
10 Reviews
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Star Trek: Prodigy (2021–2024)
Temporal Mechanics 201
16 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished season 2 a few minutes ago, and I have to say this is one of the coolest, most fun, intriguing and beautiful Star Trek creations ever. I love all things Star Trek, from TOS to SNW, and this stands out amongst them. I wasn't to keen on a computer animated Star Trek show when it started, but I quickly grew to love it. The characters are interesting in their own right, the plot is engaging and unique, and the graphics are great. Despite being on Nickelodeon, this is not really a kids show; much of it would go way above (most of) their heads. There are also fun tie-ins to TNG and Voyager that kids likely haven't seen, and are definitely geared more toward adults. The main focus of the show is a ship called the Protostar, which is one of the coolest ST ships ever, harnessing the power of a star to achieve incredible speeds. If you are a Star Trek fan, and are having doubts about watching this: just give it a chance, and you will love it as I do.
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Stop comparing this to Fury Road...
1 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Mad Max: Fury Road made me love this franchise more than the first 3 films, but Furiosa is not like any of them. It is not a story of escape, but a story of survival. I love that the actors in Fury Road were given the full screenplay to this movie before they started filming, giving them insight into the backstory we didn't even know. I think that helped FR be the gem that it is. Furiosa is a perfect prequel, bringing back the same actors from FR (except for Hugh Keays-Byrne RIP) who are alive at this time, showing places only mentioned in FR in glorious detail, and leading directly into FR. The action is amazing, outdoing FR in the scale of vehicular mayhem. And yes, the VFX are a bit odd, but sometimes seems deliberate, bc practical shots look like CGI. But there is no reason to dislike this movie, bc it isn't Fury Road. Nothing will ever top that. Instead just enjoy it for the amazing prequel that it is...
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Hightown (2020–2024)
One of the most underrated shows on TV!
15 March 2024
I don't understand the lack of hype for this series. It is one of the best crime dramas since Breaking Bad. The writing is top notch, the acting is amazing, the drama is high. It was just announced that the show was cancelled after three amazing seasons, with the season three finale ending in a pivotal turning point for the main characters. I just cannot understand why... I know ratings were down, but Starz did almost no advertising for this show. Does anyone even know about it? This seems to be a hidden gem of TV, and it would be a shame to let it's potential be wasted. Hopefully Netflix picks this up and gives it the ending it deserves.
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
Much more realistic Mr. & Mrs. Smith
5 February 2024
I thought this was going to be an action-packed remake of the movie, in longer format...and I was hesitant to watch it. While I enjoyed the movie bc of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were in was not a big hit. But when I finally had time to watch the show, I was pleasantly surprised...and instantly hooked. This shows the premise of the movie from the beginning: how 2 strangers are thrust together, and must make a false marriage work while completing very difficult missions. We are informed at the outset what will happen if these missions are failed, which makes the stakes dire in every episode. The suspense is always present, even in funny moments, bc we know what could happen. And while parts may seem like it could be from a romcom, the consequences are much more severe. I recommend this show to anyone who likes great story, realistic action, and suspense.
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Classic Dracula film, on par with Coppola
1 September 2023
This was an amazing horror film, almost a throwback... It is very moody and intense, and the writing and acting is top notch. The story is well-known to fans of Dracula, but it was very simplistic in the novel, and this is a more fleshed out version of that. Some complaints are the appearance of the creature, but if you watched Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula you'd know that this form was depicted before. And as to the length of the film: it is a long voyage, and should be drawn out, thus mirroring the crew's only hope to end their nightmare... Anyway, it was one of the most creepy, realistic horror movies of recent years...and I recommend it to all horror fans.
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Best episode ever!!!
23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be the most strange, original, funny episodes of any Star Trek series ever! To crossover a cartoon (I say cartoon and not animated series bc it is a comedy) and a live action show has been done, but never this well... The acting is perfect, the comedy reflects from the previously animated characters to the real ones; and it just makes for a very entertaining episode. The fact that it might not be a one-off and the consequences of this encounter may end up affecting the characters in both series, made it seem more impactful than simply doing this for the comedic value alone. I do love the fourth-wall comments about feeling 2-dimensional, etc., which imply that Boimler and Mariner know that they are supposed to be animated... It was definitely one of the best crossover episodes ever...and it was very fun to watch!
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An otter, a walrus, a rabbit, and a raccoon meet in a cage...
8 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was hands down the best Marvel movie in the last few years. They really tapped in to the emotion in this film...diving deep into Rocket's traumatic past. There was all the action and humor that we've come to expect from a Guardians movie, but they've gone a bit beyond with this one. It is all about family, and the lengths the characters will go to for them...which something not always found in the MCU. They really bring it full circle in this one; resolving some character arcs and promising some new ones in the future. Overall, it was very entertaining, and I recommend it for any Guardians fan or MCU fan!
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
Bears on cocaine...need I say more?
15 March 2023
I didn't know what to expect when I started watching this, but I had high hopes due to the amazing cast; not who you'd expect to see in this type of movie. I was hooked after the opening sequence. This is genuinely funny (and gory), and it's definitely not your typical creature feature. I was actually intrigued by most of the characters, and while I figured most of them would die, I was rooting for many of them to live. Having so many great actors in this, you couldn't predict who would make it, like some creature movies where only the most famous people survive. Overall it was very fun to watch, and I recommend it to any fan of the genre!
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The Terror (2018–2025)
Never read the book, just reviewing the show...
16 April 2018
This a great show, more like a very long Ridley Scott movie, but full of action, plot twists, and great acting... After episode 5, I could not stop watching...finished it in 1 night, but let's be clear, this is not a true is based on Sir John Franklin's lost expedition...whose fate we know not...but they've taken some liberties, I'd say, with the story...
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Black Sails (2014–2017)
Great show, but takes great liberties with historical characters
4 March 2017
I gave this show a 9 out of 10 originally, but after watching the final season, I'm very disappointed in the number of real people whose memories were disgraced just for the sake of entertainment....even though history would have been good enough. Shame on the writers and on Michael Bay for allowing it to happen...
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