
38 Reviews
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Maria Kallio (2021– )
Kept me entertained. Solid B-
18 September 2024
Not the best for sure but I've seen worse. I wasn't bothered by the main character Maria like everyone else. I liked her just fine. Koivu was by far the best character. I liked the will they won't they aspect of their relationship. But I also really liked the character that played Maria's partner. Season 1 was better imo but they both kept me entertained. I binged all 20 episodes over a long weekend. The last episode of season 2 ends very abruptly. It made absolutely no sense. Even if they expected a 3rd season it was an odd ending. That entire episode seemed poorly written. The criminal case they were working on seemed disjointed and it too ended oddly. If they do end up with another season I would definitely watch it.
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Deliver Me (2024)
27 May 2024
Heavy series. Fantastic acting. I can't speak to how realistic it is in terms of Swedish law, which a couple other reviews have criticized. Whether or not there were mistakes there, this series is really more about the decisions people are faced with and how kids generally lack the intellect and emotional maturity to understand their choices. The acting portrayed this well in the final scenes when it was clear how the lead detective Farid reacted/felt about what had happened in court vs the witness' lack of true understanding about what he'd done.

I recommend for the acting and directing but it really is heavy.
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There She Goes (2018– )
Big NO for me
21 February 2024
This is not entertainment to me. Listening to a character whine for 30min was stressful. We should be moved or entertained in one way or another by television. I appreciate that this is some people's real life and how they do not is beyond me, but I wish I could see that story with Pugh listening to their child whine and damage the house. They did a fantastic job of portraying the stress of their daily lives. So good in fact I was incredibly stressed out myself after 1 episode. Surely there could have been a better way to portray this story. I'm really surprised by the high reviews. How is this enjoyable.
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Shrinking (2023– )
Wow...just wow
18 March 2023
What an absolutely fantastic show. I e as never a huge fan of Jason Segal but he's absolutely fantastic in this! And don't get me started on Harrison Ford. I think this is my favorite role for him. And he just gets better as the season goes on. And Christa Miller and Jessica Williams. I mean they are just all just crushing it. I binged the first 6 episodes and now I'm slumming it having to stream weekly! So pedestrian.

Tiu have comedy with real emotion and some sadness mixed in. But like I said, what makes this series shine is how well all the actors work together. Their chemistry is undeniable.

Highly recommend.
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Inept cops
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know u could screw up a Nordic crime series. It would have been great if it weren't for the procedural f ups. My god the cops were inept. There were so many issues with their investigation but these stand out: they never address the use of Stine's car that he used to take Julie away. Unlike the others it wasn't stolen. The cop that chased him had the license plate. Didn't they run a check?!?!? They also never interviewed ppl from the brother's bday party. They even said as much. Then the big one. They have a serial killer yet when they take her back to the jail after her interview it's just a few cops and they are so distracted she grabs one's gun then has enough time to threaten another to remove her cuffs. What...the other cops just sit there doing nothing? So then she drives off. And what, nobody jumps in the car to chase her? For God's sake.
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Beautiful love story.
31 December 2022
I liked it so much more than I expected to. Of course they wanted to tell their story. After all press and others said about them isn't it only right and just they speak for themselves. People don't like that she brought up race? Well that's because people are uncomfortable with it. Doesn't mean she should keep her mouth shut. I can't imagine one person complaining about her would have had a better experience if it were them in the same situation.

I think what they did was brave. They put their family first and stepped out into the somewhat unknown.

The documentary is well done. Glad I watched it.
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Treason (2022)
30 December 2022
I didn't know it was possible to screw up an MI6 spy thriller. This genre pretty much spoon feeds you.

Sophomoric writing and unbelievable storylines that are nothing short of annoying. The newly appointed chief of MI6 doesn't come remotely close to convincing the audience he's up for the task. Same goes for everybody he works with. And what's up with all the wives giving up information?!!!? Seriously, I feel like I'm watching a bunch of second graders in suits.

Don't waste your time. Actually do watch the first episode so you can appreciate poor storytelling. How on earth did this make it to production?!? B.
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Whiners unite
23 April 2022
I was really looking forward to this doc. Boy was I disappointed. If I'm rating this on whining though it gets a 10.

Other than the obnoxious, overdone, boring subject matter, it was difficult to focus because of the incessant 90s music, which I loved at the time. But it was too much and too often in this film. Very distracting.

Are millennials done whining now?
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Young Wallander (2020–2022)
Great storylines
17 April 2022
Much better than I expected. In fact I tried watching it few months back but I didn't get passed 2nd ep. I really don't like the Kurt Wallander actor and was a bit turned off that everyone (in Sweden!) was speaking English. But I tried the series again and while those things still held true for me, the storylines in both seasons were interesting and executed well. I binged in 2 days. Must watch for crime series junkies.
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Great watch
27 March 2022
Loved this way more than I expected to. Quirky, human kindness, lovable characters....all around feel good series. Binged it in one day and was bummed when it ended. I really grew to love the characters and their stories. Definitely recommend.
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Sharma was no victim
20 March 2022
Emotionally desperate, in debt woman meets con man and loses everything. Shocking.

I don't know what happened to this woman in her earlier life but she seemed pretty desperate to be taken care of. So much so she ignored very obvious red flags. I'd say it was because love is blind but I'm not convinced she really loved him. Maybe she didn't know what love is.

Regardless, I'm not buying the victims claim. That's laughable.

Pros: Leon Cons: Being reminded how many pathetic people there are out there.
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Clickbait (2021)
Hideous acting
14 September 2021
How, I mean HOW, did this get a 7,3. The acting is absolutely awful. The only 2 characters that are watchable are the 2 kids but they have small roles. The sister...she makes it unbearable. Was this really the only actress they could find? And the reporter that did the interview with the wife....seriously?!?!? I hope this guy doesn't plan to make a living as an actor.

What a shame because the story is interesting and it could have been so much better had the acting (and last episode) not killed it.
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The Father (I) (2020)
Damn....absolutely amazing
13 September 2021
Damn. I had this in my queue to watch with my mom and aunt, both in their 70s, when we went on vacation. But then I realized that maybe it would be too difficult for them to watch so I watched on my own

At 53, this movie will have a lasting impression on me that I in no way expected.

Amazing acting by all actors. I've probably seen all of Anthony Hopkins' movies and this might perhaps be one of his best performances. Hard to tell though- he's such an amazing actor in everything.

Poignant, haunting, brilliantly honest.
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Well documented and meticulous.
14 March 2021
While very difficult to watch for many reasons - the abuse, the injustice, the cover ups - it is a well done, meticulously thought out and well shot documentary. I was a young adult when this played out in the media and looking back, one thing I'll give Woody Allen is he had a fantastic, albeit nasty and shameless, team behind him. They spun the story so well that it made weeding through the truths a difficult chore. So there you go: he and his team were the brilliant scum of the earth, as are the people writing the low reviews which are obviously biased and have nothing to do with the film itself.

The idea that Mia Farrow was an unfit mother is laughable. That woman had unbreakable and unwavering strength.

Bravo to Dylan for doing this. She told her story and she told it well. I imagine while cathartic, it was emotionally difficult for everyone who participated. I'd only hope that I'd have the same courage and strength if I ever found myself in a similar situation.
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Trauma (2018)
Annoying and unrealistic
3 March 2021
I'm traumatized just watching it. The father's reactions aren't so unrealistic. I found him so annoying I couldn't sympathize. I also didn't like the surgeon. Weird acting. Can't really put my finger on it.

Don't waste your time.
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The Bay (2019– )
Kept me interested throughout.
1 March 2021
This review comes after having watched both series.

Solid crime drama. Not the best I've watched but it definitely kept me tuned in and interested. The characters in the 1series were a bit unlikeable and I wasn't crazy about all the subplots so I'd say I liked series 2 better. The detective work in both was great and that's definitely what kept me interested.

I don't understand the reviews around the accents. I'm from the US and didn't have an issue understanding them and I didn't need captions on. But from some of the reviews it sounded like maybe it was more an issue of the actors not talking in their native dialect. Idk...not entirely sure what the real issue so many reviewers seemed to have there.
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Sensationalism at its finest
11 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
How awful...this is nothing more than a bipolar girl in a psychotic state who either intentionally or unintentionally dies, and a team of detectives who make the absurd decision to release the video creating nothing more than a feeding frenzy. Why on earth would they release that video? How could it have helped? It did nothing but give obsessive YouTubers and wannabes something to do. It's ridiculous. They should have made a documentary on THAT. Those people are complete losers. It's embarrassing to listen to them talk, pontificate.....they see what they want to see to make a juicy story. Idiots.

While the production is good and the history of the hotel is interesting, producers (and the wannabe sleuths) have exploited this girl's death.
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Firefly Lane (2021–2023)
Far cry from the book.
7 February 2021
Wow they really did a hatchet job on the book, which was so, so good. The very best parts of the book aren't in the series and they made some major changes. But as tempting as it would be to review based on that, I won't.

I don't generally mind when a show has recurring flashbacks but this just felt disjointed and distracting.

Overall, the show was underwhelming but a decent time filler and moderately entertaining. I doubt I'll watch season 2 though.
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Very disappointed.
28 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Great acting however it feels like so much was left out. The dots didn't connect. First, the midwife suggested they go to the hospital at what appeared to be at a reasonable point. Very little time occurred between when the 2 (slow) heart rates were taken and the time she asked the father to call 911. And while the mother did not want to go to the hospital she also didn't insist he not call 911. It seemed like everything progressed the way it should, at least according to how it was filmed. If the heart rate was slow towards the beginning of the birth then she let the birth proceed that would be different. Second, the midwife didn't a monitor the mother's heart rate. Isn't that standard? Lastly, the trial came across as a last minute rush by the writers and director to wrap things up. It was quick, unrealistic and really offered no real facts. I found the whole trial very strange. All in all i felt like I was getting little pieces of a story quickly thrown together. It was really hard to connect to any of the characters. Such a shame because it could have been a really powerful story.
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Cheap production.
22 January 2021
I can't believe the is is an hbo doc. It was so poorly made. Cheap animation and music and the overacting of the person reading Hae's was like watching an amateur student project. I forced myself to complete the 1st ep. Such a shame. The story captivated a nation and had so much potential. I just can't believe hbo aired it. Their standards are usually so high.
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Absurd and annoying.
20 December 2020
If a drunk Nancy Drew wannabe is your thing then go for it. But I'm the lead character Cassie an adult? Because time after time AFTER TIME, she makes one absurd choice after another all while taking in as much vodka and one night stands as a 1 hr episode will allow. The audience gets glimpses into her messed up childhood which brings a heaviness to an otherwise light'ish, funny''Ish series. As much as I'd like to see that storyline through, I'm out after 4 episodes. I just find it hard to watch and hard to believe that someone can be that ridiculously over the top stupid.

The one saving grace of this show is the attorney friend Annie played by Zosia Mamet. She's effortlessly fun and quirky.
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The Witness (I) (2015)
Poor production; interesting story.
20 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The production itself wasn't particularly well done but given that it's an interesting and notorious story I stuck with it. I am sympathetic with her brother wanting answers, especially since his family never really dealt with her death or the aftermath; however, I nearly became incensed when he had an actress act out her movements and blood curdling screams in the location where she was murdered. He subjected the neighborhood to those screams. It doesn't matter that he put notices up. Hearing that at night when it is otherwise quiet and maybe people are in bed or even sleeping (they finished filming at 11 so she was maybe screaming at 10ish?) regardless of the reason, can be incredibly jarring and emotionally triggering for people. There are children that heard those screams. Children that don't understand. Why on earth would he do that? Shame on him. That Mr. Genovese is all that I will take away from your story: your selfish disregard for others.
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Des (2020)
Well done and interesting.
6 December 2020
Highly recommend.

Very interesting story and fantastic acting. I watched in one sitting. I've seen David Tennant in a few things and this is by far my favorite performance. The lead detective was fantastic as well.
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Industry (2020– )
Depressing for some reason.
30 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There are a lot of reviews here that carry little to no weight because they were written 1 or 2 episodes in. How can you review something that early? So I'll start by saying I finished the series.

I can't quite put my finger on why but I found it a little depressing. Maybe because so many of the characters seem miserable or lonely.

I'm not a fan of the main character Harper. She's bitter and that's just not enjoyable to watch for 50+ minutes. She isn't a likable person and she's an emotional mess. She's really, really smart and I LOVE to watch that side of her in action but there wasn't enough of it and it was overshadowed by her emotional instability and insecurity.

Glad they brought Eric's character back. He's great. Disappointed his female replacement was let go though. I really liked her character as well. But bravo to how they handled it. It was a little sneaky and I quite enjoyed her being so caught off guard.

As for the drugs, sex and partying it may bother some but I think it's on the mark. Maybe had something to do with why I found it depressing?? I don't know. Like I said, I really can't put my finger on it exactly.
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Safe House (I) (2015–2017)
Series 2....ugh
23 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Series 1 was good. Not awful, not fantastic. But decent entertainment and enough to give the 2nd series a go. Unfortunately it was ridiculous. Ri-dic-u-lous. Safe House? Sorry I think there's a typo in the title. I think they meant Unsafe House. Mobile phones? Sure. Computers left out haphazardly? Yah why not. Evidence from the prior case in an unsecured room? Of course, shouldn't be an issue. Then the guy they're protecting meets a friend near the "safe" house. At what point does someone say The. House. Is. Not. Safe.

Shoddy police work too. Ex detective enters crime scene unnoticed when there are loads of cops around? Said ex cop noses around without gloves or protective foot wear? C' stupid do they think viewers are?!?!?

This is just lazy storytelling.
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