
20 Reviews
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The Acolyte: Destiny (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
Wow. I already thought my expectations couldn't get any lower
12 June 2024
Episode 3 is quite possibly the worst 40 minutes ever created in the Star Wars universe. I'm dumbfounded how anyone with 1/2 a brain saw this and thought it was good enough to release. They would have been better off just releasing 40 minutes of static and just rolled with the punches.

For everything sacred...please delay the rest of the season and do a full rewrite and re-release this in 2025.

Or pull a Disney-Marvel move and just cancel releasing the remaining episodes. Treat it like the Eternals and pretend that it never happened and never speak of it again.

Do it while you still can Bob! PLEASE!!!!!
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Call a spade a spade...should have been better.
5 May 2024
Can someone show Marty how the editing equipment works please? Someone needs to save him from himself. This was a 110-120 minute story spread out over 210 minutes. Acting is incredible and the story is great, especially knowing it's based on true events. But I just can't get past how much irrelevant material was kept in the final cut of this movie. This would easily be a 8/10 or 9/10 if properly edited to keep the movie flowing and progressing. The final hour or so were compelling but unfortunately I had already been bored to death by watching the seconds count down on my watch.

Hopefully someone can get through to Marty and ask him to start using the scissors.
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Basically a waste of time
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We should have know from the beginning that a documentary about people being killed to keep information from being released to the public doesn't actually reveal anything since we're all watching it on Netflix. If it actually had any substance to it, it would have been slipped under our doors by a mysterious stranger in an overcoat.

The series peaked somewhere in Episode 2 and then just fizzled out. The last 2 episodes is just interviewing some nutcase who ultimately doesn't provide any substance other than paranoid drama.

This series can be summed up as "We have no idea what happened and maybe he actually did just kill himself. Thanks for watching our 4 hour long documentary."
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Push's gets better
7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As you've already seen with many of the other reviews, the show doesn't start off too well. But push through the first 4 episodes and it's gets a lot better. I realize saying that 20% of the show is rubbish doesn't give the best impression, but if you stick with it, you'll enjoy it. They kill off most of the brats pretty early on too, so don't let that sway you.

Special effects definitely items leave something to be desired but think of this as a popcorn flick type of show instead of a documentary about deep space travel, aliens, etc...

If you have the right mindset, then you'll definitely enjoy this show. I struggled for the first 3-4 episodes, (episode 3 is good, episode 4 might be the worst of the series), but as it went along it drew me in and was a pretty easy binge.

I also liked how they gave it an open-ended ending. You can tell they hoped to be picked up for additional seasons, but still gave you closure and didn't leave you on a cliffhanger since it wasn't picked up and cancelled after season 2.
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Outlast (2023– )
Good Drama but loses its way
4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This show was recommended to me by someone who knows I like the show "Alone". I was excited to see a show that was centered around how a group of people can come together to brave the elements and survive together. After 2-3 episodes I was already recommending it to other friends.

But somewhere around episodes 4-5, the teams start turning on each other and it lost the original purpose of the show. It was less about surviving the elements and more about people sabotaging others and who could "outlast" the bullying. It was great to see some genuine people with morals and integrity win. But the drama caused by some other truly horrible people became the focus of the show and took away from it IMO

Good drama! But the survival part was what really interested me in the first place. I'll be curious about the 2nd season but probably won't finish it if it's just more of the same.

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Terrible. Absolutely terrible.
10 June 2022
What an insult to Michael Crichton's original work. It's sad that this is how the franchise is put out to pasture, but thankfully it's over.

It. Is. Done.
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Meh...Not the best
6 May 2022
Perhaps audiences in other universes will like this better. Or maybe the movie is just better in other universes.

Either way, no need to rewatch this again in this universe.
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Moonfall (2022)
Worst movie since Battlefield Earth
6 February 2022
It is, without a doubt, one of the absolutely worst movies ever made. It is HILARIOUSLY awful. It's the worst movie I've seen since "Battlefield Earth". It's like a 2-hour long episode of "Space Force", except everyone involved tried to make it a serious movie instead of a comedy.

I will admit that the CGI was good for those that like disaster movies. It's only for that reason that I give this a "2" instead of a "1" (and only because "0" isn't an option). I will also admit that there aren't any plot holes to the movie...but only bc there's nothing that even comes close to resembling a plot or storyline to this movie. The screenplay/script must have been made for $1.29 by hitting the center button of the predictive text on an iPhone.

I can't wait to watch it again while stoned off my ass. I can only imagine it'll be 10x more hilarious.
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Movie doesn't know what it wants to be...
6 January 2022
The movie can't decide if it wants to be a whimsical action film, a serious "no frills" film or outlandish/absurd "fun" film. It was like watching a movie directed in 3 acts, with each act being shot under a different director. At times it mirrors a Downey Jr.'s "Sherlock Holmes" film and then violently shifts to try and be a serious WW1 historical movie...and sprinkles some images if "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" which absurd shifts.

Don't really hate it, but can't imagine it'll ever be rewatched by anyone.
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What did I just watch?
3 August 2021
I'll just go ahead and say it...I'm not smart enough to understand, enjoy or "get" this movie. It's not for your average schmo. It is way to esoteric and convoluted for someone that has a tiny brain, like me.

I'm sure intellectuals and hardcore movie critics will sit around the Algonquin Round Table and regale tales of how splendid and wonderful this movie is/was for years to come.

It'll probably win Best Picture at the Oscars.
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Nomadland (2020)
Just be honest with yourself...
16 May 2021
And admit that you watched this bc of Frances McDormand. You knew what you were getting yourself into before you started watching. They hit "record" on the camera and asked an incredible actress to do her thing..."Just walk out there and cook and we'll capture it."

People who liked "The Florida Project" in 2017 will love this movie and find a heartfelt meaning.

But it just isn't for me.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Season 1 - Great...
30 June 2020
Wtf happened to this show? Season 3 is absolute trash. Too bad bc this has great potential.
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Fear the Walking Dead: ...I Lose Myself (2018)
Season 4, Episode 16
Don't bother....
16 October 2018
Save yourself and don't waste your time watching this show anymore. It's about as exciting as watching someone take a trip to Pittsburgh by train.

Done with this show. The sooner they cancel it, the better. Time to scuttle this ship for everyone's sake.
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Manifest: Unclaimed Baggage (2018)
Season 1, Episode 4
"The Event 2: The Lack of an Event"
16 October 2018
Yet another TV drama by NBC that doesn't actually go anywhere after the first 10 minutes of the pilot.
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Manifest: Turbulence (2018)
Season 1, Episode 3
Short train to nowhere
16 October 2018
It's like NBC thought they could use the playbook from "The Event" and hope that no one would notice.
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Manifest: Reentry (2018)
Season 1, Episode 2
16 October 2018
Yawn....this is setting up to be another "The Event" where nothing actually happens all season.
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Fear the Walking Dead: The Code (2018)
Season 4, Episode 11
Pull the plug please....
28 August 2018
Guess I'll be the only one willing to speak the truth on here. Time to give up on this show.

LJ is an incredible actor but you can't expect him to carry the show with writing like this. Please send him back to TWD or kill him off so there's no need to continue this.
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Fear the Walking Dead: People Like Us (2018)
Season 4, Episode 9
Dead Man Walking
20 August 2018
Fitting that a show about zombies is itself about to die. Boring to say the least. Nothing substantial happening anymore in this show.

They're making the zombie apocolypse about as interesting as watching someone drive to Pittsburgh.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Close Your Eyes (2018)
Season 4, Episode 10
Throw Away Episode
20 August 2018
This show is already on its last legs. They can't afford any more throw away episodes.
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How It Ends (2018)
2 August 2018
You will HATE yourself if you do not heed everyone's warning.
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