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Invincible: It's About Time (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
What the-
17 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Best. After-credits scene. Ever.

That's all, I have nothing else to say.
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Starts out incredibly strong but doesn't quite stick the landing
8 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are a lot of great things about this show. The production is masterclass, the acting is very solid and it's just a great time. In fact I binged the show in 3 days while being quite busy, I was completely hooked. So it obviously does somehting right.

The show starts out extremely strong, in fact the first two or three episodes are probably straight 10 out of 10s. Entertaining, touching, just a really solid drama. Beth is an interesting protagonist. I saw a lot of complaints about her being quite one-tone but I think that is only the case on her outside, there's a lot more to her than meets the eye. Despite having a brilliant mind, she struggles with her personal life and has trouble adjusting to the world. I liked the coming of age aspect of her story too.

However by the mid-point of the series, I started to notice some irratiting flaws. It's kind of strange but despite her tough life, I never felt like Beth had to really do much to solve issues. When she loses a march, she broods for a bit and then just proceeds to win the rematch despite not really doing much to get better. She loses her step-mother, struggles with addiction but I never felt like she truly hit a rock bottom from which she clawed back up herself. It was always other characters pulling her up, showing up at convenient moments. And it's not like she earned their friendship or help in some way. All the male characters are just helping her because they are attracted to her.

As an example, when Beth goes off the deep end in episode 6, Jolene miraculously shows up and all it takes for Beth to get back on her feet is to visit the orphanage again. It kinda works but there was potential for something more interesting. I don't know, I just feel like everything was always way too easy for her. It cheapens the wins.

Then we get to the ending which was way too cheesy for me. Her beating Borgov is fine but Townes showing up out of nowhere made me roll my eyes. What the hell was the point anyway? It's not like he gives her some game-changing insight, by that point, she had all but defeated her opponent anyway.

So overall I am kinda mixed. The start is truly incredible and made me hooked but I was left disappointed by the latter half of the show. There was potential for something truly incredible. But despite my criticisms I still enjoyed watching it a lot if only for the incredible acting and production. I can definitely see why it's such a popular show.
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Chernobyl (2019)
6 June 2019
This miniseries is truly something special. From technical standpoint it is near perfect. The cinematography is hauntingly beautiful, the music is eerie, the acting is phenomenal...

Perhaps it's biggest strength however is the atmosphere. This series is terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. More so than perhaps any other piece of TV/cinema I have seen in a very, very long time. The fact that it's all a true story just adds to the horror.

One thing that I applaud the creators is how they managed to turn the radiation itself into a character of it's own. Almost like a horror movie monster, except it's everywhere, you can't see it and it's effect are horrifying.

When the final credits started rolling after an incredibly well done epilogue, I was completely overfilled with different emotions. Dread, sadness, melancholy, but perhaps most importantly gratitude. Gratitude to the creators for bringing this story to TV and doing it justice. Because this series deserves all the praise it's getting and will surely stand the test of time as a masterpiece.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
A joke
20 May 2019
So I knew season 8 was probably not gonna be the best possible send off after season 7. I knew the finale was gonna be bad after reading the leaks. Yet I can't help but still feel disappointed and well... defeated almost.

This finale was a joke. A total joke and I can't believe they actually let this happen. It wasn't just bad. The word that really comes to mind is... lame. Just straight up lame. The latter half of the episode felt like a complete parody, there were absolutely no twists, everything just sorta happened for no good reason.

Congratulations D&D, you now own the award for the most disappointing ending to a TV series ever made.
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
6 May 2019
This season so far seems like a trainwreck. First two episodes were the calm before the storm - a bumpy but overall decent ride. Then last episode felt like the train derailing and this episode felt like the train skidding off tracks towards a cliff. It's not as bad as the derailling part and at first glance might not be that bad, but if you look closely, you can see that we are completely off the rails and heading for disaster.

At this point I am not sure the series can even be redeemed. I don't know how mindblowing the ending would have to be for it to undo the damage these two episodes did.

Prepare yourself, the ending is about to make a lot of people very, very mad.
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