
14 Reviews
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Rollergator (1996)
That guitar!!!
12 June 2022
Omg that guitar constantly going! I couldn't finish. Looks literally shot on a vhs camcorder. Can't hear any dialogue over the terrible guitar! Did they have blackmail material on joe estevez? Why would he agree to this? Literally the worst attempt at a movie I've ever seen. You have to try hard to be this inept.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
31 March 2022
Focuses way too much on taissa who's storyline is boring as hell. I've started fast forwarding thru her. Everything else just drags. And still haven't figured out why everyone is so obsessed with Travis. That seems to be all anyone wants to talk about.
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Joe Kidd (1972)
Not a good one.
30 October 2021
Love Clint Eastwood but this movie kinda sucked. Pretty pointless. At least the final shoot em up was decent. The rest of the movie was lame and cheesy.
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Wow now that's bad
15 June 2021
It's one cheesy audio track with bad narration, and worse 90 minutes of imagery and footage that has nothing to do with the story or hh Holmes himself. Truly terrible.
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not a huge Effron fan but.....
4 May 2021
Effron's performance was just great in this movie. If you didnt get it, the point of this movie is to make you like him and hate him at the same time. His evil acts make you want to see him fried, but his extreme charisma makes you root for him. Thats the point of this movie. He captivated the nation, and theres no documentary that can accurately show that. So the movie tries to do it for you, where half of you hates him and half of you love him. Effrons best performance i've seen.
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was this a high school project?
3 October 2020
Terribly made documentary. honestly looks like a last minute high school project. narration sounds like the guy who drew the short straw, and didnt want to do it. i'd like to learn more, but could only watch so much. dont think i would have learned much from this one anyway.
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Gary Gulman: The Great Depresh (2019 TV Special)
I've seen this before
22 August 2020
This is how it ends. I've seen comedians leave their normal act or shtick to become more honest, truthful, and real. The problem is they never go back. The old Gary specials are gone. His career is likely done for the most part. Sad because he was one of the best.
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Ted Bundy (2002)
That was terrible
11 July 2020
I've watched several movies and documentaries on Ted bundy and am fascinated with true crime. These movie was terrible, cheesy, and annoying. Felt like I was watching a comedy spoof from the 70s.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Boring and drags out
30 June 2020
Movie just drags and drags. Cut out an hour of nothingness and it might have been ok
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Here Comes Garfield (1982 TV Short)
Saddest thing I've ever seen
26 October 2019
I'm 46 and have seen tons of show. This is the only show/movie that ever made me cry.
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First Man (2018)
How to make the moon landing boring
28 May 2019
Movie was quite boring. It jumped forward huge chunks of time but then just drug. The actual landing took forever....just land already. Boring movie and just depressing
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Afflicted (2018– )
18 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yes nuts. Not the afflicted but the idiots catering to them. If their caregivers walked out and said you're on your own, there wouldn't be a bunch of bodies. They'd have to get off their asses and rejoin society. Every one had someone kissing their ass. That's the common denominator. Star is the worst kind who can't have a talk without whining about her pain. Don't see why anyone talks to her anymore. Jamison can't stop smirking at how stupid everyone acts around him. If it hurts to move and he can't talk from pain, how does he text on his phone ass day using his arm shoulder elbow hands and fingers? Wouldn't that be worse? The only one I might believe is the dude with Lyme disease. The others are lazy users putting massive burdens on the simpletons around them.
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Wow this woman is so full of herself
14 August 2018
She loves to toot her own horn, uses garbage psychology, and basically, in her "expert" opinion across the episodes, 90 percent of the population is a potential family killer.
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Wow season 3 is terrible
20 July 2018
80 percent of season three is "heartwarming" conversations with no substance. Did they run out of their effects budget or did they hire all the out of work soap opera writers? Sooo boring
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