
5 Reviews
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Move Over Dr. Strange & Gulliver
25 December 2021
The 2021 movie "Don't Look Up" carries on the cinematic tradition of other great dark comedies like the 1960s film "Doctor Strange Love," and "Gulliver's Travels," which is based onthe 1726 satire by Jonathan Swift. The scriptwriters, director and the phenomenal ensemble cast team up to truthfully portray a myriad of economic, hi-tech, political and social ills in the world today.
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Windup (2020)
Outstanding Short Film Drama
29 January 2021
This short film is well worth the 9+ minutes to watch. The high quality digital animation combined with the mesmerizing sound track transport the viewer along the drama ultimately leading to the climatic conclusion.
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Engaging Story
22 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
14 hour and 12 nights is an engaging story worth watching to the end. While the cinematography and site locations are beautiful, the editing and flashback scenes in the first third of the movie slow the story down. Once the two mothers meet the drama moves forward to a dramatic peak then abruptly moves to the end. The movie would benefit from another 15 to 30 minutes of character interaction after the climatic scene when both characters have fully revealed themselves to each other and their making amends.
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This Movie Encapsulates All Previous Works
29 March 2019
The movie is a good introduction for anyone seeing a Woody Allen film for the first time. Set in Rome Italy, the movie consists of several mini-stories, each with varying timelines. It is a must for any college student writing a thesis on Woody Allen films. The film summarizes all his prior works with a few exceptions like 'Crimes and Misdemeanors," and is good for making comparisons and contrasts. For those who have seen three or more Woody Allen films the movie is a good vehicle for the writer to present some memorable dialogue in his usual humorous style, however it cycles through all his prior concepts with little new to offer. Because of the humor I therefore gave the film six stars versus five. Mr. Allen the writer may benefit from collaborating with someone new to infuse future movies he so masterfully directs with an innovative storyline.
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The Public (2018)
Finally an adult movie with mature themes!
27 March 2019
I'm glad to see someone is still making films for adults on mature themes!
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