
10 Reviews
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Christmas Wedding Planner (2017 TV Movie)
22 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I hated it muchly! Unbelievable plot, acting, etc. Leading lady spends entire movie disagreeing and at times hate the leading man, yet she accepts his proposal? Every time LL texted her dead mother and said I love you muchly I wanted to throw something at the tv.
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Chicago Fire: A Breaking Point (2017)
Season 6, Episode 4
20 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am not a fan of the Gabby centered episodes, she is written as if she is the only person who knows how to do anything and the city, no, the entire world would fall apart without her. I also felt the episode dragged on for a very long time, I would rather have seen the house busy on numerous calls than the piles of paperwork thrown at Casey. Near the end when Casey finds Gabby, it appears she is doing CPR on Tucker but then he is able to walk out of the structure on his own. Sloppy writing. I did not enjoy the forced tension between the African American man and Caucasian woman. Perhaps some footage before hand of her in the bank would have made more sense.
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Grey's Anatomy: Get Off on the Pain (2017)
Season 14, Episode 2
Loved it!
29 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The first two episodes felt like a return to Grey's roots, all the fun little details that made it interesting way back when and got lost somewhere along the way. The inept soon to be interns were a nice throwback to our originals from seasons one and two, I loved the friendships and inside jokes and references back to gone but never forgotten characters. Christine! George! Henry! Derek! Meredith's line about it being OK to be a shark mirroring Christine telling Mer the same thing. I enjoyed Abigail Spencer, I thought she did a good job with the part and her matter of fact attitude with both Owen and Nathan was beautifully done. I would love to see a resolution between April and Jackson, I think they are made for each other and I'd like them to have some happiness. I felt something coming with Amelia so I wasn't too shocked but I fear we'll have lots of mopey Owen episodes (oh the guilt!) and I don't know how the writers will fix this one! Maybe Amelia can operate on herself?
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The Flash: Monster (2016)
Season 3, Episode 5
22 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
By far one of the funniest episodes of The Flash yet. Tom Cavanagh is brilliant as usual in his new role as H.R. Wells. Every scene he was in had me cracking up. I feel the writers took a nice break from Barry's "I went back in time to fix things and screwed everything up, woe is me, major guilt trip" attitude. I also really enjoyed the scene where Jullian and Barry finally speak to one another with kindness and respect, I am looking forward to more of them working with each other rather than against.
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Last Man Standing: Mike's Pole (2013)
Season 2, Episode 11
26 May 2017
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Season 2 is all terrible, this episode especially. No self respecting Marine would stand to be called an ex-marine. You may call them Marine, you refer to someone as a former marine but never ex, that insult is reserved for those dishonorably discharged. Ed saying the military was "boots on the ground, not high heels" was downright offensive.
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Chicago Fire: Babies and Fools (2017)
Season 5, Episode 17
Super Gabby!
22 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's SUPER GABBY! I don't know what the city of Chicago would do without Super Gabby running around saving everyone, solving crimes and taking down the bad guy single handedly!! The writers need to go back to telling stories about ALL the firefighters and stop making everything about Gabby all of the time. It is annoying makes me not want to watch.
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Sleepy Hollow: Freedom (2017)
Season 4, Episode 13
Interesting end
6 April 2017
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Of all of the villains on Sleepy Hollow, Jeremy Davies has been my favorite. The headless horseman was down right scary, Henry was tragic, Pandora was beautiful and brilliant, but they all pale in comparison to the absolute over the top crazy of Malcolm Dryfuss. Jeremy Davies hit exactly the right balance of utterly insane and hate-to-love-him. His voice, his mannerisms, his facial expressions all conveyed his part beautifully. Well done Mr. Davies, well done!
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Chicago Fire: Telling Her Goodbye (2017)
Season 5, Episode 16
22 March 2017
I'll admit, I felt like things had gotten pretty stale at firehouse 51. Too much soap opera-ish drama, not enough good, nail-biting suspense. Well, the writers clearly got a wake up call and boy are they shaking things up! The last couple of episodes have had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. The performances by the actors who play Kidd, Severide and Hermann all deserve awards, they were absolutely brilliant! If you haven't watched in a while, tune back in and give Fire another chance, you won't be disappointed.
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Chicago Fire: Deathtrap (2017)
Season 5, Episode 15
12 March 2017
One of the best episodes yet! I loved the opening sequence when everyone was suiting up, it felt like I was right there in the garage with the crew. I was on the edge of my seat from beginning to end! The blending of Med and PD felt natural and seamless, I am looking forward to seeing how this all wraps up.
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Chicago Med: Cold Front (2017)
Season 2, Episode 14
Least believable episode yet
22 February 2017
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I realize writers can bend rules for television to make it more entertaining but this episode pushed it too far. The way they handled the burn victim and the woman with the son and nephew was horrendous. If this style of writing is to become the norm for Chicago med I won't be watching it any more.
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