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Fantastic acting
1 May 2023
The lead is so incredible (well the whole cast is honestly) but so realistic, this is very much like real life, and I was really blown away and how true it all felt. It can be a bit heavy of course, it's not a light hearted comedy, but it has a lot of humor in it for sure. For anyone who has gone through hell in college, struggled with mental illness or just the pain of life and family (so all of us) this really feels on point. The lead is so good in this, I never saw an actor acting for even a minute, I felt like this is a real life person going through it the entire time I was watching this movie.
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Unwelcome (2022)
10 April 2023
An homage to the classics 80s horror and even more classic folklore. This movie is absolutely awesome from beginning to the end. It is unpredictable and has great characters, jump scares, great FX. It has such a Grimm Storytale vibe mixed with modern and I absolutely enjoyed it. I watch everything horror from ultra low budget in festivals to big budget ones. This one stands out because there is nothing like it! Just fantastic and I really love how I know this one will sit with me all week long after finishing it. To the reviewer complaining about how they didn't like the lighting, give me a break.
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10 April 2023
Absolutely astounded and blown away at every single detail of this latest installment in Star Trek. They brilliantly pay homage to the classic and original Star Trek while creating a visually stunning and character driven series with deeply rooted Sci-Fi themes as well as the classic Human Conflict of love, loss and growth. The characters are all played by phenomenal actors, with the utmost perfect casting. Not a single person feels out of place or ignored. We still get our Sci-Fi fix as well as some gorgeous Art Direction and visuals. The soundtrack is also so well done, not too overpowering when it doesn't need to be, which is refreshing as so many shows are drowning in cheesy melodramatic music but this one does not; the music is just a background character making way for our main story. WATCH IT!
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I am so sorry I hate to give a bad review but this is unwatchable
8 February 2023
This is all over the place. It doesn't know if it's a horror movie, or a campy horror movie, or a drama, or a black comedy. You can be a campy horror movie, you just have to commit to it. I want to say I have respect for ALL filmmakers and congrats on getting this made. I know how much work goes into making a full feature film. The problem is, this doesn't all fit together and there's too many voices. If it wanted to be campy it should have stuck with that the whole way through, but it kept switching up the tone and that didn't work. It made it unwatchable and very difficult to get through. Again respect for getting it done, but it could have been SO much more if the tone were all even.
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Series 1 - They don't follow any of the rules from the main series
19 July 2022
In series 1 it takes place in the "murder house" mansion. But it doesn't follow any of the established rules from the main series even though they exist in the same universe. 1) Ghosts have said in the main series they can't taste food, yet in this version they eat all the time (I don't understand). 2) not all models can act, and so a lot of the acting by models who were cast is painful to get through. 3) moves so slowly...so so slowly.

I hope series 2 is better.
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Rutherford Falls: Aunt Ida's 90th Birthday (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Not bad
19 July 2022
I like seeing Native Americans on tv, and it has a wonderful art department. But Ed Helms please we know he can act and write but don't sing, please we had enough of that on The Office. Please may he consider skipping that. He's just giving us Andy Bernard all over again.
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Cool to see the weeping angels again but some bad casting choices/character writing
9 July 2022
We meet a new character played by Annabel Scholey who is so boring and uninteresting we hope we don't have to see her again but alas, sorry to tell you, you do see her a few episodes later. With the ability to cast so many interesting actors and create amazing characters it boggles my mind why they would add a forgettable blah character played by the most uninteresting actress I've seen in years. That being said, the bonus of the episode is seeing a "Weeping Angel" we remember well from years past, those scary aliens that get you if you blink and look like stone statues. They were first in one of the greatest Doctor Who episodes ever made called "Blink" from season 3 and considered THE best episode ever. So it was fun in THIS episode to see another one.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Great writing
29 June 2022
They showed a massive Covid 19 Mask poster that didn't come out until April of 2021 in midtown Manhattan when it was before Covid was spreading and taking place in December 2019 and Covid barely on the radar so THAT was a little booboo. But if you get past that, as anyone should, it is really well written and great character writing. The acting is so outstanding. It can be a bit heavy at times so I can never binge, but it is just so good!
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Marry Me (2022)
Do you hate yourself enough to sit through this?
24 June 2022
Do you love cliches? Do you love unoriginality? Do you love predictability? Do you love awful singing? Than you will love this movie. It is mind boggling how we are still pumping these 90s like movies out.
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The Circle (2020– )
Great show except for Yu Ling who is like a hyperactive toddler
23 June 2022
Series 3. Wonderful series, a little repetitive at times but great people on it you genuinely root for. The Spice Girls are awesome in this as so down to earth and the Host is HILARIOUS. Yu Ling was "a lot" and a stressful person to have to listen to on screen, she was exhausting frankly and the only one I didn't care for beside the forgettable rich girl from the beginning who let's face it, no one remembers lol. So at least Yu Ling has her beat in the "making an impression" department. The other characters are a lot more mature and really genuine.
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Kimi (2022)
Shockingly bad I just could not believe how hard it was to watch
23 June 2022
I was shocked at the directing because it's a Pro! Terrible directing, felt like a college kid made it with his trust fun money. The cinematography was awfully executed trying to be edgy and artistic and failing. The acting was ATROCIOUS and WOW. Kept waiting for it to be good. It was like "The Room" bad. I watched it on a plane and 2 others near me were watching it as well and even could hear them commenting how they couldn't believe how bad it was but kept hoping it would get better. The acting again was just... wow. SO bad.
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22 July 2017
This is the worst Horror Movie of 2006 and an unforgiving remake of a classic. While the DP attempts to film it in a similar style to the 1970s version, everything else is bad. Bad acting, bad writing, bad dialogue, bad make-up, bad bad bad. Do not waste time. Don't fall for how it looks, after 10 minutes you will feel like you already wasted too much of your life on this.
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