
51 Reviews
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White Fire (1984)
Fairly good script for a B-movie
13 September 2024
I hesitated to view this film by the very low opinion other viewers had for this movie. But I decided to try it, and if I found the film offensive I can turn the film off. However, I finished the movie. Firstly, I found the script easy to follow. Secondly, the acting was equal to a B film. Thirdly, the violence was not over the top. Saving Private Ryan had much more intense violence than this film. Fourthly, the most talked about was the topic of incest. Really just one scene, and the lead actor's words to his sister were bearable, and his thoughts revealed toward the end were out of love for his sister not lust and guilt for his feelings toward his sister. In today's film making that taboo topic is minor, and how it is acted out as well. This film is not a masterpiece, but it is not as evil as many portray this film to be. The film had no subtitles. The frontal nudity is in the film as well. Watch the film if this type of action movie appeals to you. Remember one can always turn the film off.
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A well executed film
11 September 2024
I viewed a few user's comments regarding this well cast ww2 film. Of my generation most of these lead performers are very well known in their own filmographies. Marta (for me ) I was not familiar with her prior to this viewing. Her performance was very well delivered in this spy film.

Assignment: Paris of 1952 may be listed as an American propaganda film, but I view this film much more than that. Perhaps it is because of my generation we lived through many of those years and decades of fear and the Cold War. We have different lenses to see through. Those who had spys, which America did and maybe still do, is to protect freedom. They had to live by any emotion or feelings in order to do their dangerous work. The acting approach to their character did well by the director's lead. The photography with shadows and lighting was done well for backlot location of the 50's and budget. The script was written with very little melodrama, but enough to care about each character given us. If one likes this genre I think you will enjoy seeing this film. I have seen it twice.
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Jigsaw (1949)
Good storyline
11 September 2024
According to the critic's reviews at the time of this film's release was not so favorable. However, do movie fans really rely on the critics to get it right all the time. Fans see a film that keeps their interest for the price of the ticket. Critics look most of the time for technical issues and then for enjoyment as well. Jigsaw of 1949 kept my attention with the script, and for the most part the acting of the cast members. What I found with the film that I agree with the critics is the cameo placement of actors John Garfield and Burgess? Meredith. They may not have been well known at the time, but still was not entertaining to hear just 5 words from Garfield. It did nothing to add to the film. This is a film I enjoyed watching. Give it a look when you have the time I don't think one will be disappointed.
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Without Honor (1949)
Great script great actors
29 June 2024
This is another film lost in obscurity. To make a film that is above the many films that are mediocre in film noir takes a good script, actors and direction. This film had all three. All five leading actors in their own right played out a tightly written script centered around adultery. This film showed the damage that is possible when motivated in anger, hatred, and jealousy. The wonderful acting is watched how each character plays out slowly in revealing the layers of each character. That ends in a very satisfactory way that demonstrates what can happen to a person who tries to seek revenge. The film also shows how long a person can carry a grudge that one cannot see outwardly.
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First rate script with first rate stars
28 June 2024
When I first saw the title I was not immediately drawn to the movie. However, when I saw the 2 leading actors I checked out the film with more interest. I was not disappointed. I have watched perhaps 100+ film noir mystery some with Raymond Burr in villain roles. This film struck my interest for Mr. Burr was not in a role of the bad guy just the opposite. His character was fleshed out by way of the script and direction. In watching his character unfold it is clear why he was cast as Perry Mason in his screen test about 1 year after this film. Ms. Lansbury doesn't miss a beat in her role in this film. She was a first rate actress that in this script and direction like Mr. Burr held her own with the heavy weight. However, the quality (visual and audio) of the film is badly in need of care from the Film Noir Foundation with Eddie Mueller of TCM. I hope this film comes to his attention before the film is completely gone. I saw the film with another film presenter that I don't think he was aware of the Foundation. I do hope someone rescue this film before it is too late.
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Disaster Breakdown (2016– )
A very talented person in her field
15 June 2024
I just became familiar with Chloe and Disaster Breakdown on U-tube. In decades past my husband and I worked for TWA. This past year I have become quite interested in the aviation community again. This interest has expanded to several areas one being the history background on aviation disasters. Chloe has been one of two that I follow on a regular basis. A few disasters I have seen on both programs that I watch on u-tube, but each host, etc in their labor on each presentation highlights in manners and information differently. All the encouragement that the viewing audience can do is to continue one's support in ways possible; especially tuning in on Chloe's documentaries. I look forward to her hardwork and a heart to understand how these disasters happen. Even though aviation does improve human error will still continue to occur, but perhaps in different ways.
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Split Second (1953)
Dick Powell's first directorial film
3 June 2024
Reviews generally were lukewarm back then about Split Second. However, my opinion is certainly not lukewarm. Dick Powell had a cast of performers who were no strangers to the cameras. Mr. Powell successfully made each actor shine in their character. Mr. McNally (the main character) was flawless in his portrayal of a criminal. The women Jan Sterling and Alexis Smith both delivered their characters in their very convincing roles. If you decide to view this 90 minute film you will not be disappointed (in my opinion.) And for those who can remember the 1950's you will be familiar with the underlying story in - "Split Second."
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10 May 2024
Sometimes the actions of friends, whether collectively or individually, cannot be completely understood by others. The friendship can cross over rules and social norms that can be disturbing to others.

This story has that theme at the core of this film. There appears in this movie apparently 2 well known actors' sons playing the role of Michael and Carmine. Alec Ballwin played the role of a mob boss very convincingly, and that was not of a gentle man. His role was that of a sociopath. The rest of the cast members filled in the story line perfectly. So if one is looking for a mob story this one is pretty good.
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LBJ (2016)
Woody Harrelson is great
7 May 2024
It has been written many times regarding Woody Harrelson's excellent portrayal in the film LBJ. This is a splendid piece of work. I am surprised that I almost missed in seeing the film. The war that he inherited over shadowed all the good works he had accomplished. I am on medicare/medicaid that has helped me immeasurably. Words expressed at the end of the film said by Harrelson's character has true meaning "life is precious and time is fleeting." I need to go into all his films to gather what films I have missed viewing. Woody Harrelson has come a long way with a background.that could have had him on a dangerous path, but he chose the path of hard work and success.
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Blitz (2011)
A good early film
28 April 2024
I have been a fan of Jason for 2 decades. I still find films I have not seen before such as Blitz. Jason over 2 decades found his niche, and stays with what works for him, and entertaining for his fans. If one is a follower of adventure, good humor, little in the sex approach, and easy in the area of the plot then Jason's films are right for you. Blitz is no exception. When I go to watch his films I can relax not strain my mind to follow a plot; I can just sit and enjoy. Blitz again is that kind of film. I enjoyed just watching him on the big screen or on my tablet. Start with The Transporter franchise I think you may stick with Stratham for the reasons I mentioned above. Just sit back and be entertained. If one is more interested in following twists and turns I watch documentaries.
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Death in a different way
7 June 2022
The way death is presented in this film is quite interesting. The ending is surprising, but plausible for Hollywood. I will watch it again if TCM shows it again.
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Gloria (1980)
A very enjoyable film
22 January 2022
I read reviews about this movie before and after watching the film. Much has been written about John Adames the young boy who costars with Gena Rowlands. For film fans there is always quality acting in Ms. Rowland's films, but my opinion is about young Adames and a label placed on a child actor. Labels can carry with a child which is totally unfair and not deserving I think in this case. I would have watched another film with young Adames if he had the chance. His inexperienced training as an actor still brought a screen presence that combined that of a frightened child and a grown man persona "I'm the man." He was good looking, and by more recent photos a nice looking man. Perhaps the worst supporting actor label kept him from pursuing other acting parts. It certainly did not encourage him. Also, I read that the story plot was unrealistic. From what I read the Gloria plot was taken from a real life event in Portugal. All in all a very enjoyable film which I recommend.
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Man Alive (1945)
A Fun Comedy
29 October 2020
There were only a very few that gave a review of this film. With the exception of 1 or 2 reviews; the rest were very negative about this film. Not all films need to be serious dramas. Within the comedy genre there are degrees of comedy. For me I generally don't seek out comedies at all. However, merely by accident I saw this movie and stopped to watch it and was not disappointed. Pat O'Brien and Adolphe Menjou, and even Ellen Drew did a fine job with a film that was just merely for fun. For this the cast did deliver.

A few reviews thought and were disappointed because O'Brien was not playing the role of a cop, etc. An actor is an actor and for the most part do not want to be locked in to a certain genre. In this film he was young enough to play this kind a role. If you are looking for a few laughs and some fine acting check this film out I don't think you will be disappointed.
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The Ascent (1977)
9 October 2020
This is a film I almost missed in taping. I am so glad I was able to view this terrific masterpiece. The beautiful acting of the two leading actors plus others I have not seen such acting in all of my years. This film perhaps should not be seen by children. I highly recommend this film.
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A film I should not have avoided
1 April 2020
Over the years I have either heard or read criticism and insulting reviews from critics that I avoided seeing this film. Shame on me I should know by now don't read the critics reviews. I decided to watch this film when it came on TCM. Thank goodness there is TCM for viewers like myself. I watched this film and found that David Lean surely put his heart and talent into this wonderful story. Even down to having a village built for the story that was beautifully recreaded. The photography was breath taking and the performance from each actor was perfect in casting. I read there were conflicts in that area which does happen on many films. Mr. Lean had many issues to deal with and still presented a beautiful picture and a story line that I never got bored with in 3 and a half hours. Lastly, the music score fit perfectly with the drama of the film. I can't say enough about this movie and of course I highly recommend this film.
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Crossfire (1947)
Watch: Robert Young and Robert Mitchum
8 February 2020
I admit I have not read every review on this film, but the two actors I have highlighted in my title have been, for the most part, glossed over by the reviewers I have read. So instead of writing well deserved credit for Robert Ryan's performance with a great support cast I will mention more on Mr. Young and Mr. Mitchum. I have seen this film several times more for the understated acting by Young and Mitchum. Robert Mitchum has been quoted that any actor could have done his part. That is true, but not like Mitchum. Mitchum, by his many interviews, seemed to take that approach to all of his performances as anyone could have done his many famous roles. Mitchum just adds that "something" that to this day you wait to see him again in his next scene. Mr. Young who has made so many wonderful films I have lost count. In this role his laid back approach, so it seems at times, is so refreshing to see in an investigator. Yet in his monolog near the end of the film his character goes deeper as he reveals his past. If watching this film for the first time or revisited it again take a few moments and catch these two great actors in their "understated" roles. I highly recommend this film.
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Sad Reminders
7 February 2020
Film viewers of this James Cagney movie know that Here Comes the Navy is meant to be a comedy. With Frank McHugh usually a film has his comedic relief with great timing. However, for some viewers (especially us baby boomers) this film is a reminder of the tragic fate of the US Arizona. I like many have seen the memorial over the Arizona at Pearl Harbor. This movie also reminds us who are history readers about the tragic fate of the Macon and the sister airship Akron. Interestingly even Gloria Stuart, Cagney's love interest, had her film role 63 yrs later with again another tragic event the Titanic. So perhaps for no other reason this film has real history and the beginning of a good twosome of Cagney and Pat O'Brien. I do recommend this film for those reasons.
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Paddy Chayefsky does it again
7 February 2020
I find that the films that come from the writings of Mr. Chayefsky have what many writers lack is soul. Mr. C. had an unique way of writing what is in a person heart and soul that be either man or woman can appreciate and understand on some level of what makes a human live out life. The actors chosen to play out his scripts like Bachelor Party seem perfectly right to deliver the words and feelings that Mr. C. is trying to this film. I believe those who view this film will each take away a little something different. I highly recommend this film to those who want to come closer to what makes a person tick and feel a little better about life.
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A film to watch
5 February 2020
I read about the sequels to the Magnificent Seven; two were not given good reviews. However, Guns of the Magnificent Seven is a sequel to watch. It is a very satisfying story and George Kennedy does a good job as Chris (Yul Brennan's) character with cigar and all. Needless to say Elmer Bernstein's score was great to hear as an added treat.
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GPS device?
18 January 2020
I watched this installment of serials that were to entice movie goers to return to the theaters to bring in revenue. Many other enticements were used in the 50's with the advent of television. What I found interesting in this episode was the use of an electronic tracking device. This was in the 1940's; we now so commonly call the GPS. And we thought this tracking device in cars and smart phones, etc. began in the 21st. century. There is nothing new under the sun; from the book of Ecclesiates
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The Juggler (1953)
Psychological aftermath for holocaust survivors
18 January 2020
A great deal has been written in favor of this film that I would agree. The only problem I had was with one line of dialogue that a few viewers mentioned as well. The script reads "sometimes for the sake of the law we have to give up our friends." I can, to some extent, understand why this line was kept in the film. In reading what HUAC and the tribulations of director Mr. Dmytryk went through; perhaps he felt strongly about that belief. However, this is a line of dialogue that many in hollywood at the time, especially Kirk Douglas, and viewers today would not agree to that philosophy. Many lives in Europe during WW2 died to hide their friends from the law of the land. Laws change; sometimes all we have are our moral principles. Still I do overall recommend this film.
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Splendid acting from Mr. Rains and Mr. Muni
17 January 2020
I am an avid viewer of classic films. My only exception, for the most part, are fantasies. Angel on my Shoulder is definitely an exception. Who would pass up a chance to see two most talented performers like Claude Rains and Paul Muni. Well, a few reviewers have written they would pass on this film. However, if you are a film viewer of classic hollywood give this well performed film a chance, and enjoy the humor that only Claude Rains can deliver. I highly recommend this film.
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2 great career performers
17 January 2020
Much has already been written about this film. Some reviews are on the mark. However, some reviews, professional or lay like myself, have written that Mr. De Niro was "badly miscast." In my opinion Mr. De Niro played his role accurately. With inner conflicts as a priest, as well as serving those in the church with power over him, and his own pride that stood in contrast to his religious calling. This film is partly a mystery, but also addresses the fallout of past decisions that have come to the surface for better or worse in the lives of two brothers.
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Hi, Nellie (1934)
Paul Muni does it again
17 January 2020
I will make my comment short for other reviewers have done so well in writing about Hi, Nellie and Mr. Muni's performance. Many thanks always to TCM showing films lke this. Paul Muni may not be a film star that all film watchers may recognize, but he is one star of classic films that perhaps they should become aware of his many films of quality..This is a film not to miss.
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A film with history and very good acting
16 January 2020
The reason I enjoyed this film would first be the background history on the Volstead Act; the acting of veteran performer Walter Huston; a new face to the screen Robert Young and lastly to watch Jimmy Durante do some splendid acting that I did not know he was able to do. Perhaps when he was placed in comedies and musicals he was rarely given material to expand his abilities in other genres. In any event there is a little of everything in this film that will prove not to be a waste of one's time.
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