
1 Review
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Day 5 (2016–2017)
Funnier and better than Walking Dead.
11 November 2016
Think Walking Dead back in the time when WD wasn't just a torture show (Neegan). That level of engaging, both characters and story. A really funny show (on a quest for cure for sleep sickness, a dungeons&dragons enthusiast declares, "this is precisely how one feels saving the Earth, I've experienced this emotion three times already"). Just with smaller budget than WD it relies on humour to succeed.

I read in the reviews that it is badly acted. It is acted better than almost any sitcom I've ever seen. And I assume that these guys were paid much, much less. There is enough twists and turns to keep you off your seat. There is the same concept as in W D that major characters die off, same type of worldbuilding and character development.
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