
8 Reviews
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Pistol (2022)
Chrissie Hynde sections were largely fictional
27 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Very little of what was portrayed involving Chrissie Hynde actually happened. She only worked at the Sex shop for a short period, slept with Jones once, says she never even knew about his musical aspirations, and wasn't even in their orbit during a lot of the events they portray her as part of. It was Sid Vicious who was going to marry her, not Steve Jones. She had nothing to do with a made-up kidnapping plot to get Nancy on a plane and certainly never wrote the song "Kid" while singing a lullaby to Nancy. She never wanted to be a Sex Pistol, though she did try to work with Malcolm on two other bands, one of which became the Damned. Also, she is much taller and spindly than that puffy-faced actress playing her (couldn't even get the haircut right - Chrissie had it really short when she worked at the Sex shop).

Most of the Chrissie stuff in the show is nonsense.

My understanding is that Boyle wanted to show how women were pushed aside, but by making up plots to insert Chrissie he steals away valuable time that could have been used to expand the roles of Helen of Troy, Jordan, and Siouxsie, women who were actually integral parts of the development of the Sex Pistols and who were really cast aside in a most insulting way in this series. Jordan, particularly, is perplexing, considering how much hype went into Maisie Williams playing the role. She barely had anything to do and certainly nothing that told you anything much about the person or her contribution.

As well as the women, time spent on fake stories about Chrissie could have been spent looking at Sid and Johnny's friendship before the band, letting us know who they were and so allowing more depth and empathy to what eventually became of Sid. An expansion of Siouxsie's presence would have helped with this since Sid played on stage in the first incarnation of the Banshees. And of course having Chrissie arrange to marry Sid as it actually happened would have expanded his role and justified at least that section with a focus on her.

As it is, the show is fine, it has moments, but it could have been better. It needed someone to give it a looser and less traditional structure that would have truly presented the wider expanse of the Sex Pistols story as more than just the story we all know.
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Finding Alice (2021)
There's a better version of this annoying show
6 October 2021
The German series The Last Word handles similar territory in a much better way, adding originality to the plot and less obvious, more engaging characters, and more interesting insights to loss and moving on.
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Midsommar (2019)
It's just Wicker Man dressed up fancy
26 January 2020
It has lots of strange imagery, but the skeleton of the story is just Wicker Man in the same way that Hereditary was just Rosemary's Baby - although by way of Ken Russell, which makes it a bit silly, too. As with Hereditary, once it's over it feels shallow.
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Kid-Thing (2012)
The only good part was the pizza eating scene
19 January 2020
The pizza was crunchy but with ample topping. It looked delicious and sounded delicious and I've never seen any food in a film that I've wanted more because of the way it was portrayed on film. The movie itself was as shallow as it gets, but these guys could definitely have a promising career in making pizza commercials.
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Black Lake (2016–2018)
Don't go beyond the first season
1 June 2019
The first season doesn't beak any new ground in the horror genre, but it's a fun enough riff off The Shining taking place in an abandoned ski resort and pulling from aspects of Swedish racism to build its story. Has good atmosphere and a lively performance from Aliette Opheim. The second season is awful, though - a prequel to the first, of sorts, but so slow moving that nothing really happens at all, leading to a finale so anticlimactic that you barely notice it - there's not even enough to it to qualify as dumb fun.
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Cold War (2018)
Unlikable love story
21 February 2019
Beautifully shot and well-acted, but shallow and irritating. The film depicts the love story but takes no time to tell you who the lovers are or why they do what they do. With them at arm's length, there's so little to grasp onto and as the finale unfolds, I just ended up rolling my eyes. There were several good movies that could have come out of this - one about gathering folk songs in rural Communist Poland, one about Polish expatriates in Paris, one about working in the Soviet music industry - none of these are the movie that was made, however, and any of those would have required more detail given to character to make it work. As it stands, this failed to make me care.
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About more than the disease
22 August 2018
Extremely compelling documentary compiled almost entirely from YouTube clips, edited together with a deliberate skill and creating a narrative of Morgellons Disease in emotional terms, at first eliciting sympathy for these suffering women and then taking the viewer through the compulsive self-examination that begins to take place because of the disease, which eventually takes several paths, including conspiratorial ones. But the film is just as concerned with the modern network of communication forged by the sufferers of the disease, chronicling the feedback loop that escalates the emotional suffering through informational validation and examining the internet as one that divides people into their own private realities
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Vis a vis (2015–2019)
If you liked Money Heist, you will love this
22 August 2018
Both are by Alex Pina, and both feature his insanely enjoyable over-the-top narratives AND awesome dynamo Alba Flores. The first two seasons of this show are self-contained story, following the imprisonment of Macarena (Maggie Civantos), and her transformation into a capable prison survivor. One part of the story follows a crazy caper outside the jail involving Macarena's family and stolen money, while the other focuses on the prison conflicts and is filled with some great characters and performances among the incarcerated, particularly Flores and Najwa Nimri as Zulema. The show also includes impromptu interview segments in a documentary format that provides some lighter moments with the characters as the story itself gets dark. The third season moves beyond the original premise and is just as enjoyable. The show is both lurid and touching at the same time, a whole lot of fun, and other than Prisoner of Cell Block H, easily the best women in prison show ever. UPDATE: I have now seen all four seasons, including the series finale. It is a lovely show about survival in the face of brutality, about keeping hold of yourself when a system is designed to strip you away from yourself. The finale ties everything together so wonderfully. A perfect TV show with great women in it.
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