
4 Reviews
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The Watch (2020–2021)
Utter Rubbish
1 February 2021
Terry Patchett and The Watch are simply names used to try and trick people into watching this rubbish. I have been waiting an age for someone to bring the watch to the screen, but this is awful, just awful. You have to wonder if most people who gave it ten are voting for the gender politics rather than the quality of the show.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Enjoyable space scifi
16 April 2019
There are three types of viewers for this show, one, those that like old trek who will claim this is the best show ever, two, those that like new trek who will claim this is the worst show ever, and ,three, those in the middle like me who simply like a bit of sci fi now and again and find this show good , not amazing or terrible, just good. If you are in camps one or three enjoy, if your in the second group watch something else.
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The Murders (2019)
Just plain boring
16 April 2019
Canada what is going on? You have made some of my favourite police dramas in the past and then this year you make this and another one with a dog that is just as dull, boring and bland. #Where is the edginess, the drama, the humour, the sexual tension, where is ANYTHING to make either of these shows even remotely watchable. Is this modern tv? too frightened to do anything that even a single person may in some way possibly find offensive? Just plain boring.
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Hudson & Rex (2019– )
As edgy as Postman Pat
16 April 2019
Canada has produced some fantastic police dramas over the years , unfortunately this is not one of them. Dull would be the nicest description, no drama, no edginess no comedy, no anything, just bland drivel, such a shame.
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