15 Reviews
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Intensely Slow
1 July 2024
Yes, around 90% of it was just following a killer walking around not doing anything, but I knew that from reading the reviews. I also read there were some decent kills which is why I came to the party. Unfortunately most of the kills were done off screen for some reason. The dialogue was minimal and poorly acted for the most part. They set up some tense moments then dropped the ball completely and didn't deliver on anything.

I didn't like any of the characters. I enjoyed two of the kills, but even those could have been so much better. The dialogue felt like it was unscripted and sloppy. Terrible acting except for one random lady. The story felt like a shell of an urban legend that doesn't go anywhere. This thing was not worth my time which was sad because after reading all the reviews I felt like it was a must-see as a hardcore horror fan. It is not a must-see and I wish I could have my hour and a half back.
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Both seasons were excellent. For true Ducks fans, super 90's nostalgia
28 June 2024
I LOVED the Mighty Ducks movies when I was a kid and this series really delivered for me. I'm also a huge fan of Gilmore Girls so this was extra awesome. The Ducks were always about being underdogs and finding their personal quirks and using them to their advantage on the ice. This series hits all those marks and still brings the same humor and emotion to the story like the original movies. They even brought back some old Ducks from the 90s movies.

The first season was great and after reading some reviews, I was skeptical about the second season, but I liked it just as much even though it had Josh Duhamel instead of Gordon Bombay.

It's been cancelled, and I don't know if it could have carried on with another season, but I'd watch it if they revived it.
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Bloody fun mayhem
19 July 2023
The plot is a bit twisty and fast-paced. I loved most of the music and the overall atmosphere was fun, exciting action/gore. A lot of it was predictable but in a good way because I was excited to see it all play out. The acting was not amazing, but it was certainly watchable. Simply enjoyable entertainment that doesn't layer in deep, heavy themes and symbolism like most of the horror movies these days. The characters were very interesting, though not a whole lot of depth to them. The movie didn't take itself too seriously. Every scene had something fun going on, I watched the whole thing without getting distracted. I wish they had gone down a darker path with the story and dialed back on the comedy gore so I could really feel connected to the main character, but overall I thought it was great.
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She was maddeningly weak, especially in the finale
13 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the main character and was hoping for a real transformation. She starts off constantly apologizing, even for others, and just overall embodies a weak woman in my opinion. Once the movie gets going, it seems like it's aiming for the same vibe as Fresh (a horror film I really enjoyed) but the gimmicks they used, breaking the 4th wall and flashing words on the screen, just took me totally out of the story. What's worse, they didn't show the violence or character change, just left us outside while the big turning point of the movie continued behind closed doors. They lost me at that point. The rest was a jumble of randomness. Our heroine didn't drive the plot, she was just scared and crying the whole time letting everything happen to her, never doing anything. Even in the finale, when she really should have tapped into her inner badass, she never did. Instead she again leaned on other women for support. Which is a nice message, but she should have become a force of nature in the end. The other characters kept foretelling she would. It was extremely lackluster and disappointing.
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Easy to binge, a real Supernatural vibe mixed with Clueless
11 January 2023
I watched the sitcom when I was a preteen and totally loved it. Never read the comic, but I feel like this new version is likely closer to the comics. I like this better than the 90's sitcom from my youth. It's deeper and much darker. The characters are well-acted and likeable. Sabrina herself is a bit of a know-it-all, but she's a strong female and I like seeing her stand up to all kinds of powerful forces to fight for what she thinks is right and she refuses to give up. I love all the satanic references and new magic rituals/spells and monsters around every turn. The political issues feel authentic to the characters for me and are used well for development. There's a rich history with her family and religion and the show is an easy world to escape to. Her aunts are lighthearted and also dark. It feels like Harry Potter with all the injustice in the witch/warlock world and Sabrina being the center of it all. I like Harvey's character and storylines/development, but the actor can be a little dead in the eyes at times and I wish he was more rugged. I enjoyed the love stories and emotional moments.
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Hunter Hunter (2020)
That ending was WOW
5 January 2023
I didn't recognize Devon Sawa as the dad. All the characters were very believable and well-acted. The nature was gorgeous, but more than anything, there were some intensely acted scenes that were beautiful to watch. The mystery was great and tense. There were some moments that had my heart pounding. I loved how it wasn't clear who exactly the villains were. The stakes were high and these were resilient characters. The movie is slow at times but nothing's perfect. Except that ending, the finale was perfect. Superbly executed. I loved the use of the music and it was exactly the kind of horror I love.
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Shut In (I) (2022)
Totally felt everything she was feeling
29 November 2022
This one made me feel all the feels. Pretty realistic which can be rare in the thriller genre. Made me genuinely fear for those babies and the woman who was just trying to survive and protect them. Top-notch storytelling really ramped up the tension throughout to the very end. Definitely nailed what it's like to mother a small child that age. The villains were not cartoony at all, which made it feel even more realistic. The female lead was easy to root for since she was struggling with inner demons and doing the best she possibly could with what she had to work with. Beautiful story. Speaks to the human spirit and gives hope.
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Dogtooth (2009)
It has a real Flowers in the Attic feel to it
6 August 2018
The parents in this movie were so vile and shockingly cruel. I never felt their "love" for their children, they literally treated them like dogs and found amusement in confusing them. This movie did create an atmosphere that sucked me in, and the quiet horror was so unsettling for me. It was difficult to watch because the victims were so innocent. It was horrifying to watch them blindly trust their disgusting parents. The oldest daughter was a very interesting character and she gave me a sense of hope throughout all the calm creepiness.
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The Hallow (2015)
Should have watched this sooner, but the bad reviews had turned me off
3 August 2018
I had skipped over this one plenty of times throughout the years and suddenly just decided to watch it, and I'm glad I did. The tension and chemistry between the main couple kept me glued to the screen, especially whenever their tiny baby is in danger. It was never cheesy, which can be a rare quality in indie horror movies. The atmosphere is what kept me feeling tense throughout this movie, not necessarily a specific monster, and that was the brilliant part. I felt like I was experiencing the horror with them, not just watching it happen to them.
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The Canal (2014)
Could be worse
3 August 2018
This movie was well-made, and the acting was technically good, but I had a hard time connecting to the male lead. I didn't care enough about his character to be riveted to his story. I liked the creepy macabre flashes throughout, and the storyline had promise, but I found myself a little bored and watching the clock for most of the movie. However, in the league of indie horror movies, this one was better than a lot of them, and I can see why it got so many positive reviews.
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Irreversible (2002)
Unsettling as hell
16 June 2018
This movie was very well-written and well directed (although the camera work began as very disorienting -which I suppose is the point- I got used to it and it added to the overall storytelling) The story was told in reverse very deliberately, to give small, well-crafted tidbits of the big picture and make the viewer feel the intensity of each scene on a much deeper level. The character building was fantastic, which gave a little more of an emotional punch to the tragedy.

I usually don't like hard-to-watch movies, but this one was very smartly executed. It was extremely dirty and gritty on a realistic, yet almost psychedelic level. As much as I hate the injustice shown in the plot, I was riveted the entire time.
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Terrifier (2016)
Twisted fun
1 April 2018
This was a creepy one, but not on a deep level. It was macabre in a fun sense. While certain parts of the movie were very unique, the chase scenes and fight scenes were predictable. The characters were a step above the usual drunk girls and jock guys we see in these types of movies. Two drunk girls in costumes are ready to go home after a night out on Halloween. One is quieter and the other is more annoying, funny in an obnoxious way. I enjoyed both of them as well as the other secondary characters. Overall, I don't really find Art the Clown terrifying, more just entertaining to watch. I didn't feel that deep sense of dread that comes from deeper character development, which we didn't get enough of here. But the characters are refreshing at times with their dialogue, and the acting is great. Unfortunately, they're all a little too helpless and that is frustrating. It also caused me to lose interest during times when they were in peril. The violence was over the top, but it wasn't cheap. It was gritty, bloody, and quite inventive. I wish the story had more heart. I could have really gotten on board with a smart heroine who was an actual adversary for such a demented villain. But for what it is, this is a respectable horror with it's very own vibe that stands out from the others in the genre.
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All I Need (2016)
Mercilessly slow
30 March 2018
The actresses were conventionally attractive and wearing very little. The violence felt a little like Hostel I suppose, which I enjoyed. It is a stylish movie at times, which I also liked. From the opening (more than 45 seconds of black screen) and on, the whole movie could be condensed into a few minutes, but every movement is drawn out for several actual minutes. However, the main protagonist male character's scenes are set at an almost normal pace and are halfway entertaining because his story is mysterious. He's been given a back story (father who wants to see his daughter, but is having a hard time making child support payments), he's a normal person with human responses to strange things happening to him. He even reads a book at one point. Whenever the movie returns to the female character, the movie comes to a grinding halt and slows down to a snail's pace because her reactions and motions aren't realistic in any way (unless she has brain damage). Poor writing for the females, it's clear they're just included for the eye candy. Though the plot description makes it seem as if the main male and main female characters meet right away, they don't actually connect. Completely misleading, and I wouldn't have watched it if I'd known that from the start.
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Tormented (2014)
Not sure why the ratings are so low for this one
25 January 2017
I've been watching a ton of mediocre to terrible thriller/horror movies lately and this one was a nice fresh surprise. Perhaps it's because I'm a female and it was directed by a female. I don't understand why the other reviewers are calling the main character a dumb sleaze from the first scene and that made them not care about her? It was clear that she was not that type of girl from the start. The bullying and slut-shaming she received made her more likable for me because it was undeserved.

Her day started out pretty awful and then she went on the babysitting gig from hell. That house was really interesting and different from the classic two-story suburban home we're used to seeing in usual babysitting thrillers. From the moment the killers made their first real appearance, I felt extreme tension throughout the rest of the movie. There were definitely some fresh twists with these villains. Also, the female lead never made those common mistakes you usually see in these types of movies, she moved quickly and used smart tactics against the psycho killers. She started out as a mousy doormat and became a real fighter by the finale.

At the end of the credits there is a disclaimer that says it was inspired by actual events but the characters' names have been changed etc... That was a surprise to me and made me like the film even more.
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Recovery (VI) (2016)
A lot of potential, but so hard to sit through
18 January 2017
I liked the opening scene. It had a lot of potential and the plot summary had me hooked. Still, I didn't expect anything great, but it was released in 2016 so I figured it would at least be a B-movie quality. I've seen better produced movies on the Lifetime channel. The actors were so awful. They bumbled around and had really strange reactions to things. The plot didn't flow at all, any tension that could have been built was thrown away by extremely amateur actors and dialogue. The action made no sense and the actors just kind of awkwardly played around with each other during "fight" scenes. Very poorly edited and ridiculous script. The most clumsy and incompetent movie I've seen in a very long time.
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