
5 Reviews
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
Dead on Arrival
11 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Whether or not this is related to ZNation, I couldn't care less. Black Summer takes what was built (albeit loosely) with ZNation and just tarnishes it. While ZNation was stupid and mind-numbing, it was in a good way at least. It knew it was going to be as stupid as possible, but it still told a story that was engaging. Black Summer is stupid, but in the worst way possible. 90% of the show could be described as "main character makes stupid decision, resulting in death, "moving" the plot, rinse and repeat. It's actually quite aggravating to watch the writing play out in front of me. Still, there are certainly worse shows to watch right now, though you may find yourself like me and stopping 3 episodes before the end of the season because of how bad this is.

The only reason I don't rate this lower is because of its take on the "Zombie" genre and how it may potentially tie into ZNation.
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The Thing (I) (2011)
Not Just an Imitation
28 April 2023
After thoroughly enjoying the 1982 "The Thing" I was both excited and skeptical upon hearing of the 2011 sequel. It has grown on me however over the years upon re-watches. It suffers from the same issues that plague every prequel that comes out after the rest of the story is told in that everything in this movie has to be, so many decisions will be made simply because of something that occurred/appeared in the "sequel." That being said it does a good job of stopping where the 1982 film picks up. The CGI is not the best and mostly suffers from poor lighting making the cool creature designs appear lackluster. It hasn't aged the best, however it can still outdo many things that Hollywood is putting out now.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
A Turn For The Worst (Contains Mild Spolers)
21 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw the trailer in 2016, I was intrigued. "A show covering what could happen if our country was devastated to that effect? How interesting!" The excitement continued as I watched Tom Kirkman (played excellently by Kiefer Sutherland) fight to rebuild the U.S. in Season 1 and battle to cement his legitimacy in Season 2. However, Season 3, under the misguided hand of Netflix, grabbed what was great about the show, and proceeded to inject political propaganda and ideology into a plot that, if left to its own devices, would've made for a fine addition to the show. The sudden, neck-breaking changes ranging from the show's focus to character morals and beliefs, utterly demolished any development carefully created by the previous seasons. In short, this show had enormous potential to do more, but it was adversely misused. For those wanting to start this show, here is my recommendation for how your binge should look: Watch Seasons 1 and 2, but skip until the last 3 episodes of Season 3. If you are feeling adventurous or perhaps interested in how drastic of a turn the show takes, by all means view Season 3 in its entirety, but I would not recommend it.
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Teen Titans Go! (2013– )
Titans For A New Generation
25 April 2019
Let me start off by saying that I never truly got into the original Teen Titans and this is something that I believe will seriously help others watching this show. It's not meant to be a continuation of the original, or even taken seriously. It's is meant to be a show that people watch in order to be mindless. Unfortunately so many fans of the original series seem to keep comparing the two. While it's true this may never hold a candle to the original, it is still funny and interesting in its own way. I personally enjoy the many pop culture references as well as the many jabs and references on behalf of other DC characters. I also enjoy several of the jokes, with "Waffles" still getting a smile out of several members of my family. That is not to say that they don't cross the line between tolerant and intolerant. There have been several times where even I wish that the joke would just end yet it persists. Also, I dislike this series Robin as he mostly complains and whines (as does Beast Boy). If I was to choose a likable character I would choose Cyborg. He seems to be a perfect middle ground and, for those that still cling to the original, seems the most unchanged.

To summarize what I've said: Future viewers would benefit by viewing this separately from the original and as a mindless show. This show also has several funny references and jokes (depending on your style of humor), but it does cross a line every once and a while.
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A Good Anime if You're Looking for Something to Watch
14 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Although not one of the first anime I would recommend on Netflix, I found Sirius the Jaegar to be a pleasant change from the sci-fi anime that has begun to spread rampantly on the streaming service. Although it doesn't have the best character development and the series is currently short (only one season), I found the action scenes to be enjoyable and the art beautiful. However, the plot is also a weak point as it appears to be one of the many recycled plots commonly seen in anime (Main characters family is killed, goes on a quest for revenge, finds one family member alive, and so forth). Still, I would recommend it to anyone looking for a short, but pleasant anime to watch.
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