7 Reviews
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Parasite Eve (1997)
Never seen something like this before.
3 May 2020
Film is about nearly two hours including the credits. First hour is really slow pace as some may even stop watching at that rate. But actually it was buliding something interesting by letting us have an emotional connection with the characters. We could even see the whole movie described in a simple way in the beginning. But that gets interesting after an hour . I wonder how imaginative was the guy who made this film. And it deserves more attention.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Pure Scifi entertainment
15 April 2018
As a sci-fi fan what i most like in this category is the stories related to space travel. landing on an alien planet .facing stranger things .Every episode keep us more and more entertained . actions just like in movies. VFX are great. Minor horror sequences . a story that make us to decide sit for long. Actually i haven't got bored for a bit seconds while watching it. i completed the season with this three days since the release .
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Girl House (2014)
entertaining slasher
5 April 2018
Yeah it had few moments i like the most then the movie soon end up as a slasher . the movie is starting from a flash back but we try to connect those things happened at first to the rest all along even though that small surprise that we are all trying to connect is exposed even before than we think.
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Dream Home (2010)
Not the usual slasher
5 April 2018
The actress in lead was just great .i thought this was just another slasher with some gore ,chasing,hide and seek scenes. But it wasn't . story revolves around a girl who do anything for accomplishing something she wanted for a long time .The way she chooses for achieving it is mysterious .yes
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great suspense thriller
5 April 2018
I watched this movie on January this year. after a long search in imdb i found one that is in a genre iam a fan of. yes i like horror movies. but this wasn't just a horror movie. thats why i cant forget this movie even after three months. i liked it very much. watched two times .second time it was with my brother . i don't like talk about the plot here. yeah it's required for you to get the unexpected .you shouldn't get any clues from anywhere before watching it.
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The Good Nanny (2017 TV Movie)
good suspense thriller
4 April 2018
Well i had few guesses while was watching it about what will be it. I am happy that none of them came true. this what happens when you get it from movie that is rated low. yeah 5 is enough for most of the people but i gave 6 cause it just entertained me. my guesses was some times based the movies i have watched already iam glad that it didn't end up in cliché. the movie is dramatic most of the time doesn't have so many thrilling movement or chasing like that.
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i like this movie
4 April 2018
This is really underrated this movie is a fun ride as a whole. as a sci-fi horror fan iam satisfied with this movie. i always prefer watching movies over 5/10 but this is an exception
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