
10 Reviews
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If nothing else, watch it for the comedy and one-liners
17 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Seth and Amos have some of the best lines and reactions of any murder she wrote episode. The other characters are annoying to me so I just fast forward and watch Seth (when Winnie shows up at his house), Jessica(pretending to be an answering machine), Amos (when someone calls for Elmo) and the new deputy (and her motorcycle) - literally burst out laughing several times.
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What a disappointment
7 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Who is this guy calling himself Bond and what did you do with the REAL 007? I am so tired of Hollywood feeling some need to reimagine everything with a female lead in place of a male and/or a different race. The new 007 chick could have instead been given her own franchise snd titular character with a whole new MO. It's like the makers of this film were trying to attract a younger audience while deliberately alienating loyal devotees. And "Bond's" personality? He was smiling and shouting and acting like a totally different person from the cool, self assured man Craig has portrayed him as for 15 years. It's embarrassing. And a child? And he gives up and dies at the end? If MI6 built the weapon they can surely reverse engineer and create a cure! Why would he just lay down and die? Every wacky concept from left field was shoved into this movie for what? So we could all embrace a black female in the 007 role? Famous athletes numbers are retired- it's stupid to think they'd give his number to someone else. And again, she'd be great as her own character. But it's insulting how this played out. It's a big middle finger to the Bond legacy. So Daniel Craig didn't want to play the role anymore. Big deal. Give it to Idris Elba and move on. Loved the young lady who was Bonds counterpart in Cuba. That was awesome to watch. She needs her own movie! Bottom line, overall disgusted with the whole thing.
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Battleship (2012)
Enjoyable movie
3 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
No it's not Oscar worthy. No it's not thought provoking or deeply moving. But it's enjoyable and entertaining. I'm not ashamed to be patriotic and I for one like flag-waving movies that show people coming together in times of adversity. And I loved that the older Navy dudes were heroes again and Mick helped save the day.
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Law & Order: Identity (2003)
Season 14, Episode 6
Makes me cry every time
4 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
That last scene where Lonnie Jackson says "ME" at the very end - just breaks my heart. We as a society tend to discount the elderly and overlook them - this scene forces everyone to look at him and acknowledge he is still a person, a human being regardless of his age, memory, abilities, whatever. He had been dismissed and neglected by his son and then ripped off by that conman Hitchens. And he would rather go to jail than let the court deem him incompetent. I love how Law and Order tacked these kind of issues - and this is another one where the peripheral actors did a great job.
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Law & Order: Skate or Die (2009)
Season 19, Episode 21
Fantastic but heartbreaking performance
17 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Law and Order (original) has always impressed me with the quality of peripheral/supporting actors and characters over the years. One of my favorite episodes is this one where the main suspect is suffering from mental illness. Brian Gant should have won whatever awards are given for TV - his performance from the beginning is joyous, believable and captivating. But it's the last scenes of the episode where he is on the stand that broke my heart. His depiction of coming to terms with his illness had me in tears - his grief and remorse was palpable. It makes you really think about how people are living every day feeling exactly as he emoted onscreen - and many, far worse. Any time this episode is on, I stop what I'm doing and watch nonstop. Kudos.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Best Defense (2002)
Season 2, Episode 4
Goren was funny in this one
16 February 2021
I am only reviewing this episode because it's one of my favorites - simply due to Goren's antics during their interview with Jerry and Allison Selwyn, the dinner guests on the night of the break in/shooting. The way he imitates Mr Selwyn is hysterical even if it adds absolutely no value to the investigation or the story. It's just funny!
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Criminal Minds: Ghost (2020)
Season 15, Episode 5
Bad everything
20 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Lame plot, TERRIBLE (over) acting, fake tears from the witnesses in the beginning scenes, Garcia acting loopy and melodramatic, even Prentiss seems stilted - just awful all around. And the 2 new dudes and the new chick (I just started catching up on the newest seasons) were such weenies during the flash-bang scene and the scenes where the dudes were being held - the dudes just leaning over catching their breath like rookies. The old team went through a LOT but didn't act so weak and pitiful. Ugh I do not like the new team so I'm glad the show ended.
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Love at Look Lodge (2020 TV Movie)
Stiff characters and weird premise
28 September 2020
Agree with the other reviews that the acting was off, lead "romantic" characters had zero chemistry, and everything felt forced - esp the interracial aspect. If you're going to be diverse, use people who can act like they are attracted to each other or have some attractive qualities. It was just awkward overall.
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One of my favorites
22 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While I agree with the other reviews about plot holes, incredulous "police tactics" and that they shouldn't have replaced Bailey, I still enjoyed watching this one. But the thing that bothered me the most was this: after the lady from Louisiana mentioned her Cajun and Creole cuisine restaurant was struggling, Henry decided that since his business is "booming", he wants to add Cajun and Creole dishes to Molly's menu. I thought that was an inconsiderate and heartless move on his part - to draw customers away from her restaurant. I realize the setting is San Francisco which surely can support 2 fake restaurants with Cajun food, but I just thought that was an unnecessary addition to the story line. Otherwise, I like this series and hope they are planning more. I think Henry and Maggie are cute together and like that they're not too mushy with the romance.
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Pretty good but lots of bad language
14 December 2019
Look I know it's 2019 and I'm probably a prude but this movie had really strong language throughout. In almost every scene. The only word they didn't use was the F word and I'm frankly surprised - considering it seems like they said GD every 10-15 minutes. A movie like this is sure to attract young viewers. Even at 12-13, I don't really want my kids hearing constant expletives throughout the entire movie. Almost gratuitous in some scenes. Anyway - it had a pretty slow start but was good once it got going. Dwayne Johnson was hilarious doing DeVito same within Kevin Hart doing Glover (Not enough screen time for Glover!) It was entertaining, loud, sweet at times but I can't help but wish they'd toned down the foul language.
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