
1 Review
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Provoked (2006)
Movie is good/bad It does not matters how you view it with facts.
4 November 2007
The first thing I noticed about the main review made by a person (with subject Awful propaganda, awfully done with an awful message) made on this movie is by mentioning that this is based on a real story and the woman should have done in a different way by calling police or leaving her husband. I can see the person is ignorant of how Indian women treat these kind of issues. A person from other country can not understand this situation, as I personally experienced this kind of situation with a woman with whom I was very close when I was a child. I have not only seen this woman, but seen several of my neighbor ladies having the same situation. It was very common thing to physically abuse/beat their wives in some rural parts of India and they still be obedient to their husband and husband's family. I understand that fact that movie is bad in narrating the story as it could not briefly depict the situation of that Indian woman. It really gets into you when you see the situation in real, I believe she did the mistake too, but most of the times, Indian women consider its their own mistake and be quiet about it. And I say its not always true for all Indian women, some are more educated and feel confident enough to find a solution to the problem and drag it onto the court. Some don't at all. One must stay in this situation and see what goes around in that culture and in those situations to accurately review a story. As another male, I stood in those situations where males were dominating with physical power over women, watching trying to find whats the solution. I could not do anything as a child,I pity on those women who are going though this situation. We being on a computer and read would never understand what goes on in real and in some homes.
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