
1 Review
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Presents One Point of View
19 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Any movie that is "inspired" or "based on" true events should not be taken as a history lesson, but as the writer's interpretation of those events. Real life is rarely as black and white or so simple that a complex situation can be presented fairly and comprehensively by one writer, or even a group of writers. This movie sets out to present a point of view that explains how some of those serving at Abu Ghraib may have committed acts they would not commit under ordinary circumstances, and does a great job presenting that particular point. There are, of course, some obvious stereotypes presented concerning those serving in the military, which I always consider a disservice to those who serve, but stereotypes serve a purpose if they are somewhat accurate and necessary for the plot. The scene where Jack Farmer returns home, thought somewhat stereotypical, personifies the emotions of soldiers returning from active duty after encountering things they would never have anticipated, and after acting in ways that they would not under "normal" circumstances.

That said, it is still one point of view that may or may not represent the behavior of any one soldier or group that served. Still, I gave it a 7 because the movie held my interest and had a sufficient plot and acting to convincingly grab and hold my attention and to communicate the emotion and thoughts being experienced by the characters. Watch and enjoy, or not, but realize this is entertainment, not a history lesson, and certainly not a definitive explanation for a complex situation.
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