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Evil (2019–2024)
Great Idea, spoiled by lead character
11 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When I first became aware of the show I felt it had great potential. An intriguing concept of the presence of evil in the world, at both the spiritual and corporal level. I thought the idea of the catholic church seeking to tackle the evil via a team comprising a priest with two none believers, a techie and a psychologist was very creative. Each character has their own flaws based on history and experiences. This makes it sound like a great show.

I tried watching the show when it began in 2019 but stopped as the first season went off the rails IMO. The first few episodes had interesting investigations but the side drama quickly became tiresome. The daughters constant babling, them getting into the realm of the the demonic, taking and using odd gifts from strangers, playing into the division between their mother and grandmother. The church team having their own mysterious experiences but not sharing them with each other despite them operating in the realm of the mysterious which is new to all three of them. But the thing that really put me off was the psychotic behaviour of the lead protagonist, Kristen. One moment she's rational, the next emotional distraught, she wants everyone to be open but keeps secrets from everyone, she misses he husband but behaves like a philanderer, she demands respect but does little to earn it herself, she is weak and simpering then an enraged murderer.

Come 2024 I see ads the show is beginning its final season. I decide to give it another shot and binge watch the first three seasons. I come away with the same view; great overall idea, great range of challenges for the team to tackle. I like the mix of everyday answers to many of those challenges, most associated with our modern lifestyle and the impact of technology, especially SM. I like that some of the challenges do reside in the supernatural and leave us guessing. I like most of the character development, especially the addition of sister Andrea, what a breath of fresh air she brings. Unfortunately once again, the primary protagonist and her daughters are the weak characters in the plot line. They all continue to make the wrong decision for every occasion. My favourite is a scene towards the end of season 3; with Kristen saying she feels f'ed over by David. Yet, the woman cheats on her husband, constantly lies to him, her children, her mother, both coworkers, her therapist, her boss and even to God. But she belieces everyone else let's her down; staggering and hilarious at the same time.

I'm holding off on watching season 4 until it finishes and I can binge watch. Otherwise I may dismiss it as the lead character annoys me. I'm considering the likelihood that Kristen is the devil on earth and the show was about her challenges in coping with humanity. That might explain her psychosis and self centered demeanor.

For the show itself, a solid 8. For the mayhem the lead character wreaks on the show, I bring that down to a 6.
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Ozark: The Gold Coast (2018)
Season 2, Episode 10
Get the hate correct
7 January 2022
I don't understand all the hate directed at the characters Wendy and Charlotte. Yes, they are annoying, but Charlene is a completely ridiculous character. Dumb as a rock red neck that is bitter and completely irrational, yet somehow she is a criminal mastermind that outwits everyone.

Marty is pretty dumb also when he asks how are we supposed to deal with Darlene,"what are we going to do, have her killed?" The idea that he doesn't understand the answer is yes is just ridiculous. He is supposed to be brilliant and dispassionate. Sometimes the writers seem to be lost in a dope haze.

My rating is based on the remainder of the storyline hanging together.

Also, BTW, those claiming that Justified and Breaking Bad were more realistic obviously are paid.
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The Originals: Behind the Black Horizon (2016)
Season 3, Episode 17
What the Heck
23 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode for the show in season 1 has Elijah, Nicklaus and Rebekah arriving in New Orleans after escaping from Europe. Throughout seasons 1 and 2, even the first half of this season, we get flashbacks to their upbringing and early years in Norway, Denmark, France and one guesses the UK, given the Vikings being invaders. But this episode we are expected to believe they were originally from the state of VA. We know from the storyline their beginnings were in 900 AD.

How did did they originate in a state, even a country that didn't exist in 900AD? How did Dhalia take Freya to a country almost 4,000 miles away? Has this season shifted into some sort of parallel universe?

The show has a great storyline, but this episode is ruining it. I have to wonder what went through the minds of the writers.
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