
4 Reviews
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Less than the sum of its parts
24 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
With the film being delayed twice, and the resounding reception fans and a lot of critics the expectations grew. Could this really be THAT good?

The answer for me was unfortunately... No

Getting old characters from other franchises could've worked if it actually bothered to somewhat develop them further, instead it solely relies on the previous iterations to make you care for these characters.

Having 5 villains and 2 additional spidermen didnt help telling the story of 'our' Spiderman either, so little focus outside of a few moments are just spent on fanservice, with the original cast(outside of spiderman) being left only the beginning to actually get meaningful screentime, other than that they are mostly used for cheap one-liners which completely break any tension I might've felt from the little drama there was building.

Seemingly the main character was just there to serve as an excuse to bring back better, some of the more memorable protagonists and villains.

The inclusion of Dr. Strange also felt forced only for the sake of having an excuse for all of these cameos.

Outside of it being pretty fun to revisit some of these characters it did nothing to make a lasting impression on me.

If Maguire is THE spiderman and Garfield is the so-called amazing spiderman, then Holland is now the not so amazing spiderman.

I really wish I could've just really loved this but, alas.
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Hoped I would like this
18 November 2021
So before I watched this, I had seen the mixed reception, but when the movie starts I actually found myself really enjoying the characters, mood and visuals and I was think I'm going to end up loving it. However... As the movie goes on, it kind of plummets into a weird wish-wash that seems messy, uninspired and leaves me with a bit of bad taste.
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Ted Lasso: Inverting the Pyramid of Success (2021)
Season 2, Episode 12
A return to form
11 October 2021
Parts of season 2 has seemed like a different show in many ways. The last two episodes of the season has seemed to got the momentum swinging back to the levels of season 1 again.

Overall season 2 was by no means bad, but when comparing to season 1 it fell a bit short for me on a few too many occasions. Overall season 1 would be a 9/10, while season 2 overall is about a 7/10.

Looking forward to what season 3 may bring.
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Ted Lasso: No Weddings and a Funeral (2021)
Season 2, Episode 10
Overall not bad, but at times hard to watch
28 September 2021
While the episode it self wasnt bad, a lot of it didnt really hit for me. Had to pause several times just because of what I would call the bad kind of cringe.

First season felt a lot more grounded, while this season overall seems way more over the top and exaggerated. Felt like it just boiled over in this episode and that it needs to ease up a bit.
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