Sophie on her mobile phone! :/ Another example, Safiyah's warriors are introduced as badass and well trained; in a way that makes us remeber League of Assassin's in Arrow. However, when it's necessary, anyone on the show can take them down! Even clumsy Luke and Kane's daughter, using a pot or something! OH COME On! Was the warrior That bad not to be able to take care of two freaked out people?? This is just so inacceptable, right?

I don't wanna go on more, you can easily see all the things wrong with this show and its delivery. However it's worth trying looking at the great story we have here. With a better delivery, this could have been one of the best plots in the Arrowverse, since it's dark, twisted, emotional and relateable.

I'm interested in seeing where it goes next, however getting my hopes high to see this show improve, is something that I should be done with.
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The Flash: Success Is Assured (2020)
Season 6, Episode 19
Probably the worst season
15 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This review is mostly for the entire season, not just this episode. In fact I believe this episode was the best one. With all those fight scenes and reunion and betrayals. But that does not clean the slate. First we had bloodwork, then it was Barry Allen obtaining his full potential by the hands of Specter; Which turned out to be just a bluff, after that it was Black Hole, annnnnd then there is Eva. I mean this season is ALL OVER THE PLACE. They don't even know what they are doing anymore. Jumping from one branch to another. And anytime they run out of ideas on how to make a good show, they bring Thawne back! Come on, stop doing it. bring him back properly, or don't. The Flash lost it touch after season 3 but I kept hoping for a redemption and comeback, but nothing happened; it's like each season gets worse. I couldn't care less about the show, and I don't think I'm gonna watch the next seasons (are they really want to make 10 seasons like this??) although I started as a big fan, but look what they made me do! p.s: what I said wouldn't even change if they had the chance to make the finale they wanted; in fact, one user said they wanted to have a Thawne cliffhanger! Which would only prove what I just said. -we have no idea. what to do? -umm. Tom, are you there? go put on that yellow suit!
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Batwoman: Through the Looking-Glass (2020)
Season 1, Episode 16
A Matter of Trust
27 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Finding good episodes in this show is not easy! But this was absolutely one the best ones. As the story goes further, you can see that no one is THAT good, and everyone has those dark intentions hidden inside.

Kate Kane is supposed to be the good guy, but as you can see, she can be a liar as well as a killer. Of course they could have easily caught Alice without having to do all this break-ins and stuff, but they did it this way to make it more dramatic and I tell you it worked! When the storyline in Arkham Asylum came to end, I was like what the hell Kate? What a B***! treating Alice like garbage again.

And God how good Rachel Skarsten acts! She is amazing. one of the best villains in the Arrowverse.
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Batwoman: How Queer Everything Is Today! (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
Some enjoyable Pros, so many Cons
21 January 2020
Alright this show still has got so many wrong things about it, both wrong and stupid. for instance, how the hell is it possible to stop a train by a motorcycle and a metal cord?! I mean this is pretty stupid, and the fact that her motorcycle doesn't move a bit when stopping the huge amount of energy originated from the train. another example, Kate's suit is capable of taking bullet impact without hurting the person wearing it, yet, it cannot contain the energy coming from a hit by a trumpet! and kate just gets knocked down unconscious. such these crazy things can be found very easily throughout the entire show and it seems that it's not getting better. At least not in this season. Also there is gay stuff. Which is really overrated and disgusting, especially here. But if you can manage to neglect these flaws, I think this is an enjoyable show. This episode in particular. Alice is a really good villain. And that ending was so crazy. I'm excited to see what has really happened. ps: This weeks villain created a big hype at first, but turned out to be nothing really. This was not a wise move at all.
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Titans: Nightwing (2019)
Season 2, Episode 13
An Unsatisfying Season Finale
29 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After a very good season of Titans, especially these last episodes, I was really excited for this final one, but I gotta say I am Disgruntled. First of all, Deathstroke was killed off easily, I'd like it better if killing him was a bit more of a challenge for Titans. Also I didn't like how they saved Jericho, although I can't think of any other way. But what happens now? He just stays in her find until she dies? I don't think I want that kind of life. Next thing is the CADMUS story-line. Honestly this is a very bad story-line; tell me what was the purpose of creating Super-boy? To just sell him on the black market? that is so stupid and that doesn't fit the stereotype of any Lex Luthor. So the whole Conner story-line is under question. Because no wise man would ever sell something like Conner, especially not for money(but as we watched, they wanted the price to hit higher numbers, and that's why they involved Gar in this). And the whole rescuing thing of Conner was just bad. Dick gets there and punches his way out to the light and that's over? They could do a very better job about that, this was too simple. And then we get to where Donna dies! In that scene Conner could have easily done the job and nothing would happen. But it seems they just had to kill a main character to make it dramatic so they did this to Donna. If killing off a main character was what they wanted, getting killed by Slade would be a far better idea, and way more dramatic, especially if Slade killed her in the same way he killed Aqualad. Donna's death scene was just unacceptable. If I mention all the things that went wrong in this episode, this review is gonna get so much longer, so I just mention 2 things about this episode. First of all and most importantly, it was awesome to see Dick as Night-wing. We all have been waiting for this for a long time and we finally got it, also we could really see that the new suit is giving Dick more freedom to do what he does, just like Stu said it last episode. The next good thing I liked, was that Rose joined Titans after all, and Jason, despite everything that happened, showed that his heart is still with Titans. Anyway this was not what I wanted to see as season 2 finale, and it disappointed me badly, but overall, I am grateful for season 2 and it was joyful to watch.
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Jang Yeong-Sil: Episode #1.9 (2016)
Season 1, Episode 9
Best Episode So Far
11 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First let me say that when I give this episode a 9 rate, it is not like giving an episode of Arrow(for example) a 9. they are totally different... So in my idea this episode was the best episode so far. It had scientific discussions, conspiracy, fight scenes, etc. The whole show is not that much exciting, but this episode did a good job. Only at the end of the episode, when Jang Yeong Sil tries to escape the area by lighting up the black powder, it was so fake and unacceptable. They could have made that scene a lot better. Also it is gonna be interesting to see if Jang Hi Je (I'm not sure about the spelling) betrays his country again or he will accept to be loyal And under the shadow of Yeong Sil.
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